This confuses and enraged the German

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Me included, who the fuck swipes cards anymore? Are you living in the 18th century gramps?

we pay with paypass nowadays gramps or phone

China is ahead on the way of high tech.

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Banks charge retailers a small percentage for "tapping and go" transactions. So a lot of venders pass that charge onto the buyers. I hardly ever tap now.

discover keeps nagging me to switch to a chip card fuck that shit swiping is fun

We have that shit too not as fun as swiping tho.

Californians didnt even build an app for defecation map of SF.

>allow complete tracking of your shopping behaviour with date&time
>pin input takes longer than paper money
>can fail / be denied
We just see it for what it is: less efficient, less selfcontrol, more stasi. The only legitime reason you have to use it is cause you're forced with your credit score. Outside of that it's an inferior solution.

I probably bought your CC info on the dnms already

enjoy the skimmers

Chip cards take too fucking long

>Americucks proud of their shitty, outdated, inefficient banking system

Dont people just use their phones now?

I swipe cards everywhere except at gas stations that force people to walk inside since they got so many scammers fucking with their pumps. Also since Safeway adopted self-checkout stands I pay for most things which checks.


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>not using smart watches with nfc

San Francisco can barely make their 311 system (reporting mechanism for garbage, feces, crazy but noncriminal homeless people) work. Also most mobile 911 calls in California are dropped or have 5-10 minute waits since they all have to go to a center data center instead of the local 911 center which is only for landlines.

This is also why I still pay AT&T $40/mo for a landline.

Yes, as in a checkbook. It's like a debit card or phone RFID wallet but more secure and no $2 transaction fee.

>$2 transaction fee

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It's how banks make money. Same for credit with stores that don't want to pay Visa's 2% fee, which most phone-based RFID credit cards do as well.

>It's how banks make money
*in stone-age United States

>how banks make money

*how banks rob the people

i haven't swiped a card in years, do i live around literal caveman

America is the only country where you can default on one credit card then get another credit card while you're getting debt collection calls for the first. Chase has the most lenient policy which is why they're America's largest bank. Chase also has the highest e-billing fees, they charge like a dollar per bill and it's a $50 late fee if it's done online (vs $20 for paper).

Commie, move to north Korea.

Really? I live in the Bay Area and there's loads of swipe machines here. Most stores have the dual mode ones, only gas stations have the dip only ones but most gas stations I've been to just force all card customers inside now with everybody else.

Why would I? NK is in fact an absolute monarchy, they're even further from socialism than America or Russia.

By law we have those everywhere. Several businessmen specially the chinks hide them to try and avoid taxes

Aha, so your usual leftist mantra about """muh wrong socialism"""!
Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia?

>it takes the same amount of time and it's connected to your phone
Why is plastic free considered better again? So your phone can record your purchases and tie them to your social credit score like China?

Basically yes. GPS, contacts, your know. Your data is so tasty for thirsty fintech startups.

Nobody considers it better except teenage women and suburban techies who haven't a phone stolen from them. That's the real advantage of a credit card: you can just call Visa and they'll cancel the card whereas with a phone-based card you'd be calling Google's customer support and would have to wait a few days for them to do it, assuming the thief hasn't also stolen all your info and changed all your login info in the first place.

I don't get it. Is he begging for money both with a bowl for coins and a code for phone donations?

I want to build socialism in my home country, not in
>Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia

Yes. Capitalism. All options for customer' convenience.

No you don't. You will literally become like EU if that happens.

Unless you enjoy bootlicking and having no rights, that is.

convenience, i don't have carry my credit card in case it gets stolen. minor benefit. my phones more secure then my wallet. but yeah, the difference between phone payments and credit card payments are marginal for now.

my phone doesn't record my transactions, my credit card company on the other hand does.

They are getting better.

dood look at this flag lmao

Which $2 transaction fee? Never heard of that.

>I want to build socialism in my home country
You had socialism for upwards of 70 years and look how that turned out you retarded millennial

moving your wallet onto your phone seems like a bad idea

I only wave the card

There is nothing more convenient than paper money and coins for me. Bulgarian ones are small and light, so I have no problem carrying them around. I haven't used another payment method for two years and don't intend to. """Money""" that are not in my pocket are just zeros and ones.