Market manipulation

Are you guys not concerned about the ongoing market manipulation taking place? Since the arrival of George Soros to the market the prices have been going through phases of absolutely horrible manipulation. Even the most obvious TA indicators seem invalid. Although I managed to make gains in the recent pump, I think it's time to call it quits.

This to me is no longer investing, but reckless gambling and I don't feel like I want to be a part of it. Crypto has literally become a minefield where the odds of making it have grown extremely slim.

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But that is what makes it fun. Instead of just analyzing the news just to rage at all the bullshit, I can make some money.

So right before the giant bullrun you're cashing out because your meme lines don't work? KEK.

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I tune out anyone who namedrops Soros to try to prove any sort of point. None of you faggots have any insight as to what he's doing with his time or money.

Wow it's only gone up since the Soros news


Did you think there wouldn't be whales OP? You thought everyone would have an equal say in the market? Are you a commie?

Not that I agree with OP on calling it quits but it's not about the meme lines.
I'm not a experienced trader. I'm just learning a little but mostly trade shitcoins for BTC.
I'm familiar with how the chart of BTC looks like and also how the charts of 15 BTC/day volume of shitcoin PnD's look like.
And Unfortunatelly for the last 2 months BTC chart looks more and more like a shit PnD scam coin.
When I know how much money it takes to PnD a shitcoin I'm in awe.
I mean they are taking their profits out, bit still, we are not talking peanuts here.
And they are being obvious.
Manipulation was always a part of this market and we just lived with it and sometimes manipulated it ourselves, right?
Well what's going on with BTC now is much worse than usual.
I'm not saying quit. But I am saying -> it's a gamble, because you need to settle on some type of a theory as to why and how far they are pumping BTC
I assumed that they want normies to FOMO in, and that means they have to break 10k (maybe even 12k) and keep it there for a time so the normies feel safe.
And I invested on that assumption.
But that's no better than gambling, because I really don't know WTF they are doing. Maybe they just want to flip ETH and BTC? Or some other fuckery?
Then I'll be fucked.

My main concern is not the meme lines that you speak of but the fact that there is intrinsic correlation between the stock market and bitcoin price and they have been out of sync which worries me. And then the blatant price manipulation which could also indicate that the fall will be much worse than the rise. The overall sentiment seems to be too bullish, which is never a good indicator.

Just dance until the music stops then. Make profit and get out during the next big crash. Not that hard. Better than quitting right now. It's not going to 6k overnight.

I don't care about Soros, my point is that this blatant PnD thing started to occur during the time he announced entry to the market. I also have suspicions they manipulated the chart patterns to squeeze the maximum amount of profit and now that everyone is calling for the moon, I wouldn't be surprised if the opposite happens. I would also suspect the exchanges were in on this as they have interest in liquidating shorts since they also profit from it.

One more thing that doesn't add up is this:

How is it too bullish when everyone thinks manipulation and “muh soros” are the only way to explain an increase in prices, as if there’s no reason they should be this high, when in actually we are still far below ATH

Also on the same page.

So you're trying to tell me that it's normal that billions of dollars were spent in the span of half an hour on btc. remember that? it was on the 12th. this is way too shady.


Attached: totally (((not))) manipulation.png (190x560, 22K)

News flash all markets are manipulated, stop watching every tick and trying to cash out at 10-20% gains that’s a meme for poor people, buy good projects and forget / hold for a year

Your talking absolute and utter bullshit.
Bitcoin is referred uncorrelated alfa.
Why pull shit out of your arse faggot? Is this one of the only ways you get enjoyment out of life?

Like I said. I'm not quitting. But I'm fully aware that I'm gambling now, based on my assumption.
If my assumption is wrong then I'm fucked lol

Think volume and the total market cap.
Volume is shit. Total shit.
Total market cap doesn't really tell you much but it can show you when the new money enters the system. Not with any accuracy but somewhat.
I think it was estimated that every new 1mln USD in the market will bring total market cap up 30 or so mln.
Whatever the number, the point is that it's not really growing.
I saw other bullrun BTC had. And the December/January run would move tmc 40-50 min up in a few hours.
A lot of shit is not adding up.
I'm just saying what I'm seeing.
I'm assuming they will pump BTC to over 10k and keep it there for normies to FOMO in.
And that's how I trade.
If they have some other goal I'm fucked.

You know what I found interesting. Willy/marcus the bot. Look what that did to the market.

>fully aware that I'm gambling now

suggesting that there's a difference between "investing" and gambling.

>muh Soros
Crypto ha been manipulated to shit and back since 2013 at least and probably much earlier, you're just crying now because the manipulation stopped going your way.

Or did you fall for the "when it goes my way it's organic, when it doesn't it's manipulation" meme?

