Alt-right kekistani trump supporter and follower of r/TheDonald

>alt-right kekistani trump supporter and follower of r/TheDonald
>far left socialist trudeau supporter and trans-rights activist
wich one would you rather have as a roomate?

Attached: 1*9nFTjspfR-yUub4DDTAAOA.jpg (770x558, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the socialist, because he wouldn't be a fat, friendless, autistic shut-in

I'd rather live in my car

Trudeau is so handsome

They are both liberals. Just slightly different flavors of it.

I would definitely pick the socialist. The alt right would kill me before he goes on a shooting spree.

Attached: memri1.png (500x583, 133K)

>far left socialist trudeau supporter

I'd tell him that Trudeau is neither far left nor socialist.

Well, I'm not wh'Te, so what do you think?

So either living with a socialist pussy or an "aryan" virgin?
Either way I'm kicking their asses.

>jokes with him in French
>slowly redpills him on (((them))) and the A*nglo
>turns Canado into the Quebec Reich

Fuck I didn't read ''supporter'', my plan won't work

the alt-right, because he wouldn't be a fat, friendless, autistic shut-in

>When OP can only think in memes
Cancer of a whole new variety

>far left socialist trudeau
I wish but instead he's planning to privatize the airports and continues to invest in oil.

that you'll pester your roommate to watch the newest Stefan Molyneux video?

Attached: Untitled.png (584x722, 759K)

as a spic i choose the second.

>so he got roman armor

Attached: 1523678314578.jpg (555x555, 39K)

>far left socialist
please bo joking

la atrocidad...


Attached: brazeau.jpg (840x630, 85K)

>far left
>Trudeau supporter
Learn basic political literacy before you post user

30-40% of """people""" in our cunt unironically think Obama is a Marxist/Stalinist/Maoist/Nazi

Attached: 1524966671060.jpg (250x243, 7K)

Trudeau is basically Canada's Trump.

>both are pro-business
>both are globalists
>both virtue signal every time they open their mouths
>both have praised dictatorships
>both say and do things that embarrass their countries on the world stage
>both are socially progressive
>both were privileged, spoiled rich kids
>both energized the masses in their campaign
>both are highly active in social media
>both are highly praised by Indians
>both are politically inexperienced
>both make their obsessed opponents foam at the mouth at every little thing they say
>both have a tendency to say things that would embarrass other leaders (yet both still let the criticisms roll off their back)
>both have appointed controversial figures
>both have been criticized for not being able to separate private interests from public office
>both prefer the Super Hornet over the F-35
>both are puppets of lobbyists
>both are memes

Aside from their stance on refugees (protip: they both have fairly similar positions on LEGAL immigration - don't forget the wall will have a "big, fat, beautiful door" for legal immigrants) they are almost exactly the same.

Attached: trudeau frog.jpg (253x371, 32K)

Attached: 1522928751497.png (1981x861, 112K)

>both are highly praised by Indians

He is.

Attached: Obamalini.jpg (280x210, 26K)

I rather have you take this Jow Forums thread to Jow Forums
Christ the redditors are out in force today.

Attached: 1521773495665.jpg (480x360, 16K)

The socialist, for sure.

>he thinks he can actually brainwash normal people with his Jow Forumstard delusions

The leftist.
At least they'd clean up after themselves and not leave piss bottles everywhere.

Most conservatives I've met are complete no hopers.

Attached: IMG_2562.png (750x1334, 1.27M)


>having roommates

I think my favorite thing about being a real adult with a grown-up job is that I don't need to deal with that shit anymore. There is no such thing as a good roommate, regardless of their politics or values they will all end up using your shit or leaving their filthy dishes in the sink at some point.

Attached: pepe2334.jpg (900x900, 88K)

Obvious choice jorge

Attached: image.jpg (1334x1989, 486K)

Homeless. I'd rather be homeless.

That wasn't one of the options.

Homelessness is always a option.

You had me until trans-rights activist

Let me set something straight. There is a ocean of difference between a supporter of any politican or group be it radical/racist/crazy/whatever and a ACTIVIST. One occasionally bitches about it on the internet, but otherwise has a life outside of it, the other one makes it their life and consequently your life. The Kekistani. I'd prefer the cringe flag being in my room over being dragged to every protest in the state.

Socialist because I don't want to be shot by an incel

Trudeau so he could get me weed

I prefer trudea to trump, even if for meme reasons (trudeau is cool af)

I don't mind socialists, surely better than reddit polsters kekistani (cringe hnnngg)

don't really care about trans, I don't hate them so whatever, I hate the donald thoug

I guess I go with the second choice

Far right even thought he'd want me dead

pure italian-american there, upholding italian tradition better than JAMALTALY XDDDDD DDDDDD

Leftist because he'd probably be less smelly and spend more time out being an activist on his campus or whatever. I'd get the place to myself most of the time.

Them trying to convince me of their shit would be annoying but the magapede would do the same.



This. Every leftist I've talked to hates Trudeau. The people that support him are just privileged white guilt faggots

>far left socialist trudeau supporter
I'm intrigued by this paradox so I'll take the opportunity to observe it first hand.

Why do they hate him? I admit I'm pretty ignorant of Canadian politics, but Trudeau is basically an Obama, right?

>Trudeau is basically an Obama
Correct and both are hated by lefties of their respective countries.
