Why do swedes think russia even cares about them?

why do swedes think russia even cares about them?

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you basically made a SWEDEN YES parody

why do danes think that anyone in the entire world (even the pigs they keep in the backgarden for friday sex parties) give a single fuck about their worthless lives and their big turd of a country?

Attached: pepecomfy.jpg (409x409, 45K)

Maybe because the president of Russia took time and effort to learn to speak Swedish fluently?

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why do russians violate our air and sea space?

>t. cuckélius från st*ckholm

It's very smol

wtf russia


Maybe because the president of Russia took time and effort to learn to speak Swedish fluently?


I do, i love sweden modern design. It's very fresh unlike other european art.

Pretty hilarious to me to see the bullshit "reasoning" they have to make fun of Sweden or to promote Russian supremacy in the comments.

So Sweden has great quality of life and is objectively superior in every way... how do you attack that? HMM.... "OH THEY ARE SUCH KEKS THEY ARE NOT MANLY LIKE US XDDD".

Fucking pathetic. Could Russia be any lamer?

that was pretty good

Check first 10 seconds, they are explain reason of joking. Anyway, you saying it like we can't joke about countries who lives better than us.

fuck off putin leave sweden alone

It's a prank, bro.

It's a joke
Only thing they're really making fun of is the paranoia. Read the lyrics

Probably planes and vessels can't change direction because of rust in steering wheels

Russians do care about US, EU, China and Japan. That's it.

Putin speaks Swedish, is this not common knowledge in Russia?

They are trying to make Swedes look ridiculous if they put any money on defense while at the same time having huge military budgets.

Why? It's a total mystery.

We don't?

No man. It's obviously a conspiracy

But why?

I, for one, LOVE Russia!

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