Had to go to cali for a two day class

>had to go to cali for a two day class
>saw a fucking lot of WM/LF couples
If American men BLEACH enough latinas, will america become white again?

Attached: 9b8679d49531316efd01eb688a02768d86701d29901dc2568a31c02fc1c781c6.png (969x1125, 1.56M)

No. You're just creating more mutts.

Depends on your definition of "white".

no. are you retarded.

Given how many people you'd have to bleach it's probably way faster to inseminate them artificially. Even then you probably need another round or two to whiten the resulting castizos and mestizos.


Average Spic is already 70% white, at 15% they're basically indistinguishable from actual whites. If you care about skin colour, Arabs and Latinos get bleached in a single generation.
You will always be a mutt deep down though.

Try 60%. And in some places it's closer to 50-55%

Considering a large part of America was founded by Spain, yes. More rape of WASPs by Catholic Mexicans is in order.

Jesus, how fucking retarded do you have to be to write this?


Is this what they call unbiased journalism?

Latin genetics doesn't accommodate white phenotypes, so no.



If anything, Latinos are making America Indio again.

you aren't native, juan gonzales

dont you dare to call me wh*Te again!

>australian education

I thought only Americans wrote stupid shit like this

nice post Pablo "Paul" Castro

I am one of those guys

Memes aside, this is the most common biracial paring in the US.

Not by much, HM/WF is close second.

Very optimistic. Only Brazilians and Argentinians would fit in the 70% white category

Attached: 1515167486970.png (181x565, 11K)


>American men

Latino boys dont get all the white women...then who they date

This on average. Though latinos get butthurt an act full aztec all while tryin to look white

each other :3


>Average Spic is already 70% white
Only in cuba, argentina, brazil and uruguay and a lot of that "white" % comes from moors, andalucians and canarians
And the USA gets a lot of poor Mexicans which are pretty much abbos
I think we have a better chance to bleach arabs

Yes they would

You're retarded if you think that's the average
>I think we have a better chance to bleach arabs

Arabs look like your criollos bro


Attached: arab and latino.jpg (620x430, 27K)

what are you trying to prove? the arab looks much closer to a southern european, the latino looks closer to an afghan than a spaniard

No, they don’t. They look similar to Mestizos and at best like Castizos.

Criollos look like Spaniards (Obviously).

Are you Arab yourself?
Cause like neither of them look closer to being white than the other

Different American flag btw

Attached: 4771CAFB-7A48-451E-826C-60EC0C92CA0F.jpg (400x400, 11K)

Nope I'm of Spanish descent, look at the faces not the skin colour

Sorry didn't realize it was you in the picture :(

Stop embarrassing yourself, Juan Abdul Mohamoud.

He still doesn't pass as white. If you made him lighter he would probably look weird af like those albino Indians or that Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi

Stop being retarded

Who the fuck ever said he passed as white? go learn your country's language you dumb spic

>spic calling others spic

Le connard sale pute

t. Different poster.

Take a chill pill, bro

So you suck at both english and french

Attached: 1485662974810.jpg (1024x640, 71K)

Other guy wasn't me, Juan Abdul.
Don't you have french girls to rape?

Arabs gets pissed easily, it's Juan Abduls culture.

its too early in the morning to rape, gotta have my cup of tea which is the equivalent of a 2l coke for you mister hernandez

You're not fooling anyone, we all know frenchmen drink wine in the mornings. Back across the sea you go, Abdul.

that """"""french""" guy is neither spanish nor arab, but a latino immigrant.