Anyone else feeling confident as fuck with Chainlink? Like seriously, I am actually thinking Sergey will deliver. He is just too silent for there not be anything good forthcoming soon. It's like constantly edging and then when it comes, it will be biblical. Price is also slowly but steadily increasing, recovering lightning fast on each dip. Never felt so confident about something before in my life and been wrong before. It is happening one way or another.
Anyone else feeling confident as fuck with Chainlink? Like seriously, I am actually thinking Sergey will deliver...
Sergey, Steve, and the rest of the team are literally sweating blood and tears for us. They are truly /ourguys/ and the ChainLink network will represent the catalyst to mainstream Smart Contracts. We are going to make it brother, I am fucking chilling holding LINK, it is the best project in crypto.
Sergey outlined that they are indeed working as hard as they possibly can.
I have nothing but respect for this team.
>Stockholm Syndrome
you guys will be pretty happy. not saying much here, but end of q2 is looking really good for Chainlink
>Bought most of mine at the near 25¢ bottom weeks ago
There's such a big pep in my step at work now. It's like I grew 8 inches of cock.
Fucking based my dude
Do they even have a telegram yet???
The suspicious coincidence is, that when Ven posted their update on Oracle Enabler, it wa Link that shoot up, and Ven actually declined a bit.
I hear he's moved on from burgers to heroin. Hence, the silence.
Well, that's marginally healthier, so I'm optimistic.
How big are you now?
LINK now 50¢
Sergey is a man of action, not words. Dude is straight from Metro 2033.
He's both. Have you heard him speak? It's like honey.
>He is just too silent for there not be anything good forthcoming soo
I would be silent too if I wasnt doing shit enjoying my 30mil.
>Sergey is a man of action, not words. Dude is straight from Metro 2033.
what action can he take? He doesn't know how to code, and apparently doesn't know how to hire staff either.
How can you feel confident? Haven't you heard the news?? Let me be the first to tell you.......... It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.
>He's both. Have you heard him speak? It's like honey.
Are you kidding? in all interviews he sounds like a brainlet who knows nothing about tech. Watch Vitalik or Larimer if you want to hear what a high IQ person sounds like.
>he's keeping radio silence which definitely doesn't mean he's planning an exit scam
>just HODL xD
LINK $0.01 EOY
Stop trying to swing trade LINK you cunts. pointless FUD is an even bigger waste of time.
He has 5 fulltime coders and 3 other contributors for GitHub, coding himself is redundant. Dude is very smart, he could learn to code but it's beneath him.
He is CEO, he has important duties like hiring and networking with corporates.
>Stop trying to swing trade LINK you cunts. pointless FUD is an even bigger waste of time.
it's not fud, it's facts
>He has 5 fulltime coders
no he doesn't.
Bro its okay really if you buy back in you won’t be down that much from your sell
>Bro its okay really if you buy back in you won’t be down that much from your sell
I don't fund tech start ups lead by non tech people, or by women.
literal pajeet
Yeah try again bro, the whole English thing isn’t working for you
3$ EOY
FUDers resorting to a fucking tarot card reader, as if tarot cards have jack shit on digits. Your magic is weak.
Because he's the CEO and not a codemonkey