Come into the light my child

Come into the light my child.

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>dfw voting liberal to keep the gibs coming

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>Tfw voting Scheer

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Québécois here, who/what the fuck am I supposed to vote for?

shit-tier policy, nothing but pandering pandering and more pandering, the Liberal Party has a long history of being corrupt as fuck and lying through their teeth (a tradition which weedman has continued), and they pathologically hate Québécois and secretly would like for us to go extinct because we don't fit into their retarded fantasyland version of what they imagine Canada to be

I am a staunch anti-cuckservative, wageslavery is the greatest crime in the history of human civilization. Moreover Cuckservatives are notoriously anti-Quebec (to appeal to their dumb prairiemonkey voterbase), so I can't vote for them.

I'll castrate myself with a rusty spoon before voting for a guy wearing a fucking turban.

Anti-science nutjobs

>Bloc Québécois

sikhs are canadians and based

On est baisé

No one I know has any problem with sikhs. They just dislike the NDP policy

I don't give a shit about him being ethnically Indian or having "Singh" as a last name. But his religion, and more importantly that fact that his religion is so important to him that he continues to wear the fucking turban despite being in Canada, those do bother me.

I'm already voting for Trudeau :)

israeli cocksucker

vote for Trudeau he is based. Him and NDP will form a minority government regardless of what you do.

Alberta is the smartest country in the province
Know your place my man

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What religion are you? Catholic?


Sikh fought for the British Empire in greater numbers than Canadians and other dominions of the Empire. The were awarded numerous Victoria Crosses in both world wars. They are warriors and more importantly, deeply loyal.

That's old data, if you look at more recent data Quebec's math PISA score was by far the best in Canada.

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>What religion are you?

>Sikh fought for the British Empire
Who the fuck do you think I am. I explicitely wrote in my earlier post that I'm Québécois. The British Empire is a piece of shit and I wish ill upon every single fucking "muh british empire!!1!" larper retard. The fact that Sikhs were apparently so loyal to subhuman Britshits only makes me have a lower opinion of them.

Why does it bother you, we're not a shithole like india where religious minorities like sikhs and muslims are oppressed by h*ndus.

Interesting. We still do very well though, as does Quebec.

Why are Alberta, BC and Quebec so much smarter than Ont*rians?

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Ontario """"""""""education"""""""""""

Why are Saks so stupid? Why are the wh*Test provinces the dumbest?

SK and Manitoba have rather large injun populations which probably don't help all that much. Though I really do wonder why Alberta, BC and Quebec are the only ones to actually do well. I can't really think of any common factor between the three of them.

It's an interesting question. For decades though, they've experienced a sort of brain drain where all the smart Saskatchewanese move to Alberta.

>ignoring how stupid the maritimes are
The absolute state of wh*Toids

I don't think anybody has ever denied that Atlantic Canada is full of mouthbreathing inbred fat alcoholic impoverished retards. It's literally common knowledge.

Same phenomenon. Smart people leave economically depressed areas, for better opportunities

>Canadian immigration system largely admits people with extensive educational experience, the likes of doctors, technology professionals, etc.
>Old Canadian immigration system during the european waves just let poor farmers with high school education at best to come to start up the country

It's not a race thing, it's just you're comparing apples to oranges.

So city people are full of smart geniuses who voted for hillary and rural and suburban voters are filled with blumpf supporters?

>all of the supposed dumb rural voters in Atlantic Canada vote for the liberals.

Saskatchewan is dumb as rocks and they are solidly PC. Meanwhile big brain Quebec is NDP/ lib land while BC is liberal.

Lots of rural BC is blue. Its less about education, and more about rural vs urban lifestyle.

>conveniently ignoring Alberta
Also Quebec isn't set on any particular party, it just votes selfishly and flips whenever someone offers them more gibmedats


Based and redpilled.

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This was just done by some bureaucracy under the Minister of Innovation, and for good reason. Trudeau didn't do shit.


And if they had approved it, then you would have blamed Trudeau. You can't have it both ways.