Why is your cunt not using the ISO8601 date format? At least for official stuff, like Germany does for example

Why is your cunt not using the ISO8601 date format? At least for official stuff, like Germany does for example...

YYYY-MM-DD (ISO8601) is FAR more superior than the okay-ish format DD.MM.YYYY which most cunts use and the retarded format MM/DD/YYYY which only retarded cunts use. Also please notice the separators, which make the ISO8601 format unique. There is not confusion when certain retarded cunts use a mix of dd.mm.yyyy and mm.dd.yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy (INVALID FORMATS).

>Micronesia and Macronesia both use the most retarded date format

I also want to hear an apology from Canada now for mixing up all formats like the autists they are.

Attached: date formats by country.png (1312x1541, 222K)

Attached: iso_8601.png (392x457, 43K)

>tfw weirdos

Good thread.

MDY is superior because the first number is the most relevant one, thus making paperwork easier to find and categorize among other things. I won't defend imperial units or anything, but the rest of the world is seriously wrong here


YMD is objectively and aesthetically superior but im fine with MDY

>the first number is the most relevant one
It really isn't.

Have you every thought about the fact that in other languages the date could be read out loud differently?
And what do you say about the British, who use the dd.mm.yyyy format (unless they are brainwashed by Murrican media)?
And what do you call your national holiday again?

It absolutely is. If you're searching for a document, or looking for past ones, it is absolutely easiest to search by month as you're probably unsure of the exact date and there's a million for the year

That doesn't negate what I said, and what I said applies for the British as well, I don't know why it wouldn't. Also the holiday is named as such to give it a special distinction, if you're referring to the day you say July 4th, if you're referring to the holiday, you say Fourth of July.

>If you're searching for a document, or looking for past ones
right, that's why you're searching for the year first, then for the month and then for the day... you're arguing in favor of ISO8601 here

In almost all cases where you're searching for years old data and documents they'll be stored in such a way you can search by year independently and not by hand

because the years comes at the first position...

DMY is best.

and Belize

australia is currently going through a transition to MDY, its the superior format and eventually the whole world will swap

YDM is superior.

No we are not

>YYYY-MM-DD (ISO8601) is FAR more superior than the okay-ish format DD.MM.YYYY which most cunts use and the retarded format MM/DD/YYYY which only retarded cunts use.
Couldn't agree more.

If you have a bunch of folders on your computer with dates in their names (e.g. albums with the format "[date] Title"), YYYY-MM-DD is the only system which will arrange the folders by chronological order when sorting by name.

>biggest date first
>Not smallest

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 51K)

Nope, what I said applies globally
regardless of date format

>And what do you call your national holiday again?
July 4th or 4th of july. They're interchangeable and people use both

Or you could alternatively just search 'YYYY' to get all your results, meanwhile if you're looking for one of a specific month, there's no way to search for it without sorting by date (meaning it had to be first)

I don't see any cases where you would look for month before year in any professional setting.

>be leaf
>accept everyone and everything

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