Brazil truly is 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world

Brazil truly is 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world.

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That's illegal from what I know. I think we have a law against that.

only bbc could keep this group together

>Man gets two wives, meanwhile loser who spends his free time posting on Jow Forums can't even get a gf

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He should go for four

He is very very famous outside of the US. He is a football legend.

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Even more reason for me to move to Russia

he should go for 6

>not having a comfy 5-6 girl harem

good you like it, because that's exactly what your country is becoming...

Read that multiple spouses is legal in legal unions.

Why would he even marry both of them? He can get slut pussy like that without having to tie the knot. Honestly, he's kind of an idiot.

Footballers are gods


also what the fuck does it mean for something illegal not to be a crime?

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I've never understood why polygamy is illegal. If everyone involved is happy and consenting, what's the problem? Who is it harming?

it's bad for society in the short term (if very successfull men have many wives, there will be unrest and violence from less successful men)

and in the long term (less genetic diversity)

and it may be dysgenic if the wrong kind of men are the ones who get many wives (the successfull men who would want many wives will be more of the warlord, or rapper, or illiterate sportman, or gulf arab who never worked in his life, type, than Bill Gate types)

Civil offense (in the us at least)

Polyamory is what Humanity used to be and will be

Ronaldinho is a brother faggot shut the fuck up

You realize you can have children without marrying, right?

we need a society in which women can have many husbands and fuck before marriage but man can only have one (1) wife and be stoned to death if caught having pre-marital sex

There is a very popular singer here who lives with his three fixed women and has 32 kids. Not kidding, 32.

Google Mr catra

>Mr. Catra is graduated in law and speaks 4 languages other than Brazilian Portuguese: English, French, German and Hebrew.

>Man spends his entire life dedicated to hard training, hard work and a tough carreer
>marries two women

>worthless fatfuck of a NEET bitches on a weeb forum on the internet about how he's unable to get a girlfriend

Jesus man, the world truly is an unfair place isn't it.

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