>they’ll just make their own blockchain
>they’ll just make their own oracles
Looks like they did.
>Market data is being provided by the Thomson Reuters data oracle BlockOne IQ for Quorum [private ETH fork made by JPM].
>they’ll just make their own blockchain
>they’ll just make their own oracles
Looks like they did.
>Market data is being provided by the Thomson Reuters data oracle BlockOne IQ for Quorum [private ETH fork made by JPM].
Other urls found in this thread:
>0 replies
>all link posters are too brainlet to understand the significance of this
The absolute state of linktards.
>Quorum is ideal for any application requiring high speed and high throughput processing of private transactions within a permissioned group of known participants
>permissioned group of known participants
Imagine that right now an individual has a WellsFargo and a Chase account. Each has its own blockchain. With ChainLink, it can connect information between those blockchains. It can also “connect to the outside world” such as ATM’s, insurance information, other triggers for executing smart contracts.
What JP Morgan has done is create a secure private transaction within their own blockchain. This is why SWIFT and ChainLink have a critical relationship, because SWIFT spans multiple different banks.
9/10 FUD.
I wish you retards would stop desperately shilling this shitcoin
Link FUD is getting weaker and weaker every day. So what if there are others trying to copy his idea? He literally owns smartcontracts.com. It's like someone tried to make a youtube clone but forgot youtube.com domain is owned by the Jews, so it's impossible to win againt them.
why is this oracle provider reliant on Quorum? Quorum is just a fork off ethereum, why can't the thing be launched on mainnet ethereum?
No money in doing that
you can fud all you want, the time to accumulate is over, Link isn't stoppping.
people finally started to understand they almost missed out on this hidden gem.
if eth can be $1000, so can Link.
Right, except Youtube has 1.3 Billion users and Chain Link has 0 users. Minor detail though. Minor detail.
fren pleas explaine, I am listen
JPMorgan implements blockchain technology for the management of debt. I will give them credit it has probably streamlined the transactions much better, more security, speed, and privacy.
It is inferior to ChainLINK because the Quorum transactions are only for within the JPMorgan’s framework. It will only be as large as that company.
>>they’ll just make their own blockchain
Of course they need their own blockchain, you don't understand how Chainlink works
>>they’ll just make their own oracles
A centralized one with only one kind of data that is provided by a single provider and doesn't even seem to support Hyperledger
That's hardly a general-purpose oracle that is usable for anything else other than that specific case
Youtube had 0 users in 2004 ;^)
so it's no competition to chainlink. like all the other oracle providers
To FUD at a 9/10 level is above your level of understanding previous user was being nice.
>Study pic related and try again
>Chase is part of the banking network tatertot
Why the fuck would any bank rely on a node run by a NEET when they can get their market data DIRECTLY from Thomson Reuters BlockOne IQ. Chainlink is fucking over!
>Imagine that right now an individual has a WellsFargo and a Chase account.
Chainlink is not for use for individuals with multiple bank account. Lmao why would someone with two bank accounts need a smart contract
I appreciate the effort but you can clearly see that biz has 0 influence on the price. It's staying on a steady uptrend. Please find stronger fud, I need to accumulate more
>NEETs didn't know this was going to happen
I told you
Only BTC & XLM Will Survive
BTC because it's BTC
XLM Because It's The Only Corporate Crypto
Stay Poor Lads
What's this guy's motivation for posting this bad FUD? A public service? Hates hearing about LINK? All these autists cheering ChainLink can't be wrong.
it's fucking impossible to fud link. corda fud few months back seemed serious at first. user can say they might fuck up with the release, but that's not very factual. are we really in a situation where we have a token of which even this heavy weight fud board cannot come up with fud to be taken seriously even for a moment? that fucking bullshit oracle mentioned in this article works in some permission access blockchain and is mostly used for transaction. for someone who knows his link this is immediately identified as 1/10 fud to be quite honest with you
Jesus Christ the arrogance. This is just pure arrogance and pure delusion. This is legit FUD and you should be very concerned.
