/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends


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What a neeword you are.


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Florida is such a shithole, I want out


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then leave you honorary yankee.
a couple weeks back I actually got drunk and bought a bucket helm at my local truck stop for ~$70
not my proudest moment. but I wouldn't exactly call it my worst.

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there's absolutely nothing wrong with buying a bucket helm for $70.

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h8 h9 h10 florida

hey buddy watch it

wake up

'nother scorcher

it's only 80 out
not even humid





t. transplant

nice thread

did NOT ask

Tried making a couple of those things where you cut a hole in bread and fry it with an egg in the middle. Weird/10, would try again. Also I ended up with mini toasts because I didn't want to waste the middles.

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I've never heard of such things.

you should get one of those circle cookie cutters and cook eggs in it, they're good for biscuits

Someone wrote "nigger" in the dirt on my car

you should wear your helmet so they know what you're about

I only heard about it from JRE. It's called something to do with frogs or whatever.

Genuinely good idea. Will get on this.

it was me oops haha

idk if you're the one i talked about the seaworld podcast with but i found out there's a second one and it was pretty gud

i think that's the way they do the eggs for McGriddles at mcdicks but they pop the yolks

>idk if you're the one i talked about the seaworld podcast with but i found out there's a second one and it was pretty gud
Nope, wasn't me.
I've never really cared what people do with the yolk as long as I can taste it. Scrambled is usually my default for making eggs tho.

[B]eil [B]itler

Do I have a Southern Accent? vocaroo.com/i/s1qH5pOkkaYP

>crawss the creek
>dirrtee hand

I just didn't like living off bread and discount meat for a week to make up for it desu
Honestly it's hard to tell. I don't wanna say you don't have one because you don't seem to have any accent, which I reckon is because you're trying to enunciate clearly and overthinking it. Also, could you post the script you were reading off? I'd like to give that a shot.

uh you sound like other people i know so i'd say yeah

based retard who doesn't know what an accent is

Plantway still has the best accent in /dixie/
Change my mind

conways is better


Here is another one where I tried to speak more naturally/quickly : vocaroo.com/i/s1SoYAmVakfw
Script for second: qz.com/259129/quiz-can-you-guess-the-accent/

uh because it sounds better

fuck you

fine i hate your accent then it's shit is that what you wanted to hear?

prefer my accent

jason sounds like a faggot

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I've lived in Arkansas since I was four and I still don't have one. It probably has something to do with my Yankee parents but it makes me feel awkward when I'm around other southerners

you haven't heard my voice though

*materializes behind you*
i've been here the whole time


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>oldsmobile F-body

it sounds sort of like what someone from a more suburban part of my area would talk like
Do I sound like what you'd expect from a panhandler?
Also, Gurren Lagann is a SOUTHERN animu

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you sound like an ag student at my school

Well I don't believe in college but where the hell are you? You ain't rocking a flag, buddy.

>i don't believe in college

>I don't believe in college

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What the fuck am I gonna do with a degree where I am? Vocational certs are where it's at.

>college isn't useful for me
>therefore i don't believe in college for anyone

>college isn't useful for me, therefore it's useless for everyone

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That's not what I said. I just personally don't believe in college. I have friends in college for reasonable careers. But I don't have any intention of going to college and never did.

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yeah it is what you said

I never made any statement about my beliefs for others. That's just what you inferred.

yeah you did right here

>i don't believe in college
what the fuck is that supposed to mean other than you not believing in the institution

It's just how I said it whenever my teachers suggested college to me, I just said "I don't believe that college offers anything I'm interested in." When I say "I don't believe in college" I mean that I personally don't have any interest in it. Like when my fuccboi friend doesn't use any sunscreen so he can perfect his tan he says "I don't believe in sunscreen". I didn't think it was that confusing, all my friends use it that way. This is the first time someone's not understood what I meant.

is everyone in this thread autistic

Well it is an anonymous imageboard general, do any non-autists regularly use these sites? Could be worse, we could be on cripplechan.

back to work, later gators

yes but unironically

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the phrase "i don't believe in x" has always meant "i don't think x should be used by myself or others"

>he doesn't know

not where I'm from, pal. You don't need to get so worked up over it, I already elaborated on what I meant.
>he doesn't elaborate when he has information someone else is lacking

yeah ok "pal" whatever You say

No offense, but you come off as a touch irritable. Anything going on personally or am I just bugging you that much? I don't mean to be.

offense taken

also no this is just how i normally am
most of the time i'm just shitposting though

What do you want from me? I ain't trying to ruffle feathers.

he's a manlet and is taking out his frustrations on you

Well I believe in funposting but I don't like to meanpost unless it's a le*Foid.

>tfw cursed with 7 ft height and an 11 in dick

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do you actually think i'm at all angry

you're just being a meanie

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>unless it's a le*Foid

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when isn't a manlet angry?

not you, Alb*rta. You're alright.

Thank you fren

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l-love you too, neighbor

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why the FUCK does florida exist

Evidently to bother you with friendliness.

grrr h8 florida

i don't recall asking for anyone's friendliness


>i don't recall asking for anyone's friendliness

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das rite
well you got it buddy

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we already fucking answered

can i get a refund

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you can get camaraderie credit :3
based Yang Wenli

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srsly h8 flrda

me on the bottom

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the South is a WARM region, meteorologically and socially.

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