Why are you burgers so afraid of taxes? Let's say I gave you $1,000...

Why are you burgers so afraid of taxes? Let's say I gave you $1,000,000 and said you get to keep it as long as you give me 39.6% of it, you wouldn't say no would you? That's a cool half million in your bank account. You loss averse cucks make me sick.

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>I gave

This has to be a troll post no one can be this retarded

the difference in that example and in real life is i EARN my money and am not handed it for free. kill yourself, remember to sage guys

neck yourself commie

>Why are you burgers so afraid of being fucked in the ass? Let's say I gave you $1,000,000 and said you get to keep it as long as you let me fuck you in the ass, you wouldn't say no would you? That's a cool half million in your bank account. You loss averse cucks make me sick.

Nobody is afraid of taxes. It's all retarded FUD

>has crypto gains
>considers it hard work

Doesnt fucking matter you cuck
Why am I supposed to give part of my gains (hard or not hard earned) to those cocksuckers ?
Are you that cuck that you just shut up and follow ? You gonna give your money to everybody that asks you to ?

lets say someone else gives you $1,000,000 for sucking his dick
then I come to you and say as long as you give me 39.6% of it, I won't kick your door in and shoot you and your dog in the face.
you wouldn't say no, would you?

I'm not. I would even give 70% if the government asked me because I know it's for my safety. They use it to improve roads and the army to protect from muslims

Young Madonna was p hot.

Our taxes are being misspent. They intentionally throw money down the shitter and say it is for "social justice." Like every effort to educate blacks. The Head Start budget is billions of dollars a year and it has no benefit.

There is also the retarded corporate giveaways in contracts spending, and 8(a) is the worst. Everything we do for minorities specifically makes our country weak.

Because the tax money is given to niggers for gibs me dat and section 8

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Much better comparison honestly.

Don't encourage them to sell you retard, we need these cucks to hold our bags.

The government are the ones bringing IN the muslims. Are you really this retarded?

and then after you've shot OP in the legs you can give him a crutch and say "See if it weren't for me you wouldn't be able to walk, you should thank me"

>I would even give 70%
>to protect from muslims
cuck and ignorant about politics

Yes because burgerland is being flooded with Arabs as we speak.

God you people are terrified of everything. Just admit you're hyperindividualists and that other countries can manage taxes because their culture is more functional.

You're already infected with niggers and other non-white shits.

that is accurate. does it mean I *should* pay taxes, having admitted it? Fuck no

its just too complicated

okay give me a 396k OP

>there are people who unironically believe this

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Because /biz is full of libertarian retard's who are erect by the thought of hiding their 10k of gains from the evil jew government or something

Attached: libertarian at a dinner party.jpg (720x599, 82K)

explain to me how this is a bad thing

>risk my own capital to make money
>get taxed on it going out
>get taxed on the remainder during purchases

I could either
>keep the entire 1 milion
>pay half a mil to the government to finance israel and give gibs to nogs
wew really mademy think

I forgot
>get taxed on earning the original capital to invest

no its not. you literally stole money from pajeets across the sea

>Make large investment on crypto
>Relocate 6 months after initial investment
>2 years later you are up to 5M in total valuation
>Cash out however much you like
>Move back with your tax free money

Oh you used saved like 3M

>uncle sam didnt give me shit


In a game that everyone agreed to play. I don't like that market speculation is the only way to wealth but as long as it is, you can't get upset that people are playing it

kys bootlicker