What's with Russia and cats?

What's with Russia and cats?

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T-I-G-E-R-S are cats

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Ruskys r fags

cats r qt

Saw a cat yesterday.

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russians are bros, an heart of sweetness in a body of steel
would trust the last of the russian over the best of the americans


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This tbqh

lots of vermin's makes a demand for lots of cats.

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>an heart of sweetness in a body of steel
Finally someone got it. But pssst, that's a secret.

Poland has 31%, too fucking much. Cats are the worst pets.

wtf I love Italy (and Canada) now

cats are subanimals

It's inconvenient to own a dog when you live in a tiny commieblock flat

They are good for agriculture e.i killing rats and mice

Both are russian immigrants though.

>Cats are the worst pets.
What the fuck did you just say?

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He is polak, he hates everything good, from Russia to the cats.

My neighbor has cats and I hate it.

here are all countries surveyed. ukrainians love cats too

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Wtf? I love Russia now.

Apparently Russia and cats have a lot of in common. I don't hate Russia though.

they eat roaches

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That feeling when you are number one, while US is 3rd place world.

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my cat got cancer and grew a big tumor on its head. the vet put it down. rip cat. i liked cat better before i heard of toxoplasmosis though.

Sorry to hear that

Is this supposed to be problematic?

I'm not though

I expected Japan and Korea to have more cats, granted how crazy they are about them

That's Japan for you.


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>I expected Japan and Korea to have more cats,

do koreans still eat dogs and cats?

I suppose, the fact that most people in Russia live in appartment blocks with quite limited living space greatly restricts opportunities to have normal-size dogs as pets, thus cats' rate is inflated.

Do know how Ukrainians call кoт?

Unironically yes

Poles have no soul

>Do know how Ukrainians call кoт?

my ukrainian grandfather used to call out "kit, kit, kit" when feeding his cat.

Kit I think? Never really knew any Ukrainians, where I grew up it was just a bunch of Poles, Czechs, and Germans with some Russians and even Serbs. And some blacks and Asians of course.

Did you call me?

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Yes. That's right. And how do Ukrainians call кит?

Does your region have its own breed of кoт?
and it's gorgeous

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how dp they call whales then?


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why, did cat fucked your girlfriend or something?

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But what kind of dogs do Russians like ?

Judging on my town, there are few mainstream dog breeds:
1) Balto's rival from cartoon type of dogs
2) Hachiko type
3) and apparently, French bulldog. To me the cutest one.

>The East European Shepherd (VEO) (in Russian: Bocтoчнo-eвpoпeйcкaя oвчapкa (BEO)) —is a breed of dog that was developed in the 1930-1950s based on German Shepherd Dogs to create a larger cold-resistant breed for military use, police work and border guard duties in the Soviet Union. This breed is popular in Russia where it entered a public culture and acquired a legendary status as an extremely smart and loyal dog devoted to their owners. The breed is well known in other ex-Soviet Union republics. In the West, the East-European Shepherd is a rare breed that is not well known: information about the breed on online sources, in English, is limited and often incorrect or distorted.

Cats love strong countries, that's why they avoid manlet countries

Why are they less popular than cats ?

>caucasian russian sheperd

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TCO (total cost of ownership), and dogs need more space.


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KOT controls Putin, KOT controls Russia

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No surprise, poor and sad people tend to do have cats.

Happy, rich and outgoing people tend to have dakimakuras with painted 2d girls.


3rd tier slav actually.

I like cats. Have two, male and sterilized female, the former intermittenly attempts to rape her, with loud screams and shit; annoying as hell. Why the fuck did my family think it was a good idea? And on fucking top of that I've got to actually take care of them, for fuck's sake. Cute and all that but these screams waking you up at 4 AM get old quite fast.

kot acts strange and paranoid after he's had breakfast

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Why do Asians hate kot?
Is it because they don't have the bliny and cream to feed them?

kot is food in east asian

Russia has many stray cats and russians are very kind people so they often take them in.

>russians are very kind people
B-but BBC

Perfect animal for a small apartment that adds comfort and doesn't require much maintenance while you are working two jobs.

cats are disgusting
they sit on tables and lick your food when you're not looking
dogs are superior

Working two jobs in USSR was illegal.