Hey Banyan frens. I'm running out of rare banyan pepes. Post any pepes I can add Banyan trees to and I'll get on it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Any potential here?
not sure which I like more
Can you do this one?
That one was a little tricky but I think I got everything
I hold BBN and this is hideous
I agree with you. I was expecting much more simple pepes. That one was a bit of a curveball but i figured I'd try. Got any easier ones i could play around with?
still shit. Slightly less shit?
u guys are breaking my balls
My bad. What about this?
That's more my speed
nice dubs
even shitter
I cant compete with those link memers. Im just killing time waiting for more pepes
Its ok user. Whats wrong with making your own? BBN cakebro was a good start.
Ive already made myself a couple dozen or so. I figured some BBN holders might have specific images they wanted Banyan added to. Im just chilling watching charts and i find editing images relaxing. If i can help biz bros out while killing time im getting two birds stoned at once
Also whats bbn cakebro?
Some user got BBN on his birthday cake. He posts pictures with his trading rig
Holy shit I'm stupid. That was me. I just got back from a 5 hour drive after a short vacation and that shows how braindead I'm feeling. Low effort pepes felt like an easy way to make some new images without having to really focus
lmao user I dont know what to say
blame it on years of CFB concussions and hard drug usage. pretty sure I knocked off a solid 25 IQ points over the past few years
Fuckin kek this board. Can i request another?
knock yourself out. I'm just watching the BBN chart trying to see if a trade opportunity pops up
This one if you could
Nice job user
Heres a bunch: politicallyincorrectbase.com
I did what I could that guy was tricky too any in particular you'd want done?
How about this one he is rare and very smug
Thats perfecct. Thanks user!
Solid choice user
needed more tree
God damn user did you forget to take your adderall?
nope. this is all natural autism