Reminder that this is a philosophy major who has to do 2 hrs of github research to execute a "Hello World" on an HTML...

Reminder that this is a philosophy major who has to do 2 hrs of github research to execute a "Hello World" on an HTML document

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>2 hrs of github research

Sergey is Steve Jobs' illegitimate son
He learned how to code on a russian toaster and wrote the whitepaper for javascript.
I think he knows whaf he's doing.

You don't know me user. Try not to judge, just stand back and enjoy the show.

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Sergey wrote the code for the automated grease fryer at McDonalds. I think he knows what he's doing

Sergey wrote the code for Mcdonalds ovens. I think he knows what he´s doing

He is an OG bitcoin whale, he is rich without LINK. You will be surprised what he will accomplish.

this one is actually true

he's also an early ethereum investor. I bet he's worth at least 100 mil.

Have you not learned anything? I'm gonna say this ONE LAST time and I hope to God you listen to me this time.................It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over!

>execute a "Hello World" on an HTML document


>Oracle enabler
See the difference?

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NO ACTIVITY on pivitol for the past 24 hours. Exit scam confirmed.

>implying someone with a philosophy degree isn't best suited to change the philosophy of the business world

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You guys really have no idea what the implications of Chainlink are now do you? All you do is laugh at Sergey’s degree in Philosophy, but that is simply due to your ignorance. I did a double major with Philosophy and a STEM subject and I must admit that Philosophy is 1000x more challenging than the STEM subject in which I’m currently doing a PhD. So let me lay it out for you, because all you do is cum buckets over cs which is the opposite of Philosophy. It is important to know what Philosophy is looking for. What is the goal of Philosophy? It is unraveling how this Universe works, how mankind works, what morality is, what language is, in other words the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. In other words, Philosophy searches for THE TRUTH. Philosophers do this by establishing a framework of reality; quite the opposite of computer sciences in which you are basically given a few bricks (the coding language and its functions) and an order to build a bathroom (“build this Georgian wife-beating forum”). I guess you still don’t really get it, but that is just the lack of real intelligence, so I’ll continue spoon-feeding you. How should Chainlink be perceived in the light of this? Remember that Sergey isn’t a businessman nor a coder, but a philosopher and philosophers are looking for the truth. What is he creating? Chainlink, a trustless oracle service. It will transfer all imaginable data of value over the Chainlink network which will be used for smart contracts. Let me repeat this part: “all imaginable data of value”; i.e., all information that matters.

Yeah, when I see the two on the right the word virgin definitely doesn’t come to mind

Someone with at least a double-digit IQ can now connect the dots. Sergey isn’t building Chainlink just to get $32MM for some Big Macs and a trip to Bali for some cheap Australian girls—he is building a network that carries the truth! All Earthly truths, zeros and ones, traveling from oracle to oracle; all inside that big white and blue box. Chainlink. With Sergey as its Creator. Long have philosophers tried to somehow put the truth on paper: Kant, Descartes, Wittgenstein, hell, even Kierkegaard; but they all failed, and Sergey knew why. Truth can’t be written down on paper, it can only be captured within a network. The Ancient Greek philosophers already knew this, which is why Oracles play such a big part in Greek mythology. But these were Oracles weren’t speaking the right language (Greek). No, what was needed was millennia of human progress to finally have developed a universal language without any perceptional bias in which the Oracles can tell the truth: JSON. I hope this clarifies the significance of Chainlink. It actually saddens me to see how many people see Chainlink as a pump and dump scam which they use to buy some shit coins within a few months when the price has gone up. It saddens me that people actually believe pajeets that Mobius is doing the same. Hell, even the $1000 EOY anons sadden me. I simply cannot fathom the fact that people are so simple of mind. I am sorry for them them. But I do hope now that you understand. That when people talk about the singularity, they don’t mean a price singularity, but a knowledge singularity. That singularity carries everything everyone holds dear on this Earth, the truth, it is the closest we will get to God. All to fulfil smart contracts and make people rich. The Jews will finally have their Messiah.

This Chainlink spam is not funny anymore. There is no relevant news that warrants more than 1 thread. Give other potentially interesting projects/discussions some more room, and merge all this spam into 1 thread. I'm close to contacting Jow Forums about this, Jow Forums seems to be in the clutches of an organized pump group...

do it then faggot nobody cares about your shitcoin pajeet


Sergey is in it for the vision. He is easily a multi multi millionaire even before the ICO

and yet he can't afford to buy more than one shirt.

You need to /ascend/ and realize he literally has worn that shirt at EVERY conference and meet up since devcon 3, and I tell you truly he is doing it for the memes, I am dead serious.

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his father used to be a scammer too

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