BBN - Banyan Network

BBN will NEVER, EVER, go below 10 cents again. If you don't buy your moon ticket now, you aren't gonna make it.

Just look at the team and the advisors + normies still don't know about this.

See you at 50c end of may.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

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Jow Forums shills are the fucking worst. you all use the same fucking phrases, same inflection. enjoy those heavy ass bags faggot

This is the second day of this shill

Someday there will be a treatment for your autism, good luck user.

People are going to start slowly dumping as June 3rd approaches.

Nice dubs. Ive been calling this since it broke 10 cents the last time. This is a brand new coin with a rick solid team coming out at the beginning of a bull market. This shit is the rock bottom price you guys will ever see.

Attached: Screenshot_20180420-033423_Chrome.jpg (1072x970, 475K)

New shitcoin shills
New filter

Dubs says this falls below 10 cents end of may

Look, I'm all in, but this fucking shilling makes it look like some loo scam, just stop.

Looks like a promising coin