I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter
its not even a joke anymore
keep in mind, the idea that a man could call himself a woman and vice versa used to be a joke too
Stop being a heliphobe, i just made 100k with LINK pumps.
onion rotor
trannies aren't a new thing
Best copy pasta
nigga they absolutely are a new thing
sit down your 20-25 years old ass and listen up instead of thinking you've got all the answers
i was born in the 80s so hardly older than you, and yet up until my adult life trannies were confined to ladyboys in thailand or criminal freaks, the thing you heard about but never ever saw, not in a lifetime
what we had in abundance was crossdressers. men who would wear panties and dresses in the privacy of their home, and drag queens going out and being entertainers. THAT was a thing
now they're nowhere to be seen, while trannies are all over the place. the crossdressing population has been pushed towards transsexuality, and there's nothing organic about this change
at this scale, yes, its a new thing
this degree of taking it seriously instead of just tolerating it with bemusement, thats new.
it is now illegal in my country, canada, not to use a persons preferred pronouns, its against tthe law not to call a man a woman if that man wants to be called a woman.
its mentally ill. we have a sick society feeding on delusions in the name of virtue singalling their tolerence. and its goign to get worse before it gets better
crossdressing is weird, but its not delusional, its not a falsehood pushed as fact and enforced by law. so im fine with crossdressers as long as theyre not parading down the street or dressing like that around children. its just some weird fetish and as a guy who has fapped to monster girl quest im not going to throw stones from my glass house of weird fetish.
but full on delusion enforced by groupthink in the name of tolerence, especially when it starts sinking into law. thats is a problem
and then the surgeries
the genital mutilation and hormone tinkering
thats sick
and its now being done on children. in the name of tolerence.
the imaginary genders being taught in school to confused children who are told they can become whatever gender they want, any gender they can imagine. that there are hundreds to choose from. its seriously messed up.
but hey im just some backwards hick and i need to learn to embrace progressive groupthink mentality. because some lefty university brainwa... educated conformists want to enforce their delusions, by force if necessary, on society. and theyre so tolerent and sophisticated and trendy, how dare i not go along with this.
put some pants on you delusional faggots. just be gay and feminine, thats fine, thats what you are. but you are not actual real women, that takes chromosomes.
watching these men who think they are women, they have no idea what a woman. the psychology and thought process of a woman. they are offensive parodies of real women frankly.
If I lived in Canada, I would just refer to everybody as "person" or some shit. Fuck it, let's all just get ridiculous.
>7 / 13 posts
Keep it up
They can though. They can take rest blockers and pass as cute girls with dicks.
It's called Cultural Marxism. Do a search on it on YT. There's several good videos on it.
This sorta works as an introduction, but it only touches the tip of the iceberg: youtube.com
peoplekind not mankind!
youre welcome
I sexually Identify bch as bitcoin. Ever since I was a solo miner I dreamed about centralising bitcoin. (c)
One thing you learn in physics is that the name you give to something is arbitrary, and doesn't change the it fundamentally. The same is true here, you can call a man a woman or a woman a man, but it doesn't change the fact that a man has an X and a Y sex chromosome and a woman has 2 X sex chromosomes.
Cultural Marxism is a Nazi conspiracy theory (formerly called cultural Bolshevism). Actual Marxists don't agree with it and instead focus on class rather than race, gender, etc. The PC stuff which you would call Cultural Marxism is actually pushed for by right-wing neoliberals.
careful, those kind of comments if said on twitter could get you a visit from the police in the uk
What are your pronouns, Apache?
>right-wing neoliberals
at first that didnt make sense to me, but then i thought about it some more.
the modern liberal is more similar to a fascist then a classical liberal. so right wing neoliberal is the perfect label for this shit.
Seriously? Glad I don't live there lmao.
why do you goys get so triggered? do you literally fucking care this much about what these faggots want to be called? what difference does it make
theres a dude is in jail right now in the uk because he made a funny video where he got his dog to do a nazi salute. he doesnt even like nazis and said as much in the video. one of many many example sive seen.
Leftists dont operate out of some principled manual like human beings
It resembles hostile minority instigation politics in the form of have vs have nots and structural discrimination, which resembles Marxism.
read the thread, maybe youll figure it. unless you dont want to understand
That was a cat in Austria. But maybe the it happened with a dog in the UK as well.
jesus christ
how do i mine you?
I think brapposting is just memeing. Like only children that fetishize incest. When I was in junior high, my sister used to wake up before me, and would often come into my room and wake me up by backing right up into my face and farting. She had AWFUL morning gas, it would literally make me cry. It wasn't sexy, or fun, it was disgusting bullying and I still have nightmares about it.
>im fine with crossdressers as long as theyre not parading down the street or dressing like that around children
>he wouldn't allow him to cuddle with your kids
nigger you paranoid