What can I do to turn $10,000 into $100,000 in the next two years?
Any ideas?
What can I do to turn $10,000 into $100,000 in the next two years?
Any ideas?
if you dont know that then you are fully retarded and unable to do anything with your life
Buy blockarray user, 5 dollars eoy
buy link
Tron senpai
>asking how to 10x in 2 years
Literally put your 10k into any 2 projects and wait.
10k into icx or aion
get a job for $45k per year
Buy Babb.
All in SGR, OCN or DBIX and you have 100k in summer.
But 0xbitcoin and HODL
if that's your only goal BTC could probably do it. Go 33% BTC, 33% ETH, 33% some other coin (ARK maybe idk)
bitcoin will definitely hit the 80-90k mark two years from now even if it's only briefly.
You can buy UUU and turn it into $100k in a week or two
Hahahahahaha I needed the laugh. Thanks user.
Are you really that optimistic for UUU ?
You can go to trade school and become a canadian welder or you can grow shrimp.
If you literally buy 1 Bitcoin with it (and even then some) you will reach this goal
buy a foreclosure or put 10% down on a 100k house, renovate, rent it out, sell it, use a 1030 tax deferment to buy a new property without paying taxes on it. rinse repeat.
Phore. Buy it before it goes $100 EOY or $1000 in two years
Thanks for the Phore, tip, very interesting
>10x in 2 years
ELEC in 1 year