Well there is.
Statistically speaking there is. I'm not sure if I would call poker, and I mean professional level poker, gambling for example.
To me gambling is when your chances are getting very close to 50/50 and definitely when they are 40/60.
I'm making money trading and make much better odds than 50/50, which to me means that I'm not gambling.
I still am making money on my assumption that the BTC is being artificially pumped to 10k or more.
But my odds now decreased because I can't be sure with more than 50% certainty if I'm right, so yeah, I'm gambling now (long term), short term the market is behaving just a little more crazy than usual but it's still profitable.
Would you open a short/long now with a high leverage after what happened recently though?

fuck no... hence what i talked about curious though, you day trade?

Check the CMC bitcoin volume. It's steadily increasing. The pump from 6k to 12k had a very similar volume increase. People are buying, but I don't think it's normies. You're probably right in that private individuals are pumping the market, but I don't think it's intentional. I genuinely think large (private) investors are buying bitcoin as a hedge against the stock market or for some similar reason. The large pumps are an effect of this - I'm sure many are doing OTC purchases but some are probably also doing large market orders.
Also check em


holy shit
>thoughtful respones
alpha af

Read this and have all of your fears confirmed.

>Are you guys not concerned about the ongoing market manipulation taking place?

are you fucking retarded?

crypto is unregulated. its been a manipulation hot bed since the start. get real

bruh crypto is so easy, dump all of your life saving and buy in February sell mid January the next year. It happens every year without fail.

Remember the willy bot on Mt Gox. This is still going on in big exchanges today, such as bitfinex.

you happen every year and fail


Some day trade, but not much recently.
Mostly picking shitcoins, waiting for profit +20% and out.
Got good at it so it works.
I don't use TA, just market sentiment. Apparently I can predict what coin will move next with 65% to 80% accuracy. I don't try to catch the absolute top.
I have a shit ton of dust thanks to that way of trading but it works for me.
And it is getting harder now cause the coins are being pumped completely at random with humongous green 1h dildos. I mean 4 15min candles and out.
Check out this address :
At first I thought it's Binance wallet of sorts, bit then I had a closer look and he is responsible for at least a dozen of huge green dildos on Binance.
>>People are buying, but I don't think it's normies.
People like these above are buying and then selling and it's just random.
That address literally has a small exchange worth of coins.
Like I said. I thought it is Binance, but then I noticed the airdrops and the coins that never were on Binance.

Half asleep 4am here.

My bad

There's gonna be a huge investigation at bitmex, the whales with 100x leverage and hundreds of bitcoins are using bots to BART us

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> Even the most obvious TA indicators seem invalid

It’s almost like... TA is tea-leaves hocus pocus, and complex systems like markets can not be predicted using meme lines

> Soros

Yeah right because Soros influences crypto markets more than Wall Street and hedge funds...

The Soros hate is an alt-right meme because the guy is somewhat of a socialist

No, this is what a normal, organic market looks like.

Attached: 20180418_020022.png (1080x983, 45K)

Or maybe this looks more organic to you.

Attached: Screenshot_20180412-062402.png (1080x910, 52K)

>>November “bubble” well into the $1000’s – and possibly April’s as well – was driven by hundreds of millions of dollars of fake liquidity pumped into the market out of thin air

FUCK ME. That's another user's theory- tether buying themselves out of trouble.
I mean the same pattern desu but the operation is bigger and involves all of the exchanges-the dildos on BTC happen simultaneously and the sell of of alts happened at the same time as the buy dildos as well. Fucking 2014 again? I really hope not.

U es. It has been and we all knew it.
But what I'm saying is- it was never that obvious. I mean just look at the BTC chart dude.
You don't have to use TA to see it. Use 1h candles and less because that's where it's mostly visible( for a reason as well).

It's not Soros user. I wish it was Soros.
And I don't use TA. But I do look at charts. I'm not trying to FUD. No one here has.
I'm no bear. I just want my usual manipulated and shitty crypto market back, and it's mostly because I actually want it to survive.

Exactly man. This blatant manipulation scared away normal people. That's not good. We need more money pumped into this market in order to get it more liquid.

That was my biggest fear: that they are doing it on purpose to scare the normies away.
I mean fucking 2k up in 5 minutes on BTC chart....even complete newbie will think it's weird.
But in order to stay in the market I had to assume something.
So I assumed that they are trying to lure the normies in.
Then I go to read what Norman media are talking about and it's nothing but bitcoin cash....
Tin hat on- what if they are trying to force the flippening?
And if they suceed, that's fine. But they tried this shit in March ( the entire 12k pump shit that was less obvious, but it was still there) and failed.

Holy fuck. Just invest in BitBean, you dumbass bitch. Sick and tired of all these "oh no my coin is manipulated" talk. Everyone knows that the mean green bean may seem to lean but in a couple years it will team the deans peen. Dumbass bitch.

Sorry user the response was to To you I will say: he was right but what we are seeing is shit volume with pumping price against all indicators.
So I guess someone is trying to scare people away.
I'm not sure how shorts and longs are doing on Bittrex now but O would bet that less and less actual retail buyers dares to use leverage. In which case.... my fears really are confirmed.
Still BTC may pump to above 10k because that's their objective.
Because it's a new move it may take time to get used to that. Previous manipulations ( or trading as usual in crypto) were easy to predict. Someone changed the pattern and so I'm not sure where it's going.