Listen up faggots, I work behind the scenes on Ambrosus its being shilled by the same people who shilled VEN. Now is your opportunity to get in early and dump on the same betacucks who were posting VENmarine memes at the peak in January. This is your last chance to get in before the announcements next week. I only have ~30 minutes to answer your questions AMA
What's the announcement. When is the announcement. Are the partnerships real, or chink teir?
You need to do a better job of shilling. You're just reposting things from the chadsetti group.
When should i dump?
Shilling + very legit fundamentals = inevitable moon
tomorrow and 3-5th of may
This. It's western VEN. Even if it's vaporware, it sounds and looks good. Why people hold VEN anymore is beyond me. It's hit it's peak dumbfucks. You aren't actually supposed to believe these coins will be actually be adopted, that's for Normans.
We will hold this until it goes 10x and then dump on plebbiters, just like TRX and VEN and WTC and every other shitcoin in existence.
I got in to REQ at 6 cents and held through a bleed to 4 cents and heard the same FUD and made a shit load on that one. Same business, it's not going to be Paypal 2.0 but we convinced norms it actually could and we reap the rewards.
Vechain had almost 3 years of lead time, the best devs in crypto with ETH, and tons of partners before it was shilled.
VEN is a chink piece of shit. All they do is lie and take Weiloo's money. Plus it's not even about fundamentals, it's about the appearance of fundamentals so you can justify to the Norman why it should be priced 10x higher.
protip: you and your fellow tg dumfucks are the "normans" who get constantly dumped on by your swissnigger
I researched AMB independently just like REQ and know this will moon. It's all about gloss and ideas plus team. Why wouldn't it?
They can't handle this much truth at once. We need people to marry their coins though so idc.
It's falling in love with a hooker. What is wrong with these people? Do they actually think VEN is going to go on another 10x bullrun?
Best long term alts will be like ADA or EOS or XLM. Some type of wide platform that runs all the other crypto apps and challenges ETH.
VEN is a China Hustle.
the team is shit. IBM will corner the supply chain market because nobody will trust a shit coin start up with a bunch of chinks and pajeets holding the asset. if you think the global shipping industry will be interrupted by AMBlets then you're a nano brainlet on the plank scale
Do you faggots even read the fucking prior posts? I don't really think any of these shitcoins will be adopted, just that we can convince people we can. Just like REQ.
Don't waste your time. You're trying to help but even if you convince one another will take his place
you mean after the swissnigger convinced you tgidiots to shill and convince /bizidiots to shill and convince reddit?
genius plan
go and buy your amb tshirt
did you read my post? the team is shit. you can't shine shit pajeet. no gloss on the AMB turd, just a few peanuts and a kernel of corn.
>genius plan
>go and buy your amb tshirt
It kind of is actually, when it's worked for all the other shitcoins that went mega moon. I feel sorry for people that still hold REQ or VEN or WTC. Why?
Dr. Vlad is one of the founders of IoT dumbshit. Plus they are EVROPEAN, not gooks or chinks. People that actually innovate.
>do they think VEN is going to 10x again?
yes, it is. how soon? I don't know.
The fact that they've had so much time and still have nothing to really show for it, is at least mildly concerning, no?
VeChain's has some solid partnerships, but they're certainly overhyped and made-out to be a bigger deal than they really are
>I researched AMB independently just like REQ and know this will moon. It's all about gloss and ideas plus team. Why wouldn't it?
Exactly. Personally, I thoroughly believe in the projects future and plan on holding for years. But even if I didn't, AMB is a very safe bet for medium-term gains. Any amount of DD will suggest as much
AMB is gonna pump fuckin hard in may, no doubt about it
it is a wide platform that runs all types of dapps though... you didnt think vechain is only for supply chain, did you?
It's Chinese you dumb fuck. When have the Chinese ever innovated in anything worth a damn? They simply copy everything that brilliant people do in Western companies.
Not true. Chairman Mao patented a very innovative brand of killing the populace via communism in the 60s which had never...wait, no, sorry. Stalin did it first.