Happy 25 de Mayo, argentines :)

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thanks !!

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happy birthday mis hermanos

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wait, so argies have a holiday centered around mayonnaise today? seriously what the fuck is wrong with south americans

How come argentina is such an integral part of int yet pretty obscure nationality irl? Really makes you think

volamos bajito

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>mentally handicapped and arrogant people
>never ending corruption everywhere
>backwards education system
>shitskins everywhere
>'it could be worse' + 'at least we're not congolombia' mentallity
>dumb """"women"""
>crab mentality
>backstabbing and scamming are considered a virtue
>life inside a bubble
>brown reggaeton shithole
>feminism growing
>garbage everywhere
>no national identity
>chinks everywhere
>controlled by kikes
>no international standards
>caste society
>absurdely high taxes for a 3rd world country
>lower classes are degenerate and have no brain or soul
>upper class is degenerate and have no brain or soul
>mafias everywhere

To describe Argentina, it's like an autistic kid acting cocky on the internet who is just lucky and safe inside his isolated room.

>he speaks spanish on an english speaking website

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Pichi popo

Argentinian CHI acá
Despite the cyclical, never ending stigma of economic instability, Argentina is an incredibly comfy country
I left because I always felt out of place there (sapo de otro pozo), and I was perhaps too autistic to fully integrate, mostly because people ARE backstabbing assholes and being able to nimbly navigate turmoil and make it work to your advantage, >caosh is a laddah, i.e. opportunistic-type people make it there, which is an ability I never had due to my slight undiognosed autism

But my youth and early adulthood was spent there, having almost unlimited resources and spending my nights in Recoleta, locked up in my apartment, “going to school,” playing WoW all night, walking my dog at 4am to the park in Montevideo, sometimes, albeit rarely, going out with my normie friends, drinking speed+absolut pears+maraschino cherries in the balcony of my three bedroom apartment in which I lived by myself for 9 years, without any responsibilities and with all the freedom in the world

Whereas in the US I simply WORK

Anyway, argentina has its place. But I’m glad I moved on.
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the correct term is Argentinian-American, chicano only applies to our beaner genes, stop appropiating our culture.

>Argentina was nice because I was a child

That's actually the best you can say about this piece of shit country

Same reason I'm leaving the next year.

If you have only one neurone, you can live comfy here. If you have a brain and self dignity and respect, living in this country is a torture

We aren't, you just don't know where to look.

>Che Guevara

The only one relevant in that list fucked up so bad for 5 years straight Ronaldo is actually better now

Americans made him famous as a pop culture to kill his image, he's nothing

Once he's a pope he resigns any nationality


Let's just forget about him ok, he had his moments but it's painful to look at at this moment

>How do you dare to say something nice about argentina?

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Niño rico con papi para pagarle todos los gastos. Vivía en mi mundo, por eso tan nostálgico, nunca agarré una pala en argentina. No tuve que lidiar con que me corten la calle cuando quiero ir a laburar. Y eso que me fui mucho antes de que llegase Macri. Según lo que oigo los cortes siguen como siempre.

Yea it’s rough you’ve to be “canchero,” i.e the argentine version of an Alpha male, to succeed. And have a very thick skin.


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They actually had to vote an orange clown due to the hatred americans have towards your race

No, capo, ni los judíos ni el feminismo ni la idiosincracia argentina tienen la culpa de que no la pongas.

> Yea it’s rough you’ve to be “canchero,” i.e the argentine version of an Alpha male, to succeed. And have a very thick skin.
Does anybody know if it's the same in Uruguay? Or are they a civilized country?

well usa is a big circus so it's obvious they want a clown to entertain themselves

Lurk moar newfag. Or go back to


jaja seguro despreciabas a tu pais y te imaginabas vivir el sueño americano y ahora sos un chicano solo y triste que "hace patria" en un foro de dibujitos chinos

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Che y que se siente tener la piel color beige?

You forgot

>part of the country is owned by brits after they kicked the argies out from thousand of miles away

>despreciabas a tu país

>sus in Chicano solo y triste
Estoy casado hace 4 años

>part of the country is owned by brits
so you agree that those are a part of Argentina administered by the UK then

You're not a true argentine if you don't have disdain towards this country.

Only negros who believe that las Toninas is Ibiza love it

independance was a mistake

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Los argentinos y la argentina son una mierda. Son todos sucios y cagones. No veo la hora de irme de este pais de mierda. Apenas me vaya voy a ponerme en campaña para que prohiban la inmigracion argentina asi ninguno de ustedes mierdas viene a arruinar el mundo civilizado. Y a los que ya estan voy hacer que lo deporten. Y despues el "mejor pais del mundo" va a colapsar de nuevo por milesima vez y se van a quedar encerrados ahi y se va a morir de hambre, o por ahi se van a comer entre ustedes como los perros que son, putos. Chile va a recuperar la Patagonia, Bolivia y Paraguay el Norte, Brasil a Uruguay y la mierda de Buenos Aires va a quedar reducida a un estanque de residuos peor del que ya es. Ni los bolivianos van a cagar sobre sus tumbas porque ni eso merecen, manga de soretes. Y entonces voy a verlos desde mi mansion en Maiami y me voy a cagar de risa viendo como se mueren de hambre mientras prendo un habano con la constitucion argentina, me tomo un champaing de 100000$ y una modelo noruega siliconada me ordeña la pija con los labios. Voy a estar pensando en sus madres mientras me la chupa, o mejor no porque son tan chotos que pensar en ustedes seria rebajarme a su nivel. Valen menos que las moscas, dios y los angeles van a llorar de felicidad cuando vean que la aberracion que son los argentinos fue borrada de la tierra, y en verdad van a sentir un poco de verguenza por haber creado tal mierda. Cuando vayan al infierno ni el diablo los va a querer porque son todavia peor que el, son la mierda de la mierda. Hitler un poroto al lado de los argentinos. Los judios son Gandhi comparados con ustedes. Nadie, me oyen? NADIE los va a extrañar. En menos de 1 segundo el mundo se va a olvidar de que los argentinos alguna vez existieron. Son tan insignificantes que no valen nada, mierdas. Que bueno que soy blanco y europeo, no como ustedes, negros muertos de hambre, lacras piojosas.

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Me alegra ver q alguien almenos la leyo completa.

Cada vez que posteo esto el 90% son insultos y "muh 4 climas, muh resources"

Jaja, salame, repetís las boludeces de taringuero virgen conspiranoico y resentido. No podés mandar a taringa a nadie. Newfag las pelotas, volvé a Jow Forums o Jow Forums o de donde sea que hayas salido. Le dumb "women", le kikes, jaaj.

Mate it’s on the other side of the world

>sissy brit boys sail across the world to be nearby the strong ARGENTINIAN BVLL
wtf i want a brig gf(bf) now

>when you don't know if master trole or plain retarded
Retarded, judging by your flag

we have a better claim than brits desu

el copypasta este es mas viejo que el pan ya papu

>Los malvados judíos nos controlan y el feminismo hace promiscuas a las minas pero nunca conmigo
Ah, Soros, por culpa tuya no la pongo.

Che y la piel la tenes beige o marron?