Portfolio rate threat

What’re your thoughts on my folio biz? Anything I should get rid of? Anything I should pick up? Also, brainlet who can’t get the entire thing in one screenshot.

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Second half

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Get some BAX and TRX.

>24 hour change
>below 4%

do you even try?

Only looking for coins on binance. And I don’t think tron will be around in a few years.

Few years? Guys, your timeline. Damn.

I look like 1 month ahead and think thats too far for damn crypto.

Have you read any of the recent releases? 100k usd loans to developers. Offered at 0 percent interest. Pic extremely related. Also an airdrop to all holders of 1 ETH or more between Jan 1st 18 and april 20th 18.

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Not really. Most of it’s sitting on my ledger and I don’t plan on touching it for 6 months minimum. Not trying to chase pumps or day trade. Going to DCA the rest of my cash into ven, omg, btc, and eth but asking to see if anyone has suggestions of coins I’ve missed.

every normie ive talked to owns trx and so much of the pump was built on hype and “announcements” I guess I dismissed it and stopped following it for that reason. I might need to do a little more digging but I’m still uneasy about it.

Too diversified, with that amount pick 2 max 3 coins & wait

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When has wide adoption and mind space been a bad thing? TRX is aggressively trying to expand its community and reach and that takes it out of the realm of just another shitcoin.

Dont hold usdt idiot, at least get DAI.

Rate my fuckin shit pls

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I’ve been thinking the same thing. Waiting to break even on nano and verge before dumping it into ven and omg. But I don’t want to be underdiversified. I’d rather miss out on some gains being over diversified than go all in on three or four and have one of them shit the bed.

For that dollar amount I think you’re overdiversified. I’d say lean more towards the tried and tested coins but moonshots might be your only hope.dont know too much about the actual coins you hold so can’t speak to that. Sorry user.


Sell your dbc while you’re ahead. Don’t know anything about man

You need more shitcoins to make the bucks in a bullmarket.

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your biggest position is in Litecoin, which i think is one of two of the most overpriced coins (competing with IOTA). What is the point of Litecoin? In it's current state, it is a technically better Bitcoin, but if scaling solutions are ever to come (lightning, etc), will litecoin be any better? There is so much infrastructure already in place for Bitcoin that I don't think Litecoin will ever actually compete.

Litecoin's USP is a faster Bitcoin, but if scalability ever happens, its unique selling point is no longer unique.

I dont know much about your other holdings. If you want moon missions, check out Enigma and Zencash.

And this is my gem/low cap folio

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Will I make it guys?

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All in on shot coins

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Where is your QASH user? You do want to make it right?

Depends on what you mean by making it. I’m praying for 10x which puts me at around 250k. Initial investment was 3k and I’m a year out of college so that would be “making it” for me

I’ve had my eye on qash and sia but neither are on binance.


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Neo is shit, ven is at least overpriced


to be real honest you seem conflicted. do you have trouble making decisions IRL? Portfolio is absolute trash and I would immediately sell for (3 coins) 50% blue chips (2 coins) 25% mid-caps and (LINK) 25%. your portfolio lacks vision as well. you are not even focusing in on the coins that could disrupt/revolutionize the biggest markets in the world.

Fuck yeah NEO

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what is crazy is that you are sitting on a decent amount of starting capital and could easily reach a quarter million dollar portfolio next bullrun.

Rate mate

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Am j going to make it guys

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kinda hard to tell if we don't know how much you have.

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How do i rid myself of this hardfork coin biz?

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That's a chad portfolio, nice job

I’m trying to cast a wide net and I’m planning on consolidating when I see solid gains on some of my smaller mcap coins. After doing my reasearch I think some of these coins will be top dogs in a few years time. But I haven’t looked into every coin and I would love some guidance on where to start.

Send it to a pajeet and make his year