>move cities last year after embarassing breakup >cross country >cut all ties besides parents >move into studio apartment thats comfy but a bit small and shitty >get minwage job because meme expenses in life >no car >no friends >no social life at all >no savings >quite happy living out my days alone as stress free hermit >tell parents back home all is going amazing (friends, works, home etc) so they dont worry about me >phone rings Hey user good news! Me, your dad, your sister and her kid have booked a hotel near your place and are coming to visit soon! Isnt that amazing!
What do I buy with about 100 bucks that gets me a few grand to fix this mess Im in 4 months? Needs to be enough to move and get a car
A car I could explain I think but theyre expecting me to drive them around on their trip, I can take time off work and avoid people that might recognise me, I could just lie about having friends like I do already but the apartment I cant avoid. They think theyre coming over for dinner and having fun here, I own 1 plate ffs and sleep in the same room as my kitchen. I have to move
Luke Reyes
not even a kneepads post?
Logan Stewart
buy a tent and sleep in that. it'll keep the bugs off you
Zachary Russell
Isnt a tent even worse than what I have now?
Jackson Diaz
Some big releases next month, mcap still sub 10 mil. Easiest 2-10x of life.
Brayden Harris
Fake your own death
Tyler Clark
>Lying to your parents >As an adult >About something so insignificant
Lucas Myers
Just tell your family the truth
Brody Stewart
this, they would most likely feel bad and help you out.
Easton Jenkins
Giving up a job, relationship, a lifetime of friends and any premise of a life in favor of living the way I do now is not insignificant. Lying was for their benefit, nobody who cares about somebody wants to hear theyve given up on fighting for any sort of future in favor of being a weird loner hiding a thousand miles away, especially not a son.
Robert Lopez
Id like to be honest with them but I know theyll be hurt and feel like I need help. I dont want help, I have a job and a place, what I want is to be left alone.
Jack Diaz
Rent your holes for 20$/hour
Jaxon Perry
Is there a market at those prices? Surely faggots can get it for free from each other
Isaiah Murphy
Wow it's like every episode ever of my favorite sitcom!
Henry Scott
ugly fags have to pay .. if they want fuck someone younger
Ian Turner
- double down on the web of lies: fired from job, etc. get an internet ministers license - start hanging out every day at the shittiest dive bar you can find, make a new group of toothless meth friends - tell your parents you've started a ministry
i know its a rough outline, you can figure it out from here user
Nathan Green
dude who cares what they think? this is YOUR LIFE. they'll accept it or they won't. either way you'll still be the same bitch you were.
live your life the way you want.
Dominic Torres
I swear to god this happened in some show or cartoon or comic or something... can't think of what it was...
Jack Johnson
4 months is plenty. Start hustling and moving up son. Probably not enough time to start a real profitabile business but you need to invest in yourself and your skills and get a better job. Remove all distractions from life and improve your income. The rest will follow.
Xavier Lopez
Why would you lie, also as a general rule in life never talk about how good things are going, it makes you look like an ass and the parasites will make note of it
Charles Richardson
Oh yeah, it was Welcome to NHK. A hikikimori's mom suddenly decides to drop by after he lies about his life and saying he has a job and a gf. And then he tries to fake everything when she gets there but she knows all along because she can tell when her son's lying.
Work a bit harder. Work more hours, get a better job. Save money for a car. Get a better job, then get a career. Get some friends and a girlfriend. Improve your outlook on life. Find small things that make you happy or at least content. Go on walks, exercise daily for 30 min. Make a routine and be disciplined. Read some books learn some skills instead of browsing endlessly. Minimize browsing and video games. Get a calendar and mark each day where you've been productive and achieved your goals. Get easy, doable goals. Once you're in a steak you'll feel better about yourself. You owe it to yourself to feel better. There is nothing to gain from being sad all the time. If the feels call, don't answer! Try to ignore the feels. Don't reanalyze your life when you feel sad. It will only make you more depressed. You will lose hope and get in a downward spiral. Try to sleep at good times and without interruptions. Have each day the same sleep schedule of at least 7 hours. Don't do drugs and don't drink alcohol. Don't eat sugar. It will create ups and downs and fluctuations in your feels that are hard to manage and overall you'll be in minus. Don't gamble, especially in bitcoin. There are far more chances to lose than to gain. Bitcoin fundamental value is 0 and will always be 0. Just because some people are irrational and pay more than 0 for something worthless is just noise and needs to be ignored. Some will make money and brag about their gains, ignore it. Later if you have savings, invest in stocks and hold a good portion of your savings in ETF of something that replicates the broad market. Unlike the casino or bitcoin, investing in stocks is not a zero sum game or a ponzi scheme. Average return over more than a century is 10%. That will be a passive return than can compliment your wage.
