How would people in your country feel if you walked around in your country holding a Persian girl's hand

How would people in your country feel if you walked around in your country holding a Persian girl's hand.

Attached: 956b7d4f90a8e4812dd7ae5ab26ce11a.jpg (564x564, 30K)

Some Arabs might get butthurt believing you stole one of theirs

Most Persians aren't really visible minorities.

probably think "why is that slovenian dating an albanian grill"

Other immigrants would call her a whore and slut in public in their native languages.

people would laugh at you for being ensnared by a financial succubus

They would just think she's a latina since I live in a predominately latino city.

>How come that loser got a gf?
>She must be a prostitute, lol

They would roll out the red carpet

I know this is stereotypical American, but most people would not know what a persian actually is. They might recognize the concept of Iran but there is no way more than 10% of Americans could find in a map. To answer your question, in the absence of a veil, most people would assume she's Mediterranean or something.

Needs slanted TURK eyes to show that she is off-spring of TIMUR that fucked Persia as he wanted.

>poor girl, she must've been sold as mail order brides to that disgusting incel...

>How would people in your country feel if you walked around in your country holding a Persian girl's hand.
Who cares?

they’d think she’s an upper caste punjabi qT

Im black so theyd probably think its normal


based white mongolian

>Most Persians aren't really visible minorities.
t. 56%

>How would people in your country feel if you walked around in your country holding a Persian girl's hand.

people would mistake her for being Italian

Probably nothing because they would assume she's a local

Attached: 1527009408807.png (270x210, 93K)

No one would care unless I show it publicly.

Attached: Kiraanime01.png (383x553, 334K)

a lot of persians don't look much different than your average bulgarian, so it wouldn't be an issue

swarthy girls in europe (nafri/persians) always have african boyfriends.

they wouldn't think she is a foreigner

I'm a Persian woman and no one would care because I live in America, the greatest country to have ever existed.

Nafri lust for BBC is well documented

Do you think Euros will be able to tell the difference ?

t. White American male

>swarthy girls in europe (nafri/persians) always have african boyfriends.
Cultural-Marxism hard at work

Do Punjabis and other northwest Indians have any similarities with people in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Pookistan?
Considering how Persian and Mughal influence covered said countries at one point.

Im not joking, go to stockholm centrum

They'd take me for a decent and successful religiously dedicated young man who already performed his duty of walking the Hajj once in his lifetime

sve balije put pod noge pa u Tursku pravo
da te više ne gledamo odnio te Đavo

We already have proboems distinguishing between mestizos, nobody would notice

Genetically yes, culturally there are many similarities too, and that goes back to much much before muslims showed up.

Yes, a lot actually

Pakistanis and North-West Indians are the same people minus religion. Language, food, culture, looks etc

Afghanis watch a lot of our movies and love all our Hindi film actors. Afghanis understand Hindi better than those of us fluent in Hindi/Punjabi understand Pashto

I was watching this random video of some Afghani speaking and was surprised how much I understood of what he was saying lol

as for looks

Afghanis are kinda bronze skinned and have a much higher prevalence of blue/green eyes than NW-Indians/Pakis

Afghanistan not, for pakistan its north indian.

>those of us fluent in hindi/punjabi understand pashto
no, its a completely different language

her face is ugly in this pic

I can understand a lot of it tbqh

not fluent at all but if I spend a a month or so I'd have no trouble understanding most of it

If she was wearing a hijab I'd probably get strange looks but wearing that they'd probably not say a damn thing

Yes, there are better pics of her

Attached: 35f60e8dee476efe1c641693d0a307d9.jpg (640x640, 56K)

Who the fuck cares?
Those milkers more than make up for it

actually user, I was suffering from Dunning-Kroger kek

I don't know even close to as much Pashto as I thought I did. I can pick up lots of words, meanings and sentence structure but it takes me minutes to just figure out one sentence lol

this is better
milkers with cute face >cute face >milkers
here is a better pic

Attached: tgvo6vK.jpg (920x1380, 444K)

Don't be jelly

Please fuck my ass

They wouldn't really care, i guess