8 days

8 days.

Attached: Oysteri.png (1600x396, 37K)

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whats your selling point OP

Maybe at 5USD

Whats happening in 8 days?

thank you, I am not really long term on this but I would like to flip it when the mainnet hype approaches, dyou think it'll do $1 EOM?

I think 7$. Even if i have to wait a year or two

8 days is too late to buy the rumour but thanks anyways

Theres no rumor kek. Its been known for months. But i know what you mean. Its still sitting around its usual pricetag though

Reminder that prices will be pegged to actual storage and the platform will be usable when mainnet launches. 1 prl = 64 gb /year. Draw your own conclusions from this information.

Attached: Dutchbog.png (696x732, 768K)

There might not be too much hype for it but this will definitely go up 3x at least in the next 2 months. Still hasn't pumped much. If Only I had more money I would throw it in.