Friendly reminder Jow Forums is an alt-left board

Friendly reminder Jow Forums is an alt-left board

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Friendly reminder that Jow Forums is a nazbol board.

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We are identitarians

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Stop doing this kind of threads or I am forced to report it.

Yep, this one goes into the collection.

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Jow Forums is a centrist board you fucking commie

Correct. We are the alt left so report those facist sonvabitches who post Jow Forums memes.

Since communism became center in Europe.

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>Jow Forums

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Not true. Communism, is still considered extreme by everyone but edgy, larping teens

Jow Forums is a contrarian board. We hate absolutely everyone and everything. Unless it's Belarus or Alizee of course.

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edgy meme

Behold, the great leaders of the ((("""***alt-left***""")))

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>believing wings exist and aren't a divide and conquer strategy by the rich Jewish straight white bourgeoisie liberal-elite lizard oppressor deep state big-business cultural neo-marxist post-modern fascist racist imperialist men

Jow Forums is one of the most left leaning boards on Jow Forums but its still center right at the least. Most of the threads advocating for left leaning idealogy get shut down pretty hard. you can look at the catalogue right now and see so for yourself. If you are looking for people that can actually argue left leaning view points you need to look elsewhere

you have no idea what you ar etalking about

fascist identity politics will fail

Then what is Jow Forums?

fantastic argument. go enter any thread discussing california (the le ebin discussion point for left leaning americans) there are like 4 threads up right now in the catalogue and in each one the OP has abandoned it entirely after people with actual discussion points have shown up. By all means provide other current examples if they exist

nothing as a whole people just come here to yell about shit

a board in Jow Forums

which is predominately right wing like all of Jow Forums. have you ever seen an Jow Forums thread discussing islam?

are you incapable of recognizing what is bait and what isnt

Jow Forums is contrarian tho. I haven't posted a serious thread in fucking years. I just make retarded statements, and antagonize people to get asshurt responses. Whatever someone posts, I just say the opposite

you obviously are not. In each of the threads there were researched arguments. Bait threads do not have those. also stick around for any time there is an attack of some kind in europe, every thread is swarming with Jow Forums.

Im honestly a little confused as to why im even having this conversation. anyone who has used Jow Forums for longer than a week would easily see this


>having an actual discussion on Jow Forums
found the virgin lol

Jow Forums is a Third Position board

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there is plenty of actual discussion on Jow Forums. do you only visit generals?

yes, serious discussions

your response was actual nonsense

>true communism hasnte been trie
neither true fascism capitalism monarchism... etc

This is lame. A single "praise KARA BOGA!" is all that's needed