How are African immigrants treated and perceived in your country?

How are African immigrants treated and perceived in your country?

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We have sex with them

rare character.
no harm

Not good in rural Australia. We tell nigger jokes all the time. Farmers also use them for slave labour.
In the cities they're perceived as great though because all the uppity faggots sold their country out just so they could eat a fucking burrito.

Worst immigrants ever, comparable to viet and laotian immigrants.

>won't integrate
>constantly harass local woman
>drunk all the time
>Loud all the time and makes local residents uncomfortable
>very ignorant
>smuggle drugs
>love scam

We despise them, no matter what religion they are, we don't favour niggers.

African migrants are mostly from Somalia here. So the nigger tier of niggers, and mostly mohammedans on top of that, with all the fun and games that entails.
Experiences with them have not been positive to put it mildly, and they're not particularly well liked, even, or especially not, among the other migrant groups.

>all the uppity faggots sold their country out just so they could eat a fucking burrito.

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They're pretty annoying because they lack self awareness. But they don't do stupid shit like try to enforce sharia law and shit like that.

Actual africans (i.e. not people from former dutch colonies who are descended from africans) are pretty cool usually here to go to uni. basically indians but darker

>African immigrants
>in my country

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like shit and rightfully so

We hate them.

They're shit in every country.

My wife loves them



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Why the racism icefags? without us you won't even know what civilization would look like.

>ancient egypt

we put them in camps and let them starve to death or they kill each other, problem solved.

There are not many of them. Usually they live in big cities, and they are generally used to distribute flyers and leaflets, because they stand out a bit.

Depends fresh of the boat educated ones are fine but uneducated ones or second generation ones think that the world is keeping them down

>ancient egypt

>that guy rushing over to help the nigger

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Never implied that, we were sumerians thought where you got your start

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You are not iraqi you were a caveman and there were no one but Egypt 12000 BC

They're not that bad, they're usually good lads.
Not immigrant, but well.

Whats ice age? We were once pushed almost shores of black sea and caspia.
It isnt simply coincidence that our language is closest what comes to sumer.

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do you know that golden bull swede?

thats exactly what gypsies do here

Theyre even in Malaysia wtf

Rare Pokémons
>we happy to see them

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They make them professors at my university so that I can't understand what the fuck they are saying


One time I had a korean bitch who spoke NO ENGLISH teaching our lab. ZERO. I went up to her and tried out my paisano hand gestures to figure out what the fuck we were supposed to be doing in class and she nodded, took my paper, and wrote down B in red pen on my empty fucking paper. That was the grade she just gave me.

A B. I got a middling grade for not being taught anything, or having anyone attempt to teach a class of 20. God, university was such horseshit, glad I'm done with it.

>smuggle drugs
>make satan's piss (alcohol)

umm no thanks

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This is why I workout

>put them in camps
Is this in your dna hans

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>that awful photoshop
Is this you?

Attached: IMG_20180514_115108_058.jpg (565x871, 69K)

>the think working out will make him better at fighting
kek a skinny boxer will literally dance circles around you

We fucking hate the Haitians and Venezuelans more than real Africans around here.

same in indonesia