Why don't you just fucking speak French or get the fuck out of my province

Why don't you just fucking speak French or get the fuck out of my province

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No hablo señor

brrrtt brrrt Péter leurs chevilles

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>Sale pute nègre....
Basé Roi Heenok

so based

Why don't you just fucking speak English or get the fuck out of my country?

*exiles you to Louisiana*


why don't both of you stay the fuck out of my state!

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but you arent speaking french
oh i wonder why that is

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First anglos conquer your country and then they demand that you speak their language? Smdh, even Sw*doids weren't that evil. Free Quebec!


they didn't cross the border, the border crossed them filthy angl*id

Miami is unironically the best part of Florida

t. Juan Miguel Carlos Sanchez Rodriguez Dominquez Gutierrez Fernandez

he said in English

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Please keep the boomer tourists, they're a blight on here too.

holy shit hahaha wtf
explain pls

>il ne connaît pas le Roi

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>not knowing Roi Heenok

Underage or flemish


Allemand pêh
Explique s'il-te-plait

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>Parler le Francais en 2018

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