Colombia is joining NATO and OECD

>Colombia is joining NATO and OECD

Are we relevant now?

Attached: flag-colombia-XL.jpg (1500x1000, 198K)

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Partner of NATO not a member
Give me a Colombian gf please btw

NATO partner, not a member.

wow another organization pushing their policy down out throats. Wew lad, I'm so excited!! not.
not a fan of foreign militaries

No send more mamis please


Cool, i'll buy you a "Cuck 'n Proud" t-shier.

>not a fan of foreign militaries
too late for you friend

sounded a bit jelly desu

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Why would we? I mean, you're joining NATO because of fucking Venezuela.

I thikn it is so we can send troops to the US's proxy wars, don't think we'll have nato troops on our soil anytime soon senpai

nato doesn't apply south of 23.5' north
northernmost point of colombia is 13' north

you don't plan on expanding north do you?

Factriot missiles

I hope we soon join.

It will protect you.

nah we aren't expansionists

are there any downsides?

None as far as I know.

Really? That's pathetic.

For what fucking purpose?

>Implying we need more

Spain, France and Italy are supposed to be the only shitskin nations in NATO

No, fuck off 0n.
Also, fuck OECD and fuck America

Dunno to be honest. That's why I'm asking, maybe Colombia will receive military training in return but I'm not sure

What type of training?

basically this. I wish we could be neutral like Switzerland

They'll get experience killing muhammadans so they can be prepared for the socialists when Venezuela collapses

> flag

>They'll get experience killing muhammadans so they can be prepared for the socialists when Venezuela collapses

So they'll get experience to kill socialists, even though they've been doing it for the last 50 years... cool.

Also, I just hope that a miracle occurs and this shithole gets definitive turned down in its aspirations of joining that "organization"
To hell with the OECD and America.

>Are we relevant now?
We are the 4th largest economy in Latam nd 30th largest in the world. I don't lie the idea of becoming "relevant", prefer to be irrelevant as we are today

why did Santos put us through all this? I literally never heard we were applying to all these organizations

>current enlisted men have been active for 50 years

You're aware that they're still fighting guerrilas right? Fucking mutt learn the facts.

We just need to boot America out to be finally undisturbed by what happens outside

Do you think your government will ever request we leave?

not him but there's too much lobbyism and interest on both sides, I don't see anything changing

Congrats guys! Welcome to the clubs!

no, first you have to move your israel embassy to jerusalem

>guatemala and paraguay are relevant

Good thing that people like you don't get to decide.
>globalism at its highest
>i want to be undisturbed
You should be glad USA is taking you unders its wings.


Attached: NATO.png (1600x916, 804K)

Only a disgusting burger could have written something so moronic.
This, be sane.

does that mean we are 1st world now?

NATO means North Atlantic Terrorist Organization


Hi Dimitri

Sadly, I am not one.

t.disgusting slavshit

In your dreams

I unironically want this because fuck Muslims and Palestinians

i don't care about those meme asociations but i love this just because of how much butthurt it will create to some countries that have a similar flag to ours

muslims are good people

according to the original meaning we might be now (USA and allies)

>What is Greece
>Forgetting all of those Balkan shitholes seeking NATO accession
as painfully useless as Colombia and Colombians are, they aren't the worst candidates.

Government's official stance is that joining the OCDE will help this country to modernize.
About when this happened, it's been one of Santos' main goals. I've heard about this bullshit for about 3 years but I guess this is going on from before.

is that the way to talk about your main ally in South America?

Well, that is not it's actual meaning as it is used as a measure, an indicator of a country's development in different instances.

Since when have the Colombians fighting Brazilians?

except it's not. OCDE countries need to meet certain requirentments regarding taxation, property laws and cooperation. Aren't we surrendering a lot of our liberties by joining ocde?

It's not like we are doing anything good with those liberties anyway

We, America's ally? Ha ha ha....
We are America's "ally" which is different.


NATO 5colombiANOS

The Senate just approved an update to our copyright laws which probably has a lot to do with this shit, since this was America's biggest reason to block Colombian government's intention of joining the organization. Only its approval by the House of Representatives is pending

that's bullshit I think it was someting regarding patents and intellectual property, which is nonsense as """"""intellectual property""""""""shouldn't even be a thing to begin with

I thought you needed to be in Europe to join
Welcome :^)

he is right

wew lad! We literally Australia/Japan-tier now. Is this what finally making it feels like?

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>needing NATO

Fucking why? Honestly if all of our govts were at least decent, we could have crated some NATO-like coalition and start to hunt down cartels all across the continent.

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>I thought you needed to be in Europe to join
no, just touching the atlantic ocean

Attached: map-nato-vector-members-maps-flags-38630721[1].jpg (800x800, 115K)

I can't even tell if this is a joke anymore.

fuck nato

t. nato member

0n is delusional, and probably has serious mental issues, so it's not a joke (on his part). He's being deadly serious about his words.

SO touching the north Atlantic, meaning the Atlantic above the equator. Technically we could become a member someday.

Do I want that? Probably not. I'd like to have the status of swissies or Scandinavians (neutral)

fuck turkey

t. every other nato member

seriously just start a stupid war so we can turkish genocide you already

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>just touching the atlantic ocean

I'm seeing an inconsistency with your statement and that picture

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Fuck Turkey

t. Someone who actually belongs in NATO, unlike Turkey.

both pkk and isis enemy of turkey so its ok to kill all of them it doesnt matter if they are fighting each other

HOLY SHIT!!! the two organizations in a single day?????
This record will be pretty hard to break

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Do you think your government will ever leave? Or, alternatively, do you think your companies will allow your government to leave?

The dog is just getting its leash upgraded for a prettier one.

we are hermanos. i for one welcome the countless manletts in piss yellow soccer jerseys.

is 5'9 manlet in the US?

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French Guiana is a member of NATO. And touches the Atlantic. And not more than 6° North.

not really but we like to joke around with people under 6 feet