I think 'the big one' will happen this year

I think 'the big one' will happen this year
post your reaction when everyone in California is dead

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I don't even know where that is

When will San Andreas split already godammit.

So basically the only relevant part of the US.

it's one state away from idaho

Flyovers have been wishing death upon us for years, and surprise, it hasn't happened. Meanwhile, their trailer parks keep getting ravaged by tornadoes, poverty, and meth addiction

Doesn't California have a big problem with droughts?

God I hope so.

Fuck San Francisco and fuck all the governor candidates.

t.Bay Area

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I don't get how everyone in the bay area acts so nonchalantly when there's homeless people absolutely everywhere. Do people in the US not give a fuck about anyone else?

Will it be like that movie with Dwayne the rock Johnson?

Yes, California has no water because it's a desert with millions of inhabitants.

I was a flyover, and I never once hated California. In fact, most of us dream of moving there. I don’t know where this meme of flyovers hating California comes from

I hear that California is a lot like Sweden politically. And that's not a good thing.

When it happens, you'll get the Katrina effect where everyone moves to a different state. Be careful what you wish for

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Probably, but ya a nice place to vacation. I just wouldn’t want to live there because it’s extremely expensive compared to tropical states on the east coast and really crowded. I cannot imagine trying to drive to work there.

because California is so highly populated with Mexicans and Latinos that when they all die Americas demographics will change dramatically
making america whiter

>"The Big One"
>striking most of California
Brailet tier post
It'll fuck the PNW and a tiny bit of California

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Supremacy truly breeds jealousy.

>5th largest economy in the world
>no affirmative action (the wh*tes actually want it reinstated because their lazy asses can't compete)
>outlawed gerrymandering long before it came under national spotlight
>great weather
>actually believe in climate change unlike the uneducated mud-sipping masses in the flyovers
>highest concentration of top universities in the world

How can flyover shitters even compete?

It has periodic droughts caused by the fact that half of the state is a fucking desert you moron The drought ended several years ago

I hate how our cities treat them. When people think 'homeless' here they think people who dont work or your average hobo on drugs, but in reality it includes the working class as well. You got people living in their cars, RVs, encampments, homes having more than one family in them, or homeless centers. The basic idea for cities that aren't often in the spotlight is to just push them away in to the next city so it becomes their problem, which ends up as a cycle. All this over the rising rent prices being caused by the tech industry.

okay geez calm down. I don't have a lot of experience with deserts

We've been trying to build shelters for them for decades, but the suburban HOA boomer shitters keep rebuffing any efforts. If there's one thing awful about California, it's the special breed of """republicans""" unique to the state whose rallying cry is "i want freebies but no taxes."

Honestly I wonder just how many people will really die when this happens..

I fear it'll be in the millions..

I hope all the celebrity's do

>these are the kinds of people who wish death on coastal states

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Looks like they know how to have a good time

>the big one hits california which makes yellowstone blow up while at the same time a large hurricane destroy east coast and creates tornadoes that take out the remaining survivers

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But so much of US culture is located in Hollywood..

I know foreigners on here don't give a shit about US culture, but it represents such a major portion of the world cultural scene.

It'd be a catastrophe in the regards to culture.

So Minnesota will inherit the remains?


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>music isn't culture
>film isn't culture
>landmarks aren't culture
Are you dumb?

kardashians are not culture

>top universitys
you mean gommie brainwashing gulags

Fair enough. But it's not good culture, or something worth preserving.

There is a lot to like about America, but Hollywood ain't it.

>le education r gommie meme
enjoy being the deadweight of the anglosphere, bushnigger

but he's right

i was being sarcastic but im also going to be a deadweight anyway because i have very low self esteem

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heh, sour grapes much?
it's "gommie brainwashing gulags" only because you were too brainlet to get in.

You forgot about all of the active volcanoes on the west coast

I've been through university. Most of it was a waste of time.

You seem like a very naive and shallow person, the kind that modern education produces.