It is me the BlockOne shilling user. Haha said so
Then sell your LINK you weak handed faggot. Go buy block IQ coins (you can't). Go buy the Centralised oracle coins and integrated oracle coins, there are many. Or sell all oracle coins. Just make sure to sell all your LINK so I can laugh at you when you Robin Williams yourself later.
This user is correct. High IQ FUD, nice try OP. No solution will even come close to the reliability and security of the ChainLink network. How the fuck can true automation occur with out full decentralization end to end? Won’t happen with the LINK network
This is what I have always wondered.
Why in the hell would banks and big business want anything "decentralized"? They want complete control of the data not to entrust it to some NEET running a node.
It's the same reason why companies use Windows and MS software rather than Linux and open source shit.
>they’ll just make their own oracles
which will be part of the oracle network chainlink
Because the idea is to get a standard everyone uses and connects to.
They will all run their own chainlink nodes for all kinds of different things.
>Digital Identity
>Trade Finance
>Financial Data Recording
>Land Title Recording
Thomson Reuters is providing an oracle for its own data endpoint. So what? What happens when a smart contract needs off chain data not available from TR? Does it take some business from LINK, yes, potentially. But it's nowhere near a deathblow.
that being said, this makes me salivate for potential uses in AI and blockchain in the legal field (TR owns westlaw)
thats because you are a brainlet who doesnt get the concept of decentralization
you could argue that the downsides outweigh the benefits for banks but you cant argue it doesnt hold any value for them at all
if you want to know why read up on openbanking/PSD2 and why and how it could help banks
This. The PSD2 protocol is to link what the internet is to Google.
For the same reason they outsource their IT environments to AWS (and other cloud providers) and the same reason they outsource staff to India.
They can provide a very similar service at a cheaper cost.
People throw around this psd2 thing without actually explaining how it would connect to the LINK network at all. Name ONE use case for psd2 -> chainlink nodes.
the pajeets are getting desperate. Chainlink will be $1000 eoy, it's literally guaranteed. $3 by end of May. Anyone who thinks ripple or blockone can compete is a pajeet brainlet and I dare anyone to say otherwise.
>how it would connect to the LINK network at all
duh, i also wonder how open bank apis could have anything to do with oracles
BUT BUT I thought that the oracle "problem" was so hard and unsolvable.
Turns out that there were no oracles cause there was no demand.
Get rekt linktards. Centralized oracles by big corps are the future not your weak ass meme token.
Are you retarded?
Why do so many link fudders use reddit spacing? Is it because they all came over here in the last month or two and are desperately jealous of us getting in at
It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over
T. brainlet
but 1k EOY. Does not matter if 40 or 20 cents.
It's just that it doesn't change things. Like we were always prepared. They can make their own or they can use a centralized one that already exists. They can use their own blockchain, they can use something like Corda. So what? What's the point of using blockchain? Is it security or is it an append only log, just sign a hash chain? It's not even the biggest thing that could make link be worth 0. The whole point is, is there a reason for anyone to want a decentralized oracle network or not? Is anyone at all interested? Why? If they want decentralization but 100 wallets control almost all of it, is it decentralization? Who owns the nodes what information are they running? If anyone is interested, why do they want LINK to be expensive? Some people issue their own money, but there's bitcoin, there's Fiat there's other cryptos. I don't know what you're expecting me to say. It's not a gotcha because there are going to be things competing but we don't know if LINK is going to win, we don't know if it's going to be a joke, we just want it to win, we're deluded linkies and that's why it's the moonshot.
But for what purpose?
user i ..
im not sure if you are trolling or just dense?
what is the POC for SWIFT ?
and if you cant think of any usecases of bankingdata for thirdparties im not sure you belong here
>Private blockchain
>centralized oracle
>internal use only
Just use a database at that point
And you should be very concerned about yo momma being a whore, but here we are.
