My dad is forcing me to skip my grad trip to france to vote for AMLO next month and I can't renounce my mexican...

my dad is forcing me to skip my grad trip to france to vote for AMLO next month and I can't renounce my mexican citizenship since I'm not a full citizen yet

I don't give a shit about mexico or socialism I just wanted to fuck cheap whores in morocco

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Can't you just post vote?

Nice blogpost. You should kill yourself, faggot.

>I just wanted to fuck cheap whores in morocco
>american view of the world

>postal service

lol good one why do you think everyone there want socialism

This doesn’t even make any sense

my parents are making me vote in your election since I have mexican citizenship. They unironically think el AMLO is going to make mexico great again

lol, what are you an underage?

No I'm 18. I'm graduating in a week and my grad trip happens during the elections so instead of flying with my friends to France I'm going to be sitting in the back of a stake truck for twelve hours in the sun.

Just tell your dad to fuck off. How can he even "force" you to do anything? Lmoa @ ur life

because he'll kick me out of the house and my older sister won't sponsor me for citizenship. I can't be homeless

Tell him your one vote shift the fucking election and to go bugger himself with something sharp and rusty.

Grow a pair beaner

>because he'll kick me out of the house

you have no idea the stress I'm under because I happened to be born in your dump of a country

>boo hoo I have to miss my trip baaaaw
Get over it

I'd like to go to europe at least once in my life

You're 18 years old and you have a degree. Unless you majored in some meme shit, you're going to have plenty of money and time to go to Europe. Get the fuck over it.

I mean that's a pretty legitimate thing to be pissed about

I'm 18 years old and have a high school diploma. I don't start college until next spring.

Ok. You're still going to have one. So still, get over it.

>implying that a shitty trip to europe is more important than voting for the savior of México.

Your dad has a pretty fair point desu.
AMLO will change north America

>chabes will change south america, viva la socialismo!

asi que...
este es el poder de la educación chicana...

the only thing AMLO promises is nosediving mexico's economy and ensuring a wall gets built

So then you are saying that your dad is a moron and you are smarter than he is..

Is that it?

My parents are only functionally literate and never went to high school. So, yes.

>it's different so it must be communism.


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killing NAFTA is essentially socialism considering the affect it will have on your economy (imagine a car crash)

Where did he say anything about communism?

He's gonna win anyways, he's ahead in the polls by like 20%, tell your dad to chill.

when he mentioned Chavez you dummy

>He's gonna win anyways, he's ahead in the polls by like 20%, tell your dad to chill.

same thing was said about Killary and we all know how that ends.

nah, we need every single vote we can get.

The media supported Hillary, AMLO is not.

AMLO has broad support in American esp-lang media because he isn't a nazi PRIstani that shoots central americans and forces them into wagelsavery.

She was ahead by like 4 and had a disadvantage in the Electoral College. AMLO is ahead by 20; he is certain to win

Well here, were the majority of voters are, that doesn't happen, in fact the media tolerates "dirty propaganda" against him