We should stop with the Amerimutt meme. The human race is literally a mutt species. We're a mix of Homo sapiens...

We should stop with the Amerimutt meme. The human race is literally a mutt species. We're a mix of Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, Denisovans, and Neanderthals. Our entire fucking species is the La Creatura of apes. We have no authority to call each other mutts.

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But I actually like this meme.

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Exactly. This is Vargas ancestor. Yet he denies his aboriginal ancestry

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>We should stop with the Amerimutt meme
no, it is here to stay.

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Technically thats true but if you're arguing that way, why not go instead with the example of all Europeans being different mixtures of EEF/Natufians, EHG/Yamnaya, WHG, etc., ancestor blood?

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It's basically ruined Jow Forums at this point. It used to be one of the better boards, now it's reddit 2.0

That is a tanned Varg

>If I can't be white, neither can you

You brought this on yourselves

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>stop bully1!!1!

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I enjoy it, it's fun seeing white Americans lose their shit because of a drawing. Reminds me a bit of how people were freaking out over Pepe during the election.

mutter than you, Philip DeShawn Rodriguez

>Innocent Germans
>Innocent Germans again
>Innocent Japanese
>Innocent Koreans
>Innocent Vietnamese
>Innocent Iraqis
>Innocent Serbians
>Innocent Afghanis
>Innocent Libyans
>Innocent Syrians
>Innocent Palestinians
>Innocent Iranians

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I'm a pure blood homo sapiens.

The joke isn't that you're a mutt, it's how you get so upset over being called a mutt.

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Inshallah every arab man will have european wife by 2020

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>You're all going to be fucking brown by 2020

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Mutt meme is very good because they actually get offended. This is a karma of you spreading stupid identity politics all over the world

Amerimutt meme really must stop.
I hate it so much not because it's anti-American but because it's racist and antisemitic.
It implies that "muh racemixing = bad" and "da ebil joos r behind everything"

Nah it implies that being ethnonationalist when you're mixed race is retarded

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Literally not a thing.

Being an ethnonationalist PERIOD is retarded, though.

I appreciate your concerns, but I think Italy is correct in his interpretation of the original point of the meme

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take off your proxy shlomo

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Even more so when you're mixed race or from a traditionally melting pot country

Back to your containment board

Thy father an Austrian, their mother a Hollander, their older sister Swedish, their younger sister Spanish.

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but is only for amerimutts. It's okay to be mizeed elsewhere

but they are mutts though, a lot of them have non-white dna, and even if they don't they're still mutts, just only with white ethnicities.

Well all that's pretty much true.
We should really be discouraged.

Defending your masters to the end i see

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>race has actual validity
Go back roofucker, read some actual scientific research

Not an argument.

where did this come from, i missed it

there never was an argument mutt

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Rusmutts are goylem criaturas too.

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t. Mutt

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more like Jow Forums 2.0

come here and see some abos in action, then reevaluate that

I'm not denying that, I just think the point of the joke is elsewhere.

ah ok, fair enough

Anecdotal evidence is not an argument. Research shows they're just as human as you, gubba. :^)

The destructive nature of the Amerimutts upon other nations in which they built bases is nowhere more strongly demonstrated than in Britain, the first land to be corrupted by their barbaric practices.
The Amerimutts are the enemies of God; the Bongs who worship Moloch to this day are demon-possessed.

Oh god! I thought that was an abbo, now I feel bad.

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i dont know what 'research' you're talking about, mutt, but my experience proves otherwise to myself, as well as just about every australian whose being honest with you.

Anecdotal evidence still isn't evidence. Genetic testing shows that abbos are of the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens, just like yourself. Stay mad, gubba.

Having become Satan's curse on humanity, the Amerimutts now spread across the earth like some evil plague.

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so now you're changing your argument from 'race' to 'subspecies,' clever mutt, but not clever enough

Mother of god... abbos really are sub human

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stfu racist there's no meaningful difference between these two they're both just as capable race is only skin deep

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And guess what...groups of chimps living across the river from one another in Cameroon have more genetic variation between them than there is in the entirety of the human race.
That's right, you're more closely related to abbos than two chimps living across the river from each other are related to one another.

yep they look the same to me

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Physical appearance doesn't determine anything. What matters is genetics and only genetics.

la creatura de ayyos lmayyos

In percentage, sure. But a miniscule percentual difference in genetic relations can provide extremely significant differences in physical appearance, intelligence, behaviour and hormonal profile.

>when your cunt's american ambassador is an actual amerimutt

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Skin color does not correlate with those things. This was debunked fucking decades ago.

