Would you take her as a gf if she sucks your dick whenever you want?

Would you take her as a gf if she sucks your dick whenever you want?

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she is literally in an oversized hamster cage

but no, i want a real beautiful girl, not an ironically beautiful girl

this is just sad

No, her face scares me.


Current gf already does that.

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What the fuck you think?

My dick has never been this flat


Here is your girl, incel freaks.

Why are women this hypocrite?

Female tsimfuckis

tsimfuckis was greek

Does she have Anorexia Nervosa?

That's pretty sad but I wouldn't.

i didnt know he was Greek

I really hate those "you are beautiful" comments

you are beautiful

But I am, she's not

Too hot for me

There's a fine line between flattery and blatant lying.

Post face

Chads not welcome


I agree

Imagine being born with a legit fucked up face or some other disability and knowing for your entire life that you will never get the full experience due to something you never had any control over.
That facebook shit makes me want to puke, she know it's fucked why draw attention to it, talk about the fucking pigs you pricks.

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No I don't wanna wake up at night, see that and have a heart attack..
I'm sure she's a good person and all but NAH.
I don't like horror movies, and I sure as hell don't want the grudge's cousin in my house.

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Is this you?

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No, I'm a cat

In the age of plastic surgery there is no reason to look like that when you can afford a pig

>plastic surgery to fix all that
>100k dollars at least
>buying a potbelly pig
>800 dollars

Hmm yes, the same.

Wrong. Unlike real medical needs which run up 100k+, plastic surgery is ~10-20k. The pig's food+medical costs will run up to the same price. The state of her face can allow her to almost get free procedure which the Plastic Surgeon use as an Ad.

I fucking hate these people saying "YOU'RE SO PRETTY WOAH''

Fucking probably makes the person feel even worse.

Jesus Christ why are these subhumans so fucking stupid

Why? She's a qt

Surely she has some other disease that makes her look that way, look at the way she hold her arm.


Imagine being born mentally disabled and never being aware of what your missing.