The fact that no one can provide a use case for psd2 data -> smart contracts is very telling. Link is dead
In short, PSD2 enables bank customers, both consumers and businesses, to use third-party providers to manage their finances. In the near future, you may be using Facebook or Google to pay your bills, making P2P transfers and analyse your spending, while still having your money safely placed in your current bank account. Banks, however, are obligated to provide these third-party providers access to their customers’ accounts through open APIs (application program interface). This will enable third-parties to build financial services on top of banks’ data and infrastructure.
Link is done, as I predicated, any big company interested in block chain tech will develop their own shit. I mean they handle thousands of billions of dollars, why would they trust some random ass project with a 2 dev team for something so important? They can afford their own team of professionals
checkity check
Wrong, all the big players are sitting at the same table waiting for chainlink.
but developing a json parser costs gorillion dollars.
They better buy meme token for every api call and pay 10 redundant (unecessary) nodes.
Sure, you keep trusting Rory over JP Morgan
ChainLink was fishy spfrm the beginning, they said "partnership with swift" ala omission to make normies think swift would implement to tech but no, serge just won some shitty contest and gave me some POC that got BTFO'd later on
Same goes for ripple
No, banks won't adopt some erc20 token project when they have the resources to make something 1000x better with real and professional devs (not some Russian guy with a philosophy major).
Checked. Anyone who is developing their own blockchain/oracle no impact on what Chainlink accomplishes. Fine, make an Oracle that handles your own proprietary blockchain alone and only data specific to the types of smart contracts you will handle. What, exactly, do you think Chainlink does? To me this is just another opportunity for Link... another blockchain to write an adapter for. I mean, this is like saying some farm in the middle of nowhere that produces a tiny fraction of the supply of peanuts only wants to distribute locally. Does this have any affect on the global produce market, which is then only a tiny fraction of the industries Link will provide oracle services for? What if Link will be able to increase business opportunities to that little farm without them having to change the way they do business? Do you think they hate money and will say no? Worst case, they'll need a bigger farm.
You can already do this through stupid Facebook apps on messenger. There are apps that allow you to round up your spending and put the extra pennies into savings. There are apps that manage your budget and send you messages on messenger. None of these things require a smart contract. Still struggling to see a use case here.
*from the beginning
*omission = omisego
*the tech
Stupid autocorrector
JP Morgan is also involved in chainlink to some degree (not only them but many other fortune 500 companys). Chainlink IS the x1000 better solution you are talking about but it is build by the ENTIRE fucking economy.
>some Russian guy with a philosophy major
Sergey is not a nobody, he is incredibly well connected and been already rich since 7+ years ago, you gotta read up on his success story. The kikes absolutely love him.
He is the chosen one to make this project a reality.
You are thinking to small, the goal is that the European market grows from several autonomous markets into a unified big market while monetizing APIs and cutting out 3rd parties.
Chainlink is the tool, the middleware that accomplishes all this and more.
Oh you're struggling, alright
this is all what I want to believe
This isn‘t about believing anymore, the facts are all there, we talked here about maybe 2 pieces of the puzzle, but google around put the pieces together and you will see very quick how fucking huge chainlink is and who needs it, who is behind it, who is involved. Its all out there.
Retard we are in a semi bull run. People will just wait till after december
You are truly fucking stupid. You have the brain of a 12 year old with severe retardation that gives them the brain of a developing 2 year old. Holy fuck I’ve never met someone as stupid as you are.
Lol, no
Literally no one can provide a use case for psd2 smart contracts though. I understand how financial MARKET data could benefit from smart contracts. But open banking? Wtf?
Is this bait or are this dumb?
>multiple replies saying “hurrrr it’s obvious”
>zero posts on biz EVER explaining legitimate use cases
It’s empty hype over something that sounds significant but in reality has nothing to do with smart contracts.
