Are they European?

Are they European?

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is that in scotland or england i haven't heard of it before
t. canadian on vacation

bi-europeon, essentially the flimsiest faggots of europe

regardless of what the euroskeptics say we are part of europe

Their geographical location, Celtic origins and the fact that they have an actual culture that is not solely based on pre-Christian tribalism say otherwise

Europeans in denial. But fuck, I don't want them in Europe, and I'm not even talking about the EU

england right on the border


i swear to god i thought you were the autistic japanese that always makes these kind of garbage threads
are you gonna replace him?

>t.Perfidious Francais


Attached: 1497722354854.png (994x994, 920K)

>t. Perfidious Albion Touristicus

Attached: 1407104445187.jpg (526x348, 65K)

i wonder what it's like up there near the border, I always think of england as so far from scotland

hes dutch

non country

>Brits in denial

Europe ends at the channel, the pyrenees, the alps, the oder and the skagerrak

Carlisle is rural and very English.

Europe ends at every border that was once controlled by Germany

Attached: p6xNgUi.png (1088x998, 271K)

i think its pretty nice, i know a guy that lvied tehre for 10 years. And Newcastle is very nice

there is still a difference between england and scotland at the border desu