Stop trying to make Ark Snek a thing. It's not a thing.
Ssssssstay poor faggot
You know what this reminds me of? When people were whining about the ETH snake for months on end.
Stay poor bro.
Deluded Arkies
fucking dArkies, never trust em. Put your money in MOON instead. It will be safer
im archiving every one of these threads where disgusting no arkies come in to fud. we'll be pretty entertaining when Ark is sitting at $100 after fomo phase.
The day of reckoning is coming for noarkies. I can’t wai for the pink wojaks and suicide prevention threads
Is anyone going to the biz ark meetup in NYC?
What?! What are the details ?
only $100 mate? I'm not joking when i say that i fully expect ARK to be within the $500 to $1000 range by 2020.
Don't remember when but it was talked about in the biz classic discord
When you realize Ark is the only true legit blockchain project on the market, it becomes very easy to just let those divs roll in.
shitcoin based on nodejs
> nodejs
> cant multithread
> whole blockchain held in memory
and you wonder why it never goex up
It's not officially announced yet, but it's confirmed and the venue is booked.
May 11th in NYC.
Please make sure to take 2-3 blurry photos and post them on the reddit weeks after the event so all the low IQ delusional redditors can pat themselves on the back about how great the community is.
It's funny because it's true and unfortunately I'm all in on this shitcoin
You were in my thread last night.
We're going to be rich but still pathetic
is this spring 2017?
fuck off you deluded pieces of shit
>being this undeluded
I've been staking and getting free Ark since spring 2017, if that's what you mean.
Notice how Ark doesn't need a bunch of stupid memes and endless threads every day like ShitLink does?
I'm not joking. It's history repeating all over again. The moaning about ETH's code, people saying it was a shitcoin never going anywhere, always complaining about the price action.
Then... came march. I sold mid November while many were posting wojaks.
I've done so before, and i'm doing it now... i'm telling you; ARK will pull the same stunt. Just as ETH before it, ARK will elevate blockchain technology to even greater heights and real world adoptibility.
I'm literally right there with you. If you recall last night, I also mentioned how I disregarded the crypto threads on my way to the Robonhood generals. That mistake won't be made again. I've done more research on this shit in the last 8 months to last a lifetime. I remember reading those ETH threads. Trust me. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about them
let me say it again
Ark is Far, FAR, far ahead of anyone in the blockchain space
only uneducated fools don't realize this, DYOR and you will be elevated to the highest heights of salvation
forget it. don't even bother. Why try to convert the braindead nonbelievers? Just continue sitting comfy watching as your Ark balance as well as the value of Ark continue to grow every day.
I used to think the whole biz logic was a meme, but its true.
Don't cry about mistakes made in the future mate. Smile, because the future is fast approaching. A lesson well learned is gold.
*made in the past, ofc.
I see I am among frens here. I'm so happy to ride out 2018 with my fellow Arkies
I bought ark at $0.50. Should have sold at $10, will never be that high again.
since my agrs got delsited Im technically all in on Ark bois. fuck day traders
Ark will blast through $10.
I'm holding some ARK right now, but haven't paid attention to the going-ons in a while. Is something happening soon?
This summer, yes.
>only 1k ark
am i gonna make it bros?
21k Ark 28k Blockport here. Am I gonna make it anons?
Gods work user. ARK of Noach. ARK of the Covenant. GODS SEAL IS ON ARK.
If you're right I'll be a literal millionaire
>only 1k ark
>am i gonna make it bros?
i'm not going to lie to you and say you are.
you need more Ark. Sell whatever shitcoins you are holding and go all in with Ark. You need to make a decision that will affect the rest of your life.
if you held 1k ETH this time last year you would have made it
anyone holding 500 or more ARK is going to make it sooner than later
Ark's for nerds.
>if you held 1k ETH this time last year you would have made it
true, good point
ARK is not ETH.
If ETH disappeared tomorrow, hundreds of projects would be rekt.
If ARK disappeared tomorrow, only ARK holders are hurt.
It's nowhere near as vital to the ecosystem. People don't depend on ARK, but people do depend on ETH.
But ETH isn't disappearing and the smartbridge will be a necessity in the future.
Nobody said ARK was ETH
Someone I know is selling 30% of his ark to buy some normie stuff.
Fucking normalfags. How did someone like that even got wind of Ark in the first place? Are we that much of Norman City now?
I met a girl(Read: roastie) on tinder who's probably reading this right now. We talked about crypto for three days and then stopped talking. You can guess what her poorfolio was full of
AION mainnet this week. ARKfags on suicide watch.
are you me?
90 percent of my roasties holdings were, XLM, LINK, and SIA
i know someone who sold his whole ark stack (4000) JUST before it pumped a few days ago. he needed the money because he got into legal trouble
I love my roastie sluts. They're good for two things.
1. Sucking my dick raw
2. Letting me know which coins to avoid