BBN will NEVER, EVER, go below 10 cents again. If you don't buy your moon ticket now, you aren't gonna make it.
Just look at the team and the advisors + normies still don't know about this.
See you at 50c end of may.
BBN will NEVER, EVER, go below 10 cents again. If you don't buy your moon ticket now, you aren't gonna make it.
Just look at the team and the advisors + normies still don't know about this.
See you at 50c end of may.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jow Forums shills are the fucking worst. you all use the same fucking phrases, same inflection. enjoy those heavy ass bags faggot
This is the second day of this shill
Someday there will be a treatment for your autism, good luck user.
People are going to start slowly dumping as June 3rd approaches.
Nice dubs. Ive been calling this since it broke 10 cents the last time. This is a brand new coin with a rick solid team coming out at the beginning of a bull market. This shit is the rock bottom price you guys will ever see.
New shitcoin shills
New filter
Dubs says this falls below 10 cents end of may
Look, I'm all in, but this fucking shilling makes it look like some loo scam, just stop.
Looks like a promising coin
They will release like what
100 million tokens in June?
Sure it will go 5x lmao
Yes and then 170 million in September. Great project, but this one is baked in short to medium term.
Post whitepaper summary pls
BBN $1 EOY check em
>this coin is led by a team with amazing credentials and business connections in place that fit perfectly with the valuable usecase theyre working on. But it shows up on 4chin too often so i wont buy
Seems probable
It's the consistently shit quality of the shill threads not the quantity that's offputting.
>this coin is led by a team with amazing credentials and business connections in place that fit perfectly with the valuable usecase theyre working on. But it shows up on 4chin with low quality threads so I won't buy
Seems probable
How much does Banyan NEtwork have in common with Banyan, the failed tech company from the late 80s?
WTF I just read their whitepaper, is this legit????
I should be correct in saying this is 110% going to be a top 10 coin if they achieve what they're hoping to achieve?
yes, but hey, Jow Forums doesn't need to read whitepapers
Their team looks incredible too, really excited to see where this goes!
I read the whitepaper before i checked the market cap and thought it was a fucking joke or something when i saw it at like 12 mil on cmc. I figured biz was memeing me or some shit until I checked out the telegram and subreddit.
My only real fear is that the project gets dementors from pic related
Why does project need blockchain or a token?
Page 16 of the whitepaper iirc
wtf the white paper only has 15 pages
this is a scam guys fuckin pajeeted again
Okay i actually kekd at that. Am i autistic?
Solid project, solid team low mcap. All you need for a moon mission
Holy fuck this coin and its digits
Fucking checked holy shit
congrats, pentas don't lie
Checked. I guess I have to look into the project. Can't ignore those quints.
How can a project with a 12 million dollar market cap have more gets than a top 5 project?
okay what the fuck? checkd
Holy shit I got trips. Not gonna lie, I hold BBN but I kind of suspected that BBN shills were using a bot or something.
Now I"m fucking laughing. 5x before June guaranteed.
I just walked in the door from vacation. Great timing boys.
Ok i know digits are a meme but this coin is spooky
best investment so far
btfo faggot stop wasting your time
How much of your stack did you go in with? I thought this was a memecoin but this whitepaper is actually really impressive. Are the unionpay rumors real?
yeah i was gna pass but then...
Where do u buy it on?
WTF is happening with Binance next week?
Bibox or etherdelta
Not shit and we both know that
I’ve thought about selling my stack once or twice now... but these gets....
Of course, the CEO is a founder so base minimum is's completely plausible.
check em
CEO of UnionPay Smart, Kelvin Long. He's their Head of China.
Link? Googling david zhou and unionpay didnt really turn anything up
Okay now im seeing him. Thanks for the link. Im putting some into this
do it user. We've got room for your dubs
No worries user, enjoy!
fuck I misread. Don't sell that stack i've already backtraced your ip
God, you're cringe worthy.
that's not very nice. here in the banyangang we're all friends