I beat a Swede in Uppsala, because he looked at me badly. Now I'm in Kiev...

I beat a Swede in Uppsala, because he looked at me badly. Now I'm in Kiev. do you think the police will look for a Russian, or a Ukrainian?

When I beat him, I said "ebaniy pidoras, suka, ya tebya i v rot, i v jopu viebu".

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You are a hero. Thanks for your work

>didn't rape him

Are you the Ukrainian guy who got caught sneaking in the ladies restroom in that restaurant? The one who got beaten up by the male staff and thrown out but then stabbed one of the guys working there? They're looking all over for you lad

based ivan

Attached: russkie.jpg (276x280, 24K)

OP is a swede who loves to proxyfag

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Do you realize that Jow Forums cooperates with the Police in criminal cases?

>implying anyone cares about battery

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Now tell us what really happened.

no, I met him near the gas station, he heard my Ukrainian accent and began to laugh. I hit him in the face, he fell, I started beating him on the head with my foot.

good lad, n*Rdicks must be punished

then specialists will be able to advise me.

хaй би тeбe шлях тpaфив, чopтякa. Can you understand what I said?

Щo тaкe тpaфив я нe poзyмiю.

as a RUS bull, I can confirm this is absolutely based
you have the support of your fellow SLAV brother
you showed that sw*Doid what the nation that produced the likes of the Klitschko brothers and Igor Vovchanchyn, true bogatyri of the slavic race, is capable of

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>I cannot find that word in the google translate
Then fuck off, proxyfaggot.

Meнi зapaз нe дo жapтiв. Я мaтюгaвcя нa pociйcький, i тeпep дyмaю, чи нaвeдe цe cлiдcтвo нa pociйcький cлiд, a нe нa yкpaїнcький

мaтюкaвcя*, peoxyfag

>I started beating him on the head with my foot
Son of shoe

Йди в cpaкy, paгyль. Я нe пoвинeн poзбиpaтиcя y вaшoмy зaхiднoмy cypжикy.

Sergio “Destructor de Infieles” Ramos

>a Russian, or a Ukrainian

So a tomato or a tomato

We differ as Finns and Swedes. pretty hard

Finns and swedes are not even same ethnic or linguistic group. You are both.

I did not notice any difference between you, because it is not.