Land of The Free

Land of The Free.

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states btfo

Good, but it's pretty dumb that it had to be a court case anyway just because fags are so intolerant and bootyblasted.

To me it seems like a non-issue. Like, how can you force a guy to do something?

>make a cake for me
>I don't want to
>I will FORCE YOU to work for me

bump people need to see this

I don't see a special problem here
It's the same as a baker refusing an order of a cake from a resident in his next town just because he hates the town and its residents. Or same goes for him refusing it from a man just because of his hatred or policy towards men.
It would be a problem if it was racial stuff though.

Because theres a law in Colorado that you can't discriminate service based on race, gender, orientation etc.
Since he said that he wouldn't serve them because they're gay he would legally be in the wrong.
If he had said he wouldn't serve them because of they're demeanor, or because of scheduling conflicts he could have told them to fuck off while hiding his power level.

If I didn't read the caption, I would've assumed he was the fag in this situation.
He looks gay as fuck.

>Can refuse to make a cake for gays
>Can't refuse to have your son mutilated
Forces one to do a ponder.

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They probably just wanted to use the political climate to get gibs and be crowned BRAVE for the act of attempting to order a wedding cake. Despite the fact that they lost this case they'll still become wannabe martyrs to their noble cause of making the government force people to make gay cakes. Because that's clearly the biggest problem plaguing the world right now.

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You guys are retarded. The same arguments were applied back when businesses could openly bar blacks from entering.

There’s a clear difference between not serving someone because you don’t like them and not serving someone because of discrimination.

go fuck a butt you gross weirdo

The most homophobic people generally tend to be gay themselves. Also why a lot of republican politicians are caught molesting boys.

So are you free to be gay then in the US of A ?

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For every homophobic baker there are probably 10 other bakers who would be happy for the business. Why do the fags always need to cause trouble? Just go somewhere else and leave a bad Yelp review.

We need LGBT terrorism for when the state fails to protect sexual minorities

Except that you're missing the obvious fact that it's a religious argument. To a christian, marriage is more than just a social contract. It's a spiritual covenant as well. The clergy is clear on the matter of homosexuality. According to them homosexuality is a sin, even most tolerant churches fully agree with this. The man is a christian, gay marriage clearly goes against the scripture, and since America is a country in which the right to practice religion is conisdered sacred the government has no right to force a christian man to support a union which goes against his faith. That is the actual argument, and that's why he won.

Religion is the most stupid excuse to hate gays. There are so many sins that Americans commit daily without anybody batting an eye but being gay makes you seem like a murderer by comparison. There are plenty of reasons to hate gays like HIV, voting habits, and mental health but hating them just because a story book tells you to is absolutely brainlet tier.

t. Analy-prolapsed fag


There's a bunch of gender specific stores out there. You shouldn't force them to make what they don't want to. A tailor for female clothes can't tailor suits for men and whatever their reason of being a gender specific is, it shouldn't be enforced by a law. Shit like this over the top demand could affect every such kind of business.

t. nigger

It sets bad precedent and widens the rift in society. The baker who refused to bake them a cake will be extremely successful as customers who agree with his views will flock to his business too presumably encouraging copycats.

it's one thing to demand the same service as everyone else
it's another thing to demand someone cater specifically for your demographic
he can't refuse to sell cake to gays, but he can refuse to make a gay cake
that's the difference
our rights and freedoms end where other people's begin

For real, lets all be clear that a couple of fags were so offended and outraged that some evangelical wouldn't bake their wedding cake they took this all the way to the supreme court instead of just going to someone else who would. They're probably obnoxious self-righteous douches nobody would like.

But this has nothing to do with that. It doesn't require specific expertise nor do you make contact with the customer.

Thank god logic won over fee fees this time. It's all so tiresome watching our world become a massive hug box for the people who scream the loudest

>gender specific
yeah and bakery is not one of it

as a business owner we used to be able to post a sign that stated WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE.
WTF happened. if i don't want to service you i shouldn't be forced to.

He had good reason not to serve them. Not because they were gay, but because they were paid activists out there to purposely cause trouble.

If the gays won in court and the law against being gender specific was enforced it would affect every other gender specific business. Do you want the big mess or you should draw a line if you don't have any practical plan to prevent it.

Rich coming from an argetinian

And our society was better for it. I am a direct descendant of Union Army veterans of the Civil War (69th New York and some Massachusetts Volunteer regiment) and can safely say that they and their entire organization were unequaled in being gullible fools and wreckers of future America. We should have sent the coons back to Africa over a period of ten to twenty years and thus avoid the hellscape that is America today.

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Biggest reason to vote Trump was so that our federal court system didn't get even more overridden with progressive insanity

It would be currently accelerating our cultural demise

>Land of The Free.
Yeah finally living to this name.

>There's a bunch of gender specific stores out there
i thought japan was modern

I made my peace with the concept of people being born gay and have no problem with an individual simply because they are queer. But the "lgbt community" is pure poison and an the worst ambassador of America's horrific anti white/racial homogeneity and anti common sense, culture. Even Israel saw this "community" vandalize a Synagogue.

The lgbt "community" is selfish without equal and venomous to those with the misfortune of being born gay/lesbian.

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>You guys are retarded. The same arguments were applied back when businesses could openly bar blacks from entering.
In fact this died out mainly because in time people realized that it was silly from a purely economic POV to deny a black person service at your restaurant. His money was after all as good as anyone else's money, particularly in the South which had a large black population. Why deny yourself all that extra business and $$$?


I'm going to bed and I foresee that some smug tipper might reply to this with the typical argument about how flawed religious morality is, so I'm gonna preemptively adress this. I just wanna point out that all moral systems require faith. If you really wanna get into deconstruction you must accept that all foundations of all moral systems are axiomatic. So don't go down that road of pointless bullshit. Because then you're just bitching that people who follow a subjective moral system aren't following your subjective moral system.

This is a disscussion about law, and when it comes to American law the man clearly had a strong case, the foundation of which was religious freedom. And no, that doesn't mean that anyone can legally do whatever they want as long as their religion ordains it. Don't start with any reductio ad absurdum bullshit. Just accept that this is a 100% lawful outcome within the context of American law. If you don't like it than try to chage it. That's the reality of the situation and the only thing you can do. And no, I'm not appealing to tradition. I'm just advocating for a pragmatic disccusion instead of some pointless ethereal discussion about axioms.

Faggotry is haram, they are right for once

These