Nolan Jenkins
Cardano. Gooodluck user
Jason Garcia
Follow these steps and you will feel happier. Yes, you'll be called a wage cuck. Jobs can be stressful and annoying. Eventually you might do something you like, You can start a business and work for yourself. We need distractions to delude ourselves that our short existence on this rotating ball of shit is not worthless. What are the choices? Suicide? Maybe but since life is so short, might as well wait until you die of natural causes to see what happens. It's not so hard to not be sad. Not too hard to have a job you don't hate. There are many choices in life that can make you less miserable. There may be stepping stones, and at times it will feel hopeless. But eventually you can get to a point where things are comfy. Life can change pretty fast for the better. A good girlfriend, or a good job can happen soon if you're patient and don't lose hope. If you sit in your room and do nothing to improve your situation, you might make things worse and get miserable. The choice is yours. I chose to feel better. I was pretty much in the same situation, probably worse.
Christian Sanchez
Unironically, how hard is to migrate from third world country to a decent part of Europe for example? If you don't have connections, nobody will trust the legality of your crypto gains, especially bureaucratic cunts. It's my personal struggle, but I'll make a move later this year.
Ethan Gutierrez
We're full! Migrants not welcome.
Dylan Morales
Sebastian Bell
You are nullifying your wall of text already. Just life anyway, be grateful that you're doing fine.
John Davis
I'm a bit sick of Arabs and Nigs. They are of lower intelligence and have very little you bring. You mentioning cripto makes me think you can't be too bright.
Owen Torres
I don't know what you should pick coin wise user. If I know - I'd be in it too! But, I can feel your pain. I'm not in the same situation as you - but, as the saying goes 'there but for the grace of God go I'. I got lucky and got a few promotions in a few years at work and managed to carve out a life that looked ok on paper (enough that friends and family wouldn't pry). I suppose you've looked at all the other potential jobs in your area and the extra work stuff so I don't have an answer. Just that I hope someone here has a decent moonshot for you. BTW nice digits
Aiden Peterson
Find a legit sales you job, stop being an autist and go out in the world and get what you want.
Elijah Torres
Good advice user
Daniel Sullivan
If OP wants to be a loser, more power to him.
Jaxson Wilson
Sick of arabs and nigs, trying to achieve a better life by exploiting government's policy. That's lower intelligence? You can deal better than being a racist. Crypto can be money, and without money, you can't be heard. Don't act like it's not important. I'm slav anyway so i won't have an easier convenience
Thomas Adams
Open BitMex account. Long BTC with 100x leverage Collect free money.
Jaxon Morgan
>Bitcoin fundamental value is 0 and will always be 0
Tell the embarrassing breakup story and I might tell you.
Noah Clark
I'd recommend you tell the truth to you family, but that's probably not what you want to hear.
2 weeks before they arrive just tell them you moved out of your apartment and you're living in a tiny flat you rented until you find something new. Rent/borrow a non-rental car while they are there.
Juan Gomez
You can buy a cheap car (under $1k) on govdeals.com
Liam Hall
>Open BitMex account. >Long BTC with 100x leverage this desu, you got nothing to lose and 100 aint shit
Lucas Hernandez
sell your ass for sex and suck dozens of dicks until you have $1000. then invest all in Link. after that start picking a color for your Lambo