Finnish is literally the language of Grugs and cavemen

Finnish is literally the language of Grugs and cavemen

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>afternoon leaf

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>ancient finnish cavemen already knew the Earth was round

I say they are actually far beyond all of us

here are some german literal translations which are similar to or the same as the finnish ones:
>fridge - cool cabinet
>wednesday - middle week
>bicycle - ride wheel
>vacuum - dust sucker
>pencil - lead pen
>space bar - empty key

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Plenty of translations sound absolutely retarded when translated literally.

Swedish got a few too:
>fridge - cooling cabinet
>crosswalk - over-walking place
>vacuum - dust sucker
>escalator - roll stair
>space bar - middle stroke
>roller coaster - mountain and valley track

Ancient Finns were flying around in pyramids, carpet bombing Neo-Seoul

Lighter -> Fire stuff
Tools -> Work stuff
Vehicle -> Drive stuff

haha we have roll stair as well

Wouldn't that imply it's all single syllable? Forgive my ignorance but that seems to be the opposite of the Finnish language.

crosswalk - marciapiede - foot marching
vacuum - aspirapolvere - dust sucker
roller coaster - montagne russe - russian mountains

i was unironically confused for a couple of minutes because i know that these aren't the correct chinese translations, before i realized you were talking about german. this website screws with your mind



das rite

To be honest, "middle week" makes more sense that Wednes-day.

Pretty sure it comes from Woden's day = Odin's Day

In Scandi countries it's called Onsdag.

>he doesnt know about the ancient Finnish space empire

In fact In English the weekdays go as follow

Monday = Moon's day
Tuesday = Tyr's day
Wednesday = Odin's day
Thursday = Thor's day
Friday = Frigg's day (Freya)
Saturday = Saturn's day
Sunday = Sun's day

Don't ask me why some come from Norse mytho and others from Roman mytho, just how it is.

Actually, looking at it I'm wondering if in English they didn't exchange Lordag for Saturday because Lorday would mean day of the Lord and in Christianity this day is Sunday.

Thing book sounds like a modern buzzword. I like gap hit

Lighter, hit fire machine
Telephone, hit electric speech
Computer, electric brain
Train, fire car
Weather, sky air
Cell phone, hand machine
Fridge, ice box
Router, net road machine
Switchboard, electric exchange machine
Areoplane, flying machine
Helicopter, straight up machine

lawyer (asianajaja) means thing's driver. Other word for lawyer would be lakimies which means law man

we call it that too

>grug press gap kit on knowledge machine, to get thing book, thingbook is about grug, who took stamp wheel around the ground ball

>straight up machine
>fire machine

there is literally nothing wrong with this

Funny how many of these are basically Germanic words translated. To me the English version is the stupid metaphorical one, while the Finnish is very similar to Norwegian in meaning.
Railroad - iron track
Parliament - big thing
Treason - country disappointment
Magazine - week leaf
Computer - data machine
Countertop - bench plate

Saturday - wash day
Bee hive - bee cube
Ombudsman - caring about person

I imagine the only reason you don't get this sort of thing more in English is because so much of our vocabulary is foreign so the entomology of words isn't always immediately apparent.

>Entomology of words
What is this, a dictionary of ants?

>What is this
I spelled it wrong then didn't pay enough attention when using the spell check tool and just picked the first word in the list.


kwnoledge machine.. whats the word for smartphone? pocket kwnoledge machine ;)

I guessed that. Just trying to make a joke, Nige :(

Sorry, I didn't even know what "entomology" meant so I didn't notice.

Why is English so great, and by extension it's native speakers?

Dictionary - word book
Minister (of parliament) - state advisor

intelligence phone

How do you say "stupidity phone"?

Il n'est pas

Telephone to Norway

Fridge - ice cupboard
Plane - flying ship
Crossroad - the result of having 4 (roads)
3 way junction - the result of having 3 (roads)

not intelligent phone, intelligence phone? really?

Sorry but Bahasa Indonesia is such a dumb language lol.

intelligent phone would be "älykäs puhelin"
extra syllables make brain hurt and speech not flow as well

Abendblatt, afternoon-leaf. We also use this and a document can be a Denkschrift. You are just salty about not being allowee to use composita.

I agree too, that's why most people refer fridge as kulkas (loaned dutch word) and plane as pesawat.
The last 2 words happen thanks to affixes. I don't know how to translate it literally.

Same for , except for Midweek (Wednesday).

Our Tuesday comes from Zies day which is our version of Tyr. Donnerstag (Thursday) comes from Donar, german version of Thor. Also ,like thursday, connected to thunder (Donner).

all languages put words together in odd ways

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Super-Assistant to the chief beef stock cube packer - Overbuljongterningpakkemesterassistent

fridge - freezer
wednesday - the middle
crosswalk - crosser
fan - ventilater
note - noticer
Earth - ground
space bar - whiter

The rest in russian are either borrowings or so old that you can't give them some meaning besides what they mean

read the right column first and the image still made sense

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You'll never guess what kulkas/koelkast means (cold cupboard)

>ground ball

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The Planet Earth - Jordkloden - the ball of soil

Exactly. Although finnish and nordic languages are not linquistically related a lot of the newer words are direct translations from sweden to finnish. The translation is much more close to swedish than it is to english. That makes reading and learning swedish really straightforward. Samhälle, bostad, medeltid... a lot are just literal translations from swedish to finnish.

Kys yourself really hard.

P.S. Asunto (bostad) is an old Finnish word. I'm sure also that it's way older than bostad. And it doesn't even make any sense at all to think that word to be derived from bostad.

but Earth is flat.

He's right tho.
elintarvike > livsmedel > ...groceries?

We also have
>world = maailma = earth air

To some degree yes, but getting all soyish about it is something to criticize.

And like I said he was wrong about bostad/asunto.

Btw, elintarvike > livsmedel > foodstuff.

>union jack

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Thanks for the laugh Netherlands. You're all right.

German is the same, and I strongly suspect Dutch too. Only Latin and its derivates are great languages.

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