"Wyoming County Flags are Trash" Edition.

Previous thread: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

How to install: flagtism.drunkensailor.org/_/articles/extraflags/

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: oplk.imgur.com/
About Jow Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

Attached: Flag_of_Albany_County,_Wyoming.gif (360x217, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:



not a fan of the blacks

Attached: Amerijap.jpg (449x401, 86K)

3rd for canadian naming conventions

Attached: 1525392113672.png (387x411, 109K)


Attached: 1dd2cc48cfc9fb7dc487e75d355ed7f3.jpg (600x600, 51K)


Attached: 1525393216402.png (479x486, 91K)

I see nothing wrong with this.
woah, the 283rd tallest mountain in Montana!!! How notable!!!

Only the most devoted bantzmasters will ever make their secret pilgrimage to Nigger creek

Attached: nigger-creek.jpg (1299x722, 84K)

fuck women

Attached: file.png (400x400, 245K)

>billions of threads about a fucking an e-celeb dying of ass cancer are fine
>an actually interesting thread with good content, discussion and literally 0 (zero) shitposting gets deleted (boards.fireden.net/v/thread/417400282)
>the actual fucking state of /v/
Anyway, I'm going to bed, night lads

Attached: 1353582137772.gif (500x269, 3.94M)

i see you and i finally have come eye to eye on something

night pollack

going to Guadalajara
wish me luck

>shoot out two days ago
Good luck, user. You'll be in my prayers. ;_;7

breh if you're a regular here just get them extraflags pleaseeeee

sorry but my autism and OCD demands that at least all the posters in /flag/ have the plugin reeeeeee

Guadalajara is baby tier
they found a dismembered body yesterday at the mall in my city

I'm gonna go sleep now, but don't worry honey-buns, I'll get the plugin when I awaken.

I gotta second this, I'm the only brit left in here.

Attached: 1518816951009.jpg (654x643, 72K)

fuck this
just asked my dad, turns out Guadalajara IS more dangerous somehow

you better bong

is it just me or do Brits not get the plugin on the scale of other countries?

>doxxing yourself

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x800, 69K)

This is a sick template. These are the counties colored according to 2016 voting data?

Nope, you know that graphic with the non-white % of population in the US by county thats been going around lately? Well I took it, used the tan color in paint to recolor all the counties, and shopped a rectangle over the legend and put some generic text over it.

If you want to take the time, you can do the same thing I did. Sorry I didn't save it after i got finished

Attached: the good old days.png (4200x3105, 583K)

This is the most Sonoma thing I could have imagined. Good job at surpassing my expectation yet again lmao

Attached: USCounties2.png (6472x4400, 1.46M)

I used the 1940 one instead of the 2010 one because I would have probably been crying as I was coloring county by county

I'm starting mine anew- light color means I have the flag, dark color means I've personally been to the county (past the creation date)

I'm digging these creative map ideas.

I've been trying to find one that's similar for Canada but I can't find nothing. Do you know by chance how to make these kinds of maps?


No, I've yet to fill out a Canadian template. If it isn't on OPLK's (outdated) imgur album, I don't have access to it

Hi freinds, could somebody screenshot my post so I can see what it looks like to have extra flags. Thinking about downloading it but I'm not sure.

You need to install the script in order for extra flags to show. You select them manually, it doesn't auto-locate your location. So you can theoretically have a fake location.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-25 01-18-57.png (944x275, 28K)

Oh I see, alright then I try again later when I have downloaded. Thanks

fuck this place
i hate the weather and I'm hungry

Attached: Europe.png (2715x2771, 746K)

Attached: Europe2ndLevel.png (2715x2771, 1.18M)


Attached: Europe2ndLevel.png (2715x2771, 1.18M)

If you could be able to do one similar to the USA one I'm using right now, colors and all, I'll owe you one.

where are you actually at in Meh-hico?

Where could Goslar be rn?


how to add extension on mobile?
i use chrome

can you install tampermonkey there?
otherwise switch to ff

> stackoverflow.com/questions/10604417/does-mobile-google-chrome-support-browser-extensions
muh top notch mobile browser

Attached: mfw.jpg (309x299, 26K)

Igloo dweller reporting in

I'm coming for You Trieste.

OH shidd :DDD

and the one near the border? :^)

Attached: 17 - Trentino-Alto Adige.png (3000x3350, 371K)


Might just pull an even nastier roadtrip actually

Woah page 8

Woah page 9 ç__ç

Attached: bls.png (528x404, 12K)


Cool. (get it?)

polanbro pls

Attached: 1526340706662.jpg (373x389, 22K)

Do you just want the official 2nd level administrative map (census divisions)? It won't have the flags but I am not sure that is what you are looking for with this map


morning flags

Henlo Pedro


Woah page 8

Hey Anchorage, my grandfather used to live in your city back in the 60's. He loved it up there



Hello Sonoma also checked

Do you have a blank Italian regionals map similat to the one I'm using for the USA? I'd prefer municipals but if you have states I'll take it

I'm on the process of making it, the maps i found refer to old borders. I'll post the current status later... It should be ok for what goslar is going to traverse

CHECKED! Awesome, can't wait to see it.


page 10

beat me to it


being in Guadalajara it downed on me that i dislike browb and white people alike
i might be a xenophobe

Posting current status.

Regional maps done until now

Attached: concat.webm (600x600, 682K)

Complete map.

I still have to check all the other municipalities that are marked red in the previous post (~5500)
there have been a lot of mergers in the past years plus there are ton of exclaves that I'd like to connect properly...

Attached: it1-Layout1.png (10000x8759, 1.54M)

hello fellow yas queens
how many flags have you slayyyed today

Made 137 today :^)

Also where's Goslar??

shidd uh liechtenstein I think

Can we add this to the OP posts? flagtism.drunkensailor.org/flaghunter.php

Flaghunter used to be linked

Attached: sivba6gy8iy01.jpg (639x636, 89K)

paki more like snacki :tongue emoji:

Attached: anime.gif (714x950, 1.54M)

M-Maryland? Is it really you?

He crossed the Italian border this morning but he didn't post anymore :^(

That's hot - Italy's entire country is covered municipally?

spook, I hope he didn't fall victim to a pasta highwayman


Why did you keep this image

No, this is Patrick

>Italy's entire country is covered municipally?
rephrase bls?

why wouldn't I you crazy bastard

Attached: file.png (680x680, 1.07M)

Chegged. Missed you, paki bastard

Attached: 1510446911257.png (351x107, 17K)

how tf u even do that?

Basically, the entire Italian nation can be put under a municipal flag one way or another. For example, here in America everywhere can be placed under a county but there's lots of rural areas which cannot be parts of towns or cities.

An exception to this is Massachusetts.



iirc all of italy is divided into the communes and then some of those have frazioni within them which would be the random rural areas and villages and stuff in the municipality, while other smaller ones are just the one town or something

>the entire Italian nation can be put under a municipal flag one way or another
Basically this

big reladed :DDD
If I don't have to change the colors I can make up to 2 flags a minute using proper keyboard shortcuts.
I tried to make a python script to automatize the paste from clipboard/resize layer thing but it doesn't work :/

Attached: Immagine.png (1600x868, 219K)

yeah the most time consuming part of making flags is finding the source material to make them out of desu

That makes me hard

>off by one

im gonna kill myself now


Fortunately, excluding recent mergers, almost all communes have their coat of arms in their wikipedia page.

don't do it bls

What was delet?

this is my suicide face

Attached: 1527268982136.jpg (634x587, 48K)

shit wtf