>tfw marriage, they said
>tfw wife, they said
>tfw tell her about your gains they said..
Tfw marriage, they said
>registering your relationship with the government.
Holy shit what a terrible terrible deal
What kind of Russian billionaire doesn't even have enough mob connections to make her go missing?
That's probably coming next after this tbqh
itt: virgins who don't know legal recognition that she should just fuck right off wouldn't be worth $492 million
Is like yall wanna stay married
Part of the reason why I'm never getting married.
Now, if only I could find a female who feels the same way.
He will have to buy a new boat
Why anyone with over a million net worth chooses to marry is just beyond me.You simply have no reason to do it at that level. She'll never leave you no matter what.
Just string them along like John Cena and eventually breakup. By then you'll probably have been together for 6 years and she'll be hitting the wall.
people like you are the reason why countries instantiate marriage after 6 months of relationship. i fully applaud the retribution against parasites
now that is one ugly boat
Why would he do that if he can safely dispose of her for 1m?
t. Roastie hitting the wall
Hahaha my mate legit works on that boat. He's been stuck in Dubai for 6 months because of this.
Ha wow if that's true I didn't realize how hostile countries were to men. It's almost like the conspiracy theories might be true.
>Thinking that not marrying will save you.
If you just spend enough time with a woman, the state will consider you both as good as married and will give your stuff to her.
Unless you're a Muslim living in a Muslim country, don't even consider relationships if you're rich.
>be alone, isolated from society, and poor
y-yeah i'll never get married too user.... s-solidarity... those f-f-fucking whores...
Why aren't more wives go "missing"? What kind of man would put up with this nonsense?
>be chad billionaire
>can afford to pay 10/10 sloots to get hysterectomies and pound their ass 24/7
>instead get married and lose space yacht to wrinkled old roast beef sandwich
i dont understand
and yet you try desperately and cant even find someone, what does that make you?
>be alone, isolated from society, and poor - the life of a divorce raped man.
Roastie or basedcuck numale.
a self aware failure rather than a delusional failure
>no argument
as expected out of a narcissistic parasite. the second hitler can't come soon enough to kill all of your kind
just tell people you dont want to get married. the older you get the more the dating pool increases
t oldfag
This is why you get married after you make your fortune. They're not entitled to that money.
Most men aren't redpilled on women.
you think that a man who strings a woman along for 6 years and then dumps her with nothing is ok?
Why didn't he create a shell corporation and bought the yacht with it?
This would only happen in some yurocuck nation probably
you think a "second hitler" wont be solving the whore problem too?
Yeah marriage is a disgusting joke in the West these days.
I'd be willing to marry a girl is if she were to commit to properly being a mother and forming a family - if she gives me say, 6 kids, then I'd say fair enough and marry her.
men wouldn't be as likely to do this if marriage wasn't the massive financial risk that it currently is
women loved hitler. he was seen as someone who deals with useless male parasites as the ones that surfaced in this thread. hitler conducted a beta revolution after all
She could have left at any time. She could have asked him about his intentions for the future at any time.
If you are marrying than make sure that your wife has the same net worth as you BEFORE marrying her.
say it with me Jow Forums
(with the exception of pic related, holy shit she ages like fine wine)
why would someone marry one woman when you can have like 100
It happens all over the Western world you idiot, from USA to Canada to Eurocuck countries.
Anywhere around 5-10 years with the same chick and you're considered married in the eyes of the government.
Everyone loved Hitler because he unified the nation and her people and them proud, strong and free again. 14/88
Sweden, laws are getting overthrown and sharia was taken in place because the woman was muslim.
The court said: lol your fault for not following sharia, your family will do the judge you in your home.
yeah, if the fine wine was vomit
stringing along is a way of promising a relationship. an act of deception.
>not marrying and having children makes you poor
post proof that this happens in the USA. I'm sure it happens in Swedistan...
They had a relationship.
she needs it to raise the children
>t. never been in a relationship or understands the definition of stringing along.
I don't feel strongly either way but if you think she wasn't doing this either subtly or overtly and he just shut it down (She knows he could just find another girl any time) then you're pretty naive. He probably gave her loads of lines about the right time or saying that he would one day.
Contrary to popular belief on Jow Forums women can feel love and are willing to let themselves look stupid and be tricked just like men are.
Well since women's are equal, yeah.
yes but a billionaire isn't most men
What the fuck is that bitch going to do with a yacht?
>erased hundreds of years of european history by destroying the national library of warsaw
>caused the deaths of millions of white americans, white slavs, white brits, and white frenchman
>literally the reason why white nationalism has become a taboo subject in modern society
the one type of people you would expect to be hitler apologists shouldnt even be hitler apologists
>letting people steal from you
If Hitler would have won the war, divorce wouldn't exist in modern society.
I love Hitler. He was truly a man of the people.
>492 million dollar yacht.
Come on man, what do you think she's gonna do with it.
