Get afraid of degeneracy after Jow Forums

>get afraid of degeneracy after Jow Forums
>discipline my daughter physically
>suddenly she shouts "harder daddy"
wat do

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>things that I don't like are degeneracy! ree!!!
Back to your containment board

>being this new
back to your containment website

Are you Doctor sudanon?

sudanon no

Jow Forums is pro-degeneracy through

Degeneracy is not an actual thing Muhammad

I am getting a new flag desu. I am scared one day someone will tether the funposting to my actual identity and it'll become a moral crisis and subject of persecution

yes it is

the other day a woman bent over in the supermarket aisle, clearly she was transgressing against the lord and common decency

Just the man I need to talk to. I'm a testicular ultrasound done soon, and I just had a question: is it common for nurses to make fun of patients' penis sizes out of earshot? I've had this happen to me in the past, and I'm afraid it'll happen again.

I'm having a testicular ultrasound done soon*

Okay, so you're a retarded fundamentalist Muslim.

If you take anything on Jow Forums seriously, than you deserve what happens to you.


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He's a wholesome doctor

yes, they're commonly overworked, stressed and a lot of them spend countless hours criticizing patient behaviour. But that is obviously a red line

They regularly maintain that area in comatosed and live patients to avoid it sloughing and becoming infected, otherwise devastating gangrene can develop (fournier) that's basically a surgical reason to get rid of everything

Never worry about that, people comment on my lanky fatty chest everyday, even medical colleagues. If you do and remain nervous and prepared for every negative comment within earshot, you'll develop deep anxiety, depression and derealization. Make it abundantly clear to the operator of the U/S that you want a professional who's experienced. If they make comments talk to the attending medical manager

its a fucking joke m8

You don't even know its size. And guess what, it doesn't preclude the presense of normal serum testoserone levels, some normal penised men are basically designed for sexual subjugation and r effeminate ad infinitum

Now go use a croissant to measure yours

no its true, degenerate imagery can influence her

my neighbours daughter actually demanded her first cockring today, and she's still not even 12

>my neighbours daughter actually demanded her first cockring today, and she's still not even 12

my boyfriend do the same to me

>If they make comments talk to the attending medical manager
I am not kidding about this, some medical professionals can go to far, and it'll influence subsequent patients.

You should never judge patient behaviour. The medical treatment is for the condition, not his/her personality. Unless of course he has an infection/tumour affecting anything within the vicinity of the amydala, hippocampus, frontal lobe, paraneoplastic/infectious encephalitis and certain metabolic/electrolyte impairments

Good man, he should be proud of having a wife who understands the importance of husband and fatherly discipline

what a fucking whore

back to r*ddit burgerboy

What a stupid question
Hit harder of course.

b-but i'm actually a boy!!

Cheers sudanbro, thank you for the in-depth response.

My hearing this nurse making fun of me was probably a fluke that wouldn't happen again. It's likely she thought I wouldn't hear or notice her making fun of me to the other nurses due to the condition she perceived me to be in - I had symptoms of anticholinergic toxicity, which can make a person look completely out of it.

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off to buy a cricket bat

Wow, can't believe a male friend would find time to give life-saving physical discipline to his m8

>My hearing this nurse making fun of me was probably a fluke that wouldn't happen again
Don't pay attention to it. If you constantly prepare yourself for the worst, and have that sympathetic nervous system constantly in fight/flight, you'll needlessly torture yourself and receive the inevitably negative outcome

They see countless cases so remain relaxed and realize they're compelled by the power of hippocray and outright bankruptcy to do their job towards you, even preparing you mentally for any procedure or counselling you on any condition. You could always ask seemingly idiotic curveball questions designed to prey on their insecurities because you might be a vindictive cunt like me