I'm unironically looking for advice on how to improve this folio, which I am increasingly coming to believe is too normie/conservative. It sucks seeing BCH, EOS, etc. moon while BTC inches along.
>inb4 "he fell for the LINK meme"
I'm unironically looking for advice on how to improve this folio, which I am increasingly coming to believe is too normie/conservative. It sucks seeing BCH, EOS, etc. moon while BTC inches along.
>inb4 "he fell for the LINK meme"
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Buy some Switcheo. First NEO dex token.
link is not a meme you fucking retard
Delete app and come back in 2019.
I personally seek coins with interesting concepts. XMCC is proof of stake, SKY has skywire.
Wow proof of stake what an interesting concept! Im all fucking in now
I didn't necessarily mean that it was. I'm just anticipating and trying to preempt the no-value-add responses that it is. That said, not looking to add to LINK stack at this time.
add some monero, and increase the % of your folio which is LINK to about 20% by dollar value
Spare the neo and link out for xrp/xlm and req or omg m8
(Same person, but not on my phone. I fucking hate phones. Don't even keep a fucking sim card for the piece of shit.)
SKY has tons and tons and tons of hate on Jow Forums and at this point I'm almost convinced that it's paid opposition, but what weirds me out is that there is no real alternative coin to SKY.
I post about XMCC and how it's dual PoS/PoW and somewhat accepted in Monaco as part of its origins. Smart asses like see PoS as old hat now but it was a really new concept when XMCC came out, which is why I bought 5000 for $50 and now it is one of my biggest holds. Blockfolio doesn't include any of my ROI. But sometimes people counter-shill DeCred or other PoS coins.
SKY, on the other hand. SKY has no equivalent in the field. No other currency has been in development for so long, with such a consistently reliable dev team. And few Devs are people like Synth, who is about as /ourguy/ as someone could hope for. I'm almost convinced people shill against SKY because they want the concept they are developing to fail.