It's hard to tell what you're reading too much into and blowing out of proportion. It feels like if it's really this big of a deal and this close to being integrated with all these important institutions there'd be a real smoking gun rather than all these circumstantial hints at what's happening and how well connected sergey is. Idk I still believe but it's easy to feel like I've deluded myself.
Does this mean REQ no longer needs LINK?
I'm blowing nothing out of proportion, the information is all there. just gotta google and rub braincells together.
no, REQ will need chainlink network to deliver all its promised functions.
That’s not what psd2 is
Do you even know what an NDA is? At large banks for public companies we use fucking project names “project daisy” , “project fighter” etc. you keep these things air fucking tight. If you’re in uni or never held a significant corporate job then sorry for being so aggressive. But if you are currently in a career and don’t realize what NDA’s are or have worked in those scenarios then you’re a straight up retard
it is an EU Directive that makes all this shit possible in yurop.
>People STILL don’t fully comprehend what a decentralized Smart Oracle network can achieve.
Good FUD OP, but it’s completely fucking braindead bullshit. Just you fucks wait and see what ChainLink does to your precious shitcoins. Believe me when I say it will make the majority of then irrelevant long term.
>all link posters are too brainlet to understand the significance of this
Okay let's pretend I'm fucking dumb. Explain to me what this means
>transactions are only for within the JPMorgan’s framework
Which is probably ideap for their use case. It's based on ethereum (most corporate blockchains like ethereum for some reason) and has been around for awhile. The best part is, they don't have to follow the stupid pay-as-you go model because it's a more centralized network and the service itself is valuable enough that entities benefitting from it don't have to be bribed to run a node. It's already in their best interest to do so.
IDK, like something that connects a Facebook account to an ebay account to a bank account but only completely necessary information is shared when you move from one place to another? Do you even want that? IDK.
Psd2 is not just “a standard that everyone uses and connects to”. It exists so that third party developers (fintechs) can make apps etc that use your banking info but in a secure way. I’ve yet to see any fintech that would want to use your banking data hooked up to a smart contract
1. JP Morgan have their own Blockchain called Quorum.
2. Market data is now being provided by Thomson Reuters’ oracle, BlockOne IQ. No need for chainlink.
3. J.P. Morgan are using the above two for financial markets shit (the entire market chainlink was supposed to corner)
fucking idiot
And if they want to communicate with others their oracle will have to connect to the chainlink network :)
Generic as fuck
Not necessarily, if every data provider produces their own oracle.
Sketching it a bit.
You Stink Facebook Stink Bank of America Stink eBay Stink You
I don't know if Link needs to be in every step. But then maybe you can use your login credentials to the bank and they go through Facebook but Facebook doesn't see them. Does that make some sense?
>being this desperate because he didn't accumulate enough with his lunch money mommy gave him
yes they will have their own oracles but all these oracles will connect to chainlink so smart contracts can be created and used between all parties.
Holy fuck that has nothing to do with smart contracts
It wasn't supposed to be a contract but multiple. What's a smart contract?
Chainlink connects data to smart contracts. What you described is not what link is for
So much digits! Singularity is right around the corner boys! Iron hands!
What I'm trying to say is, you give some data to Facebook, it stores it. Later you want to use that data and it goes directly to a smart contract and other data you had somewhere else goes to that smart contract and the output instead of going to you goes to another smart contract. I don't know if you want LINK at every step, but somewhere it could be useful, like I don't really really know how I watch videos on Youtube, I just use them.
Ramblings of a retard
Tough audience. If you're better informed maybe you can come up with something better that actually convinces you on this video, at 22 minutes there are some examples.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Actually this might be an example: I just refuted my own FUD
Supply retard. If you really want to compare ETH to LINK, $140 LINK would be it's equivalent to $1,400 ETH.
can't someone buy smartcontract.com...?
Couldn't they always connect their oracle to Chainlink through an adapter anyway? This doesn't necessarily mean they couldn't find use in the Chainlink network.