
reclaim your birthright

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i have to admit it lads
I'm a curryboo

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I believe he's vers.

Just want a man who will get drunk on the river with me and spin me on the dance floor

Usually that means bottom although if he's 6'4 most guys will want him to top.

What's the biggest cock he's ever taken? Mouth and anus respectively

how do you guys eat steak if you can't use knives?

jesus /mu/ is a fucking shithole


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Warld War II, or the Seicont Warld War (aften abbreviatit as WWII or WW2), wis a global war that began in 1939 an endit in 1945. It involved the vast majority o the warld's naitions—includin aw o the great pouers—eventually formin twa opponin military alliances: the Allies an the Axis. It wis the maist widespread war in history, an directly involved mair nor 100 million fowk frae ower 30 kintras. In a state o "tot war", the major participants threw thair entire economic, industrial, an scienteefic capabilities ahind the war effort, erasin the distinction atween ceevilian an militar resoorces. Merked bi mass daiths o ceevilians, includin the Holocaust (during whilk approximately 11 million fowk war killt) an the strategic bombin o industrial an population centres (during whilk approximately ane million fowk war killt, includin the uise o twa nuclear wappens in combat), it resulted in an estimatit 50 million tae 85 million fatalities. These made Warld War II the deadliest conflict in human history.

Are you lads shooting your shot?

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generally use a piece of sharp glass myself

>What's the biggest cock he's ever taken?
It's not really something we discuss in the pub.
Plus the only guy I know he's had sex with was this 5'5 french guy.

with our hands like a real man

Stop, I´m on NoFap

ah the dutch

im yelling free v nasty til my throat is raspy

you're an admire of desi culture too?

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Ah yes, the British general

ah yes yourself

all me

jokingly asked my protogf for her mates number and she got really upset

didn't even think she was into me that much does that mean she genuinely likes me?

what makes socialists so overwhelmingly OBSESSED with israel?

looks fucking retarded

Brit on vacation here

why the fuck are you asking /brit/
can't you gauge human emotion

leftypol really REALLY hate jordan peterson, no idea why


I'm literally mildly autistic

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America likes Israel and socialists hate America


ofc both are bottom of the societal pyramid tier

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have to use Firefox as Jow Forums isn't working on chrome

what a shit browser lads

Bruh, I´m polish

he's just spouting very common advice and people treat him like he's a genius

accidentally revealed my power level in toby carvery lads

Doing a 'nime

The Kirk o Scotland is the naitional kirk in Scotland. It is Presbyterian, an asinder frae the Anglican Kirk o Ingland. It is a stablisht kirk, as it is the offeecial kirk in Scotland, but it is a free kirk forby — that is, it isna a state kirk, an disna hae tae repone til the Scots or UK govrenments.

phwoar poley is looking good these days

Ahh yes, the so-called Scots "language"

put yourself in her shoes
you've been talking to a girl for a little while, getting along nicely, flirty, sort of going somewhere
"Oh hey user your friend Chad is cute, can I have his number?"

imagine how the proto feels rn

Lisicki does this to girls all the time because he's autistic too, thinks kissing other girls in front of the girls he likes will work out for him. And yet he has no gf either

left my manifesto in the library printer lads :/

what the fuck is it with all the pakis swarming to gym at midnight in their £50k+ cars?
where do they get all their money?
what is their job?
where the fuck do they go during the day??

I wanna lick her shoes...

landlord's sons, now partners in their dad's business

Eddication is a social science that's scowth hauds teachin an lairin speceefic skeels intangibly an profoondly. It is the impairtin o knawledge, guid juidgement an wit an aw. Ane o its fundamental ettles is the impairtin o cultur frae generation tae generation.

Just had a thunk

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they're all bought on finance
they either run a business, sell drugs, or do money laundering (OR work in IT)

blacks are so insecure

oh right
no it just seemed surprising as she really didn't seem that much into me but she really got upset that day like she said something along the lines of "why are you falling in love with other girls"

all very confusing for a virgin freak aha

ghetto in here flash it

ooo them boys stay nasty

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in hot muslim countries it is too hot in the day so they come out in the late evening/night
they do the same here for some reason
the shopping centre near me is swarming with them past a certain hour

It's "common" in the sense that it's folk wisdom that non-brainwashed people understand to be true, but when you have a mass media that relentlessly pushes the idea that sticking your willy in another man's hairy, shitty arsehole or having it chopped off so you can LARP as a woman are normal lifestyle choices--and huge numbers of people actually believing this or at least pretending they do--reiterating "common sense" is still a valuable contribution to the discourse

did someone say hairy shitty arseholes

How many of you have friends that are minorities?

Why are they your friend?

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did someone say they wanted to hear my dads google history?

>the idea that sticking your willy in another man's hairy, shitty arsehole or having it chopped off
You spend a lot of time thinking about other men's dicks & ass?


Needs more makeup, don't feel she's wearing quite enough in that pic

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never had a single non white associate
feels good to live in a white city


women cant have depression

have a m8 who is somali

he's a top lad desu

i have a couple of black mates and a couple of asian mates
because they're sound lads

Ah yes 0.30am.
If I brush my teeth now I won't be able to sleep for another hour and I'll fuck up my sleeping pattern.

Or I could go to sleep now

the ol' slag folder gets larger and larger the more I browse /brit/

>but when you have a mass media that relentlessly pushes the idea that sticking your willy in another man's hairy, shitty arsehole or having it chopped off so you can LARP as a woman are normal lifestyle choices--and huge numbers of people actually believing this or at least pretending they do--reiterating "common sense" is still a valuable contribution to the discourse
most normies don't care about that shit and still think it's weird

from school, from hobbies, from uni, through other friends etc.

good lad
very much regret moving to paris

so did any of you actually start with the greeks then

I'm a minority and I'm an absolute scoundrel


me in the middle

>nintendo wii
>old sky box
>1 direction lamp
>dvd player

these items scream 2011 yet the quality looks 2014 onwards

I grew up in London so most of them

keep a gold chain on my neck

fly as a jet

boy better treat me with respect

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Honestly would shag a Khajiit if they were real

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yeah haha l LOVE halloumi me hahaha xx

i waste far too much mental energy over-analysing everything

how do i stop doing this

This comeback is so Reddit that even Reddit would clown on it, sort yourself m8

sort of
i read plato's republic when i was on holiday once
it was pretty good but he seemed a bit up himself

I know a bangladeshi guy
he's bi, atheist, and a nerd
he's a good lad

>leccy heater
fucking bitch
bet she lives in a shared house

started with whatever they made us read in high shool

Me in the middle

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feel like giving some online bingo or slots a go
any websites I can just sign up to and they give me free credit without a deposit?

i also read plato's republic on holiday once
are you stalking me and stealing my life?

Think I have MS

Been getting progressively stupider and more dopey and retarded and fucking slow in general
Physically feel as if part of my brain is now inactive

If by "normies" you mean "my prole coworkers over at the dog food factory" then yes, but tolerance of benders and tranners is the received wisdom the ruling class and all who aspire to it

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Reclaim your birthright.

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got every problem right on my homework lads!

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OBSESSED again with the idea of a Russian gf

dire dire dire dire

ava that's not normal