Why do Asians smoke so much?

Why do Asians smoke so much?

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high test


because no other substance is allowed

pic related

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that's how god made them honey

yes, but also Europeans smoke a lot

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Why do americans smoke so little ? Dont you wanna be free like marlboro cowboy anymore ?

because they live forever and envy us mortals

Because life is suffering in as*a

Life expectancy in EA is pretty high. Gotta knock it down somehow
>Wanting to live longer

People should smoke more.
Just out of spite.
I know it's bad, I know it kills people, I very damn well know I'm killing myself, but is there one single thing more annoying that a cunt or a turbosoy telling you to stop smoking?

I don't do it nearly often enough but I rationalize it as a delayed stealth suicide.
My lips get super dry for days after having a few though.

fucking retard

I smoke marlboro, you, smoke cock.

Smoking reduces testosterone and sperm counts, so I guess you're more likely to smoke cock than me.

No homo.

wtf why aren't you smoking cool euro stuff?

>cool euro stuff
What? Bloody lucky strikes? The industry is dead.
There is some portuguese tobacco but spanish smokes are non existant.
Think there are only spanish cigarillos now. But 20 cig packs? Maybe 1 black tobacco brand at most. Ducados? Think they have packs of fair tobacco.
There is no cool euro stuff anymore.
There used to be fucking brands of cigs by region. I'd like to try them if I ever found a pack, specially these.

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That's a damn shame. I've been wanting to get ripped off on some imports from somewhere.

Like what do you mean ? Most of the popular brands are American.
>Pall Mall
Are ones you see in every store here

wtf this isn't what happens in muh movies


daily reminder that this guy who lift 500kg has less testosterone than a kpop singer
maybe i'm going into soylent

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Ireland highly taxes cigarettes and they cost 12 euro a pack here. I'm glad we tax it so much. Smoking is among the most degenerate things possible, worse than being an obese alcoholic. Smokers are a burden on the health system due to their corrupted rotten insides and we need to fleece them to pay for their healthcare.

Fuck off you paddynigger, the world would be better off if more people were dead.

True, more nonwhites.

daily grind

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how goes the textiles and the colorful food?

cause, despite the tobacco, sucking in air through a cigarette provides better air quality than breathing asian air directly.

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