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buy and burn made in china flags

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kek. Have you read the newest temper tantrum about the Galileo satellite navigation system?

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Brexit? More like gaysexit

>made in china
Always. buy euro made as least as you can

Shows how butthurt yurocrats are

I don't feel strongly about the EU one way or the other. But burning flags is classless. It's the political equivalent of being a teenage edge-lord.


Attached: Flag-Holy-Roman-Empire.png (600x400, 83K)

It is just a strong public exhibition of disapproval.

rofl. It's not Europe who gets fucked in the ass.
But, hey, whatever makes you sleep at night.

Still shows how butthurt and insecure the e""""u"""" is tho

>It is just a strong public exhibition of powerlessness

they exited didn't they?

>no u
whatever you say, Kostas

the fibres of the flag?

Why do you to put all kind of obstacles in their way then?
For le punishment and to terrorise others.
It's classic butthurt and insecurity.

flagburning is a conspiracy started by flag manufacturing companies. Gets people to buy new flags before their old one has expired. it's the flag equivalent of planned obsolescence.



this is true.
EU wanted to introduce compulsory fire resistant materials for flags. Fuck greedy companies and their sneaky tricks

We don't.

>UK: Allright, Europe, we're gonna leave you for good.
>EU: Ok, but then you're also out fo Galileo as it's an EU project.

The same thing goes for literally everything in the negotiations, from the Northern Ireland border to acces to the single market.
It's summed up in the meme pic I first posted.

Did they pay their contribution to these projects?
Will they pay for access to said projects and markets?
For some yes for others no. Depends on their decisions.
You kicking them out from projects they already paid for and contributed with research shows how completely butthurt, untrustworthy and backstabbing scum you are.

Did they agree that non-EU countries will be blocked from the secure elements of the Galileo system?

They contributed making those rules as EU member and want to continue to keep the good stuff even when they're out of the club. Well, that's simply not possible and just stating this simple fact is no bullying, no kicking around, no terrorising. It's just stating simple facts of life.
If you dump your girlfried yet expect to continue to have access to her pussy but don't get your wish you're not being bullied. You're being stupid.

>blocked out of something they paid and researched for
The rules meme is somewhat mental gymnastics. Pretty pathetic attempt of whitewashing blackmail, freeloading and theft.
Anyway they said they'll build one of their own. Don't see it happening but if they work with the Americans or the Chinese who knows?

>EU wanted to introduce compulsory fire resistant materials for flags
They did

I hate g*rmans and it's good when they die
never pay your debts

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I expect our money back on the Eurofighter any day now then, given you had fuck all to do with that one.

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>we don't need rules to coordinate a union of close to 30 member states
Exactly what I expected from Club Med: Rules don't apply, except when it's about getting money on time from those evil bullies. Then those evil bullies better play according to the rules.
Pathetic. And that's the real mental gymnastics here.

In your delusion you can expect whatever incoherent nonsense you want. Doesn't mean you get it.


>Rules don't apply
But you don't apply them either. Your debt is slightly above regulation, your surplus too. Most cunts' debt is way above regulations. You were caught red handed bailing your corrupt and failed banks. You are doing business with Russians despite them being called an enemy of the west. All your corporations are wildly corrupt. Who are you to talk about rules?
Rules are meant to be broken by those in power and followed by those who can't do otherwise.

>german imperialist who doesn't get he's a german imperialist

This kind of malignant arrogance+vindicativness is why nobody likes you guys besides maybe Dutch and Belgians. If that really was the agreement then that was the agreement for Galapagos tho. Its normal if most people don't know that.

This would be over smoothly anyway if UK didn't have a political class made out of pro-EU jelly anyway, some agreements and trade of favors would be done so they could maybe even stay in Gallipoli. The real problem is they're still looking how to subvert the will of the electorate, so they're stalling. Brexit is like watching some lame sado-maso porn. Just get over with it.

>Your debt is slightly above regulation, your surplus too.
And the commission has the power to punish us for it if it chooses to do so. Just like the rules say.

>Most cunts' debt is way above regulations.
Indeed. And Germany is one of the very few who actively and successfully lower their debt.

>You were caught red handed bailing your corrupt and failed banks.
Which EU regulation is supposed to be breached by this?

>You are doing business with Russians despite them being called an enemy of the west.
Of course. As many sanctions on many different countries in the past have shown, most sanctions mostly only hurt the populace. Which is why the current sanctions against Russia were tailored to only hurt the power elite. Yet despite this, Germany is still the country which took the biggest economic hit from those sanction out of the entire West.

>All your corporations are wildly corrupt.
That's rich coming from Greece. As the saying goes: when in Rome do as the Romans do. German companies bribe in foreign contries when that's the only way to do business. In the country of Metakliti and Fakelaki you have to adapt to local customs.
And now you can explain how all these considerations somehow serve as an argument for the British position /wrt to Galileo, which you, not surprisingly, somehow "forgot" to do.

>this much damage control
Pay denbts Hans
Your brainfarts and seething don't make you right.

>no u
Whatever you say, Kostas

Your car industries were caught tinkering with gas emissions.
It doesn't get any lower than that. Spare us your damage control and i-its not us o-others are corrupt bs.

Are Brexiters the incels of Europe?


