Dropshipping/Ecom/Marketing General

Everything ecom & digital marketing.
>What is dropshipping?
Supplier-your sales-channel-customer
You don't handle physical product.

>How do I get started?
Google dropshipping. Start with Shopify.

>Where do I source products?

>How do I learn digital marketing?
Spend time teaching yourself, or spend money having someone else teach you.

If your interested in getting started in ecom or digital marketing, join the discord server: 97meDrs

Attached: download.png (210x240, 4K)

You're literally like 7 years too late famalam.

You're very wrong. And lazy.

Attached: SUCK MY DICK.png (492x900, 38K)

why are you doing this?

To show you that there are better ways to make stable money besides crypto.

how motivated do i have to be in order to start seeing some profit? after how long? is competition incredibly difficult? im feeling like it's useless at this point given its popularity

Traffic source?

Digital marketer here. I do web development, social media marketing/development, Graphic Design, SEO, and copywriting.

Ask away, I always like helping fellow Jow Forumsfags make money OUTSIDE of crypto

not social media development, social media management*

how do i get decent ideas worth putting time in?

google's keyword tool seems overly simple for something i would spend a decent amount of time in.

If you had 20k weed related instagram followers what should you sell and how would you do it?

Is SEO still profitable?

How long does it take to get good at facebook ads?

I want to create a Kickstarter for my product how do I generate an email list or get hype

Who drop ships for you if you're buying off Alibaba? Will the Chinese manufacturers do it for you?

>how do i get decent ideas worth putting time in?
That is 100% up to you user.

Bongs and shit, anything a pothead would buy.

>Is SEO still profitable?
Yes, absolutely. Nobody knows what they're doing.
>How long does it take to get good at facebook ads?
It took me about three months to actually start seeing legit results.

FB & Instagram Ads
Join the discord
you can't sell drug related products through fb or instagram along with most other big platforms. Influencer marketing maybe?
Yes. Suppliers will ship products to your customers for you. All part of the process.

Having trouble joining the discord, invite expired?

Bump. Looking to do this with someone else.

Discord invite code: 9ZmeDrs

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If you ship a single item off of Alibaba won't the shipping be high af? Also won't it take like 5 weeks to get to the customer and show that it was shipped from China?

Nope. Google "epacket".

Attached: he.png (547x513, 291K)

Post the IG.

Hope your not trolling.

I actually tried to make a dropshit site last summer. I ended up failing b/c i couldn't drive any traffic. I tried the whole deal FB ads, Google ads, social media, influencers. Eventually I ran out of money trying to get traffic, made no sales, and wasted hundreds of dollars in the process.

How did you do it user?

Attached: image.jpg (439x396, 64K)

lmao do you know how many weed-related insta pages there are with ~20k followers?

Not working?

Its for suckers.
Only people making money are the ones selling the books about dropshipping.

Parroting eachother in the hope some sucker falls for them. Its a minefield with referral links all in the hope to bait you in a purchase.

If you want real gains dont go for dropshipping, there are much better options out there.

I made a few K with a streaming site. Why work hard when you can work smart. Upload the movies on video host sites that pay you for views. Check any stream site to find good video hosts for your vids. Get the Embed link, and post that one on your site.
Upload shit like documentaries, try to find streaming sites that have a request list, and upload those movies yourself.

Dont host any of the movies on your server and you are good to go.
Turn on user submissions, and use another computer with different internet to upload the movies.

There are also a few subs dedicated to streaming sites, on which you can submit your links to get some no=follow backlinking started so Google-senpai acknowledges you and you get indexed.

Shit is free and you dont need to do much.
Can outsource even most of it on sites like Picoworkers and seoclerks to pajeets.

I have even better methods if you are interested. Ill post them here no fucks given. Im done with them since I got gains in crypto.

I know plenty about the cannabis space. That's why I asked.

Thanks for the tips. Are you referring to sites like vodlocker, and other sites that host pirated movies/shows?

Also I would be interested to hear any other ways youve made some cash on the side. Would be nice since I'd like to pay off these student loans.

Also did you go through the private label route? Ideally I would have liked to do this but I didn't have much to begin with. Which is why I got cucked into dropshipping, hoping I couldve bootstrapped something here.

Simplest Way to Build and Earn within 90 days:

1. Figure out what you want to sell
2. Find that product with the ability to dropship via AliBaba/AliExpress
3. Go to a place like Envato or CreativeMarket.com and buy a Shopify theme and branding package (keep it to under $75 for the lot)
4. Build and launch a pre-launch instagram feed of the product (just curate other peoples content). Use a growth service like CampgroundSocial.com to get real followers.
5. Sync the Shopify store with a dropshipping plugin
6. Throw a few coupons on the Insta, start letting the first few $$$ trickle in.
7. Keep on at it.

Yes, they pay pretty good rates. Can combine with Url shorteners that force your users to turn off their adblock.

Another really profitable one is buying a load of domains on namecheap, and redirect them to blogger sites. On those blogger sites you post the names of premium software with a download link. You dont have a file, but you make them think you do by taking some screenshots of youtube of the program, and posting those a long with a manual you rewrite from another place.

Upload a file to a file host that pays you.

Put that link behind a couple file lockers.
Rip a couple videos from youtube with low viewer count, and edit those together. Dont need to do any editing, because we dont give a fuck and want to do it fast right.

Upload that with a link to the "premium file, fake hack program whatever" and boost the view count with a fiverr job. Its a hit or miss but when you hit you hit very good. The last part is not necessary, but can massively increase earnings.

Another one is ripping videos from porn sites with a low view count, and reuploading it everywhere with your own watermark, linking to a porn affiliate.

These methods are pretty old, but the only ones that always work when you put a lil effort it.

fuck i remember i was doing this back in like 2014 on fileice

thought it was dead but i guess it aint outdated.

It got even better now you have access to social media and natural growth.

Do you have a business currently? Or just strictly riding through with crypto?

Link to discord server? Im interested.

does anybody know if dropshipping from taobao is possible? i have a really good i dea but can only work with taobao.

invite expired

What dropshitters think happens

>People google product
>Go to page 60
>Click your shitty Shopify site
>Buy a product and happily wait 60 days for delivery from Chink shits

What actually happens
>They go on Amazon.

thats why theres FBA