How can the modern world even compeat

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we have the power to create the paradise on earth and we consume our life in activities with zero trascendence

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modern sanitation, hygiene, medicine, the internet, human rights, sufficient food supplies, education, etc etc

glory beauty power dignity adventure thats the how the life should be lived

They had most of those things before northern barbarians fucked everything up.

It failed, med brother. It failed.

daily reminder that romans had public bathrooms more than 2000 years ago and indians sill have shitting streets today.

Apart from internet Rome had all of the rest

I blame greeks

>Although there were many sewers, public latrines, baths and other sanitation infrastructure, disease was still rampant. Most dwellings were not connected to street drains or sewers. Some apartment buildings (insulae) might have had a latrine and a fountain on the ground floor. This didn't stop the residents on the upper floors from dumping their waste onto the street. There was no street cleaning service in Rome. Thus, the neighborhoods were plagued with disease.[10]
>The baths are known to symbolise the "great hygiene of Rome." Although the baths may have made the Romans smell good, they were a cesspool of disease. Doctors commonly prescribed their patients a bath. Consequently, the diseased and healthy sometimes bathed together. The sick generally preferred to visit the baths during the afternoon or night to avoid the healthy, but the baths were not constantly being cleaned. This means the healthy who bathe the next day might catch the disease from the sick who bathed the previous day.[10]
>Latrines could be found in many places such as in baths, forts and the colosseum. The Romans wiped themselves after defecating with a sea sponge on a stick named tersorium.[11] This was shared by all of those using the latrine. To clean the sponge, they simply washed it in a bucket with water and salt or vinegar.[12] This became a breeding ground for bacteria, causing the spread of disease in the latrine.[10]

Arcadia is without any question the best stage, taht's just how it is.

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all the societies across the world know the real value of the merchant and we let this low life rats to establish they low life values we have enthronized false gods,that are not part of european spirit
we need to establish the values of the warrior once again

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nothing beautiful can come establishing the standards values of the low castes
only greed cowardy and falsehood,

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All societies fall, all empires fall. Just wait a while longer and our societies will fall as well.
And something new will rise from the ashes. History just keeps repeating it self.

they are 100 thread per day trying to say us what mean to be european
let me tell you what really is :
if you put adventure and glory before a confortable life
beauty as what should be he standard
pride and honour as the only way in life you should behave

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Shouldn't have conquered us then!

Go get a job lol

This is all the adventure you need honestly

>Just wait a while longer and our societies will fall as well.

How, when ? Proofs, faggot. And not from Jow Forums or Russia Today.

No society in the past is comparable to today. It's a completely.

>History just keeps repeating it self.

Stop being a simpleton that thinks in platitudes.

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>It's a completely.

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I wish i was some sort of god emporor of old

That's why retards like you thinking magically and unreasonably will never fucking amount to anything.
The world belongs to the powerful, and there is nothing quite like financial power.


Nigga pls, many of their knowledege was lost due barbarians chimpping out

Ancient 'knowledge' kek

Shove your mysticism up your ass, you fucking faggot

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>History Channel

Bro there were a ton of inventions and tools that were lost of left alone because of wars and population displacement.

And none got shit on everything we found out since we have scientific naturalism (200 years).

50 years as the motor of the west and i have seen more than i need to
50 years that haven brought nothing more han chaos and nihilism ,even if we dont overthrwon the system it will implode by itself

Of course not you nigger. That's not the point. The point is that if those discoveries weren't lost, our tech level would be higher by now.

keep dreaming that the snake oil salesman status will remain new waves are coming and you are not part of them

How will it implode by itself ? What mechanism ? Social cohesion is pretty fucking high


institutions of power and control have never held such disproportionate power in th e history of mankind.

With a little luck, we're slowly moving towards an end to history.

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rome was a digusting shithole full of unemployed poor people, scheming patricians and powerful plebs, mentally ill tyrants and inflammable houses. the onahole of ambition and greed. literally worse than mumbai and a hundred shitting streets put together.

a real cohesive society leke the chinese will destroy in the long turn the chaos that the west have become ,maybe they are not so diferent but diferent enought to make oursel look at the mirror of what we have become an lost fate for what we are fighting for
china wont even need to fight us like a wave in the rock will erode us little by litle while we look at them mesmerized and hopeless