>And the commission has the power to punish us for it if it chooses to do so.
Why don't they?
some members are exempt from the rules.


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>Which is why the current sanctions against Russia were tailored to only hurt the power elite

>We are doing it for the people
>We are the best if the best

>Your car industries were caught tinkering with gas emissions.
And they've already paid fines in the billions and will continue to do so.

And now you can explain how this somehow serves as an argument for the British position /wrt to Galileo, which you again, not surprisingly, somehow "forgot" to do, despite having been reminded of it.

>Which EU regulation is supposed to be breached by this?
The ones about laundering money.

>Why don't they?
Same reason they don't punish all the other countries for excessive debt. To not hurt economic recovery. So pretty sane decision.

>some members are exempt from the rules.
There are exactly zero countries in the EU who got punished for violating the Maastricht criteria.

>Paid billions
Most of those fines will be written off because ""it hurts competition"". Not enough, they need to shut down completely.

I already told you, you are the ones bending and breaking rules. You are in no position of claiming respect to the rules is holy now that the Brits abandoned your Imperial project and you got butthurt

The sanctions were jointly agreed between US and EU, which of course means it's a German conspiracy, right?

So why have the rules if no-one respects or appies them.
Rules are guidelines, enforced only when it suits those at the top.

Go ahead, explain yourself. Don't be shy.

And don't forget to add how all this serves as an argument for the British position /wrt to Galileo, which you again, not surprisingly, somehow "forgot" to do, despite having been repeatedly reminded of it.

But Americans are getting tired of your friendly relations with Russia.


>butthurt Greek bitching about the EU
Just another day on Jow Forums.

>Most of those fines will be written off because ""it hurts competition"". Not enough, they need to shut down completely.
The courts in all countries seem to hold a different opinion. Sorry, Kostas.

>I already told you, you are the ones bending and breaking rules.
What on earth do German car companies violating laws, getting caught an being punished for it have to do with an alleged breaking of EU regulations by the German government? Are you retarded or something?

Oh the rules were implemented in the hopes they would be followed. The fact that they don't says something quite significant about the sovereignty of member states. How ironic then that a supposed lack of sovereignity is being pushed as argument by Brexiters.

Anyway. I'm having a barbeque now. Stay mad, Kostas.

we both know Hans that just a small portion of those fines will end up getting paid.
I gave you examples of how your companies and government are breaking EU rules with minimal or zero consequences
At the same time you don't want to show the same leniency to Brits just because they have a different mind and abandoned your so called union. It's textbook butthurt and vindictiveness. What's so hard to understand?

I just enjoy seeing it collapse.

Your country will collapse before the EU does.

can someone explain me why Britain has to pay to leave, when they were a net-contributor? I am a brainlet

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They don't really have to pay, it's more like they won't get anything from the EU

Their reasoning is that we owe them for the money they planned to spend in the near future but won't be able to any more.

EU will collapse thanks to brexit, itexit, irexit and grexit.

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they do have to pay though, that's the whole issue

how do they calculate how much of it you have to pay? Seems unfair unless it's just your "percentage" of the current budget adjusted to your contributions

People who want to leave the EU are fucking morons and ugly to boot.

Good riddance.

Attached: Brexiteers.jpg (1224x1222, 120K)

for the same reason you must pay penalties when you want to cancel your mobile subscription before your contract expires for example?

We're the most Pro-EU country in the Union. 90%+ support for membership. It's not going to happen.

good lad(s)

schlomo pls go

I have no idea. At first they tried to pull a Dr Evil one-hundred-bajillion dollars thing, then the last I heard it settled at £50bn or something like that. I'm sure there are calculations involved somewhere but the realistic answer is, "as much as they can get away with".

it did
it's just a debt colony now so why care

all me

>not italeave


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Nice pair of cucks you got there

YOU got them, not me.

GRICKED OUT is more plausible desu.

>you must pay penalties when you want to cancel your mobile subscription
What the fuck?
Is this one of another progressive Euro things like a TV license?

We already agreed to fund future projects. You can't just walk out of those commitments without some kind of penalty. Plus, we're still in the EU, still benefitting from that, and will be until 2021, if not longer.

Dose British need EU
Do you live in the UK???

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I wish the EU had balls and would refuse the UK to freely access the common market, heavily tax them until they would literally beg to come back, serving as an example for any exit movements across Europe

You've never heard of a contract?

I think indifference would be the most psychologically damaging for the English.

They desperately want to be liked, but they know that's never going to happen, so they settle for being hated. But, like a stuck white girl they cannot handle no one giving a shit about them.

it would harm both sides, it's dumb

Then what do you propose to stop exitcucks ?

They are already cucking themselves without the EU doing anything

I think we're managing to serve as an negative example pretty well without any real malice from the EU.

We're £900 worse off a household and we haven't even left yet, we're an international laughing stock, and there's a real chance the government will crumble within the year. The only reason May hasn't been ousted in a couple is because no one wants her job.

crushing Greece and BREXIT didn't stop Italians from voting in MS5 and Lega, easterners from shitting allover Brussels or Catalonians from seceding .
you can terrorise people but not for long

i don't want to stop it, but being purposely mean to them to show how wrong they were is just dumb and will help nobody.