Lord warned, "And a mutt race will dwell in America" (Jebbediah 4:20).

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and we share 50% of our dna with bananas too.

You might have a lower IQ than the average abbo, user.

yeah, might as well call apes humans already due to muh genetics

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what fucking portal have I stepped through where amerikkka is predicating against ethno-nationalism and europe is attempting to accredit nazi racial theory

guess the point went right over your mutt head.

just because we share dna with something else, doesn't mean there's no meaningful difference. abos clearly lack skill in terms of building nations and civilisations. our genetics are very sensitive to change, and it doesn't take much difference on that genetic level to rapidly alter the ability of the individual they make up.

There is literally more genetic diversity between those two canids than between those two humans.
Read something that doesn't come from the Pioneer Fund and you'd know shit like this.

Race is more than skin-deep

Phenotype does not determine whether two individuals are of the same species. Genetics does.
You are a fucking retard. Go back to your containment board and stay there.

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It literally isn't. Read a fucking book published after 1962.

>all those replies
Why does reddit throw tantrums when called out?

actually it's whether or not they can breed with one another you fucking mong

That is another requirement.
They are both true.
The point still stands that the Jow Forumstard stating that physical appearance determines species is wrong.

You realize that the amerimutt meme is more about the cultural rootlessness that comes with being mixed?


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he never even claimed that you fuckwit, and are you so autistic that everything you see posted has to be taken as an argument?
i guess you stand testament to just what kind of havoc racemixing can do to your cognitive ability

>Jow Forumsfag mutts whining about how Europe is blacked now
Yeah, sure. Faggot.

Race does not have biological basis.









nature.com/ng/journal/v36/n11s/full/ng1435.html?iframe=true&width=100%& rel=



wow thanks user i just finished reading all of those and now i see the world your way
on another note, thanks for proving my point about your autism

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Why do Americans always take the banter far too seriously?

>The point still stands that the Jow Forumstard stating that physical appearance determines species is wrong.
I never said that but your "we are all the same stop racism because it hurts my feelings" bullshit is getting old, we are not the same mutt accept that reality.
And if you don't like it you can fuck off back to your containment board

>event muttrizon

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I enjoy these memes desu. I almost died watching this


Because OP is probably one of THEM (link related)


I agree with SJWs on most things, except for:
>hurr racism is prejudice plus power
>hurr sexism is prejudice plus power
>hurr we should make hate speech laws
>hurr you're not qualified to talk about anything because of white privilege
>hurr we should ban guns

So you’re one of them?


I'm not the "muh safe space" retards. It's more just supporting stuff like LGBT rights.

>supporting trans

Why encourage people to divulge into their mental illness instead of getting them actual help?

It's not a mental illness, retard. It's a medical disorder. Maybe actually read the research on the subject instead of acting like a fucking snowflake.

>acting like a snow flake.

Actually, lad. That’s you.

Bulimia is defined as a disorder too. You know, the one where skinny people believe they are super fat so they make themselves throw up? Well, we don’t encourage those people to embrace their “disorder”. We help the fix it and because normal and healthy again. Nobody tell someone with bulimia “come on! Lose that weight! You can do it! :) “. No, we help fix their head so they realize that they have a warped mind, and get them healthy again.

How is that any different from telling a trans person “do it! Take those hormones! Cut off that dick! Get a nice pussy sewn up! And then go find a nice straight guy to love you :D” it’s a crazy delusion. You’re telling these people to do horrible things to their bodies, and then encouraging them to go date straight men who don’t want trans people

what rights do you think they deserve that they don't have

Stop this memes, you krautnigger.

Transgender brains are literally those of the opposite gender to their biological sex. MtF trannies have female neurons, FtM trannies have male neurons.
And reassignment surgery conducted by a professional surgeon is not comparable to encouraging someone with an eating disorder.
You're making a ridiculous comparison and I think deep down you know this.

t. noviop

>Race does not have biological basis.

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>MtF trannies have female neurons
>FtM trannies have male neurons
This sounds completely made up.
Do you have a source?

>ridiculous comparison

You’re taking a male body, pumping it full of hormones, cutting off his male parts and telling this person he’s a real “girl”. How is this not ridiculous? The doctor is taking all of this money and saying “you’re a certified real girl”. Then what is that person encouraged to do by society? Go find love! What straight man wants a tranny? None that’s who. Straight men want real girls. But because trans believe they are girls, they want straight men. It’s a delusion. Not only that, but they act pissed when straight men reject them. How can society encourage this?

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