
Asian pride worldwide

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Other urls found in this thread:


Homo edition

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toasting in an epic bread


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stop making the same edition every time you cunts

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sorry guys, he beat me to it..

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hello where are the memes

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fuck off you extraflags jew shill
eat cock and die

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friendly reminder

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I bet you breath with your mouth you fucking whore

>T. mexican department of propaganda
this graph is so fucking and stupid
you should probably kill yourself

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really would like to spend some time there before the fall semester


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This is so fucking stupid

Please play SCP secret lab with us

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>Why yes, I'd like to travel to a criminal infested country where even the highly protected vacation spots are being targeted by more organized criminals

If you search 'travel warnings' the first thing that will get autofilled is MEXICO

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>tfw your state is so irrelevant that you're not even on a us related meme

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but all my frenz is in mexico


you've probably never even left your basement, let alone your state. shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about

it's an old picture bud

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Lost my wallet and I'm pissed

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Search scp on /vg/

lose my wallet and my keys almost everyday

me on the left

You're dumb

I'm back buds

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my mind has advanced far beyond needing to know where my car keys are

Welcome back

might buy this

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>taking the ban instead of ban evading like everyone else
Good boy tbdesu

Lmao I remember when you posted that


Also blur your ip address lad

I cant do anything without money

use your boi pucci for what god made it for

bit gay

Food for thought: you're far safer on a tour of Mexico than in an American school.

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you ain't neva been hungry then fren


educate yourselves

Is this like a BMX bike?

Very excited for June 10th, buds.


Todd Howard

who is bill nye really working for?!


is it going to be a battle royal with a voiced protagonist and base building or not?


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who does the nigga-boo science man work for?!

Probably a survival rpg.

Todd has told no lies.

atta boy

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battle royal, got it

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wish I had an exotic pet

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It won't be battle royal.
It'll be a fantastic game though. Just like Fallout 4

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todd posting is the only good thing /v/ has ever done

finally found out what the shadilay thing Jow Forums spams all the time is



I remember when Fallout 4 was announced. I was very excited. I pre ordered right after bethesda's E3 conference. I was disappointed, but I know Todd won't lie to me this time

now if someone could tell me about the 'foy' thing that'd be great

one summer when i was 14-15 i played through evey ending or new vegas at least twice

Good taste

nothing proves your point better than referencing an it's always sunny in philidelphia clip


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What’s your favorite Grimes album?

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Nice desu

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What about you?

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I can’t pick, they all have so many great songs but the one I can’t really get into is Geidi Primes

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Yeah, I never really got into it either



the queer feminist gf

It's a spinoff so not compatible





Never gonna happen




Where were you when you realized that space is fake? I'm right fookin' here buds

I met this girl online and we've date twice in the month we've met, that means I've seen her in person twice.

We only talk by Whatsapp all day long every single day of the week but now she doesn't want to go out in person.

She keeps making up bullshit like meeting up with friends or family and yet we still keep talking by Whatsapp like normal.

I ask her out once in a while and she keeps dodging me. I have nobody else to talk to and I'm getting desperate and mad because I don't want to talk only by Whatsapp.

Is this healthy? Should I cut all communications with her?

What should I do?

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Sorry for the broken English but I'm really impatient and desperate right now.

I can cut all communications with her but I'll have nobody to talk to but on the other hand I'm getting mad because she keeps rejecting me every time I ask her out.


can you summarize it to like 2 minutes

all y'all doubters skip to 7 minutes in this vid and watch these actornauts swallow their feet

Maybe she is autistic and doesn't like talking to people in person

Doubt it.

I seriously need help with this point:

>I can cut all communications with her but I'll have nobody to talk to but on the other hand I'm getting mad because she keeps rejecting me every time I ask her out.

I don't know what to fucking do...

what could have been buds...

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Keep trying to meet up with her for a few weeks, no more than that. If she continues to evade you then drop her. Life is to short to get hung up on a girl that you can't even chill with.

nasa is to space, to what hollywood is to reality

dont talk to her for a few days, see her reaction.

if she keeps wanting to talk on whatsapp then ask her to hangout again next weekend, if she says no then you should cut her out by just not talking to her anymore

theres a million women in this world