Go fuck yourself you hooknosed kike.
Learn how the system works before you even think about relationships, because ignorance in this field might end up costing you a ton of money one day.
Google common law marriage. It's not active in every state though.
Here's another fact, prenups get thrown out in court if the woman for example says she signed it under duress.
The entire system is so hard skewed against men it's not even funny, probably so that women don't end up leeching welfare after the divorce.
This way they get men to cover the expenses instead of the state.
>dont need a flag to see that you are a Mutt
>erased hundreds of years of european history by destroying the national library of warsaw
Warsaw was under siege and the germans asked the polish commander to surrender he refused twice
>caused the deaths of millions of white americans, white slavs, white brits, and white frenchman
the bongs and frenchman declared war on germany and had months time to invade germany before germany move its forces to the west
pretty sure it's just the leafs, and pretty sure it's their genetic cuckoldry rather than any desire to stomp "parasites"
Hitler fought against the exact same elites that have since even before Hitler been scheming to destroy the White race through miscegenation and cultural degeneration. All he did wrong was LOSE
the red pill is that marriages are founded upon lack of trust
as opposed to a bilateral contract between a man and woman, marriages are trilateral contracts between the man woman and the government, pushed by the woman in almost all cases
so she is marrying you not because she trusts you but because she doesn't trust you to commit
>the mind of a shitcoiner
how about because it's better to hold ETH than to jump between Confido, BitConnect, Ambrosus and Link?
Sounds like she won't be getting it. He sold it to one of his shell corps in Panama. His wife is a cheating greedy cunt. She got a 25m pound house and another 25m pound worth of painting but she wanted more. Never keep your assets where Anglo governments can reach.
I wouldn't count on that holding up in court.
Wew good thing I don't live in any of those states.
fuck that, who cares if the dating pool gets bigger if its filled with fucking single mothers and used up whores
if i dont get a gf before i reach 30, i'll just quit it all together and focus entirely on getting rich
yeah wtf are these retards going on about common law marriage all the time... it's only in 10 states, and literally none of these are places you'd want to live lmfao
Wow, haven't seen a good post around here in weeks.
The fuck do you mean "strings along", you dumb whore? Are you implying a man owes a woman something for spending time in a relationship with him? Jesus just fuck off.
>ywn be so rich that your yatch has a yatch
>Gold digging roastie mad she can't steal half of a man's wealth claiming no argument.
Getting rid of welfare is the answer, not making men avoid marriage and child rearing because of punitive divorce laws. System is so retarded, it's practically begging men to leave the state.
This autistic shit is getting tiring
straight men should form child raising partnerships and hire surrogates instead of dealing with women. I bet a family made up of two straight guys (and their girlfriends) could work pretty good.
1488 get
>roastie getting heated
>Russian billionaire
It's only right that a person who's fucked over thousands of people gets fucked at least once.
>did you ever see the sexual market value of a w*man and a man
get them when thier value is still rising at 18 yo
and sell them when thier 27yo
looks like Abramovich yacht, was he married?
yeah but any russian billioners from 90s deserve this and even more. But this doesn't change the fact that system is rigged
LMAO peak at 38. The cope.
>woman: the prize to have
>man: the thing to go through which should be considered work by society
My fucking sides
I wish I could just hire someone to have a child with, then ban them from being a part of our lives.
I want to have a family, but that's it. Only poor girls and fat girls like me. Usually a combination. Last girl that came over stole money out of my drawer.
I’m not sure what it’s called in English, but just make a legal agreement that allows you to keep all your assets if you get divorced. It’s pretty easy to set up this kind of agreement in my country. I guess it’s not very “romantic”, but if you don’t get divorced it won’t make a difference. If you do get divorced you will be happy you did it.
Why are people in this thread not talking about this option? Is it not possible to make this kind of legal agreement in other countries?
It's called surrogacy.
This. Most men at 38 are fat slobs. This chart might apply if you remain Jow Forums and make lots of money. The average guy peaks at 30 years old or something.
>I wish I could just hire someone to have a child with, then ban them from being a part of our lives.
Pretty sure you can. Fertility services can't discriminate you by your inability to find a mate. Or something like that, WHO released some guidelines recently.
Explain then why I was getting tons of pussy as a 17 y.o. poorfag in high school but now as a 23 year old I haven't been laid in 18 months. Men peak at like 20, this graph is a lie.
So what, I find a donor egg and have it implanted into a surrogate?
Being a pet goyim to Jewish Capatlism and Communsim
>>Oy Vey join the usury slaves circa circa pre-Babylon that’ll teach em’
it's called a prenup and it is possible to have in any western country. however even these billionaires are so cucked, low self-esteem they rather not have it if their wives demand not to do it. secondly, if you have kids you gonna pay millions annually in case of divorce until they are adults
Prenups get thrown out of court all the time.
>muh N=1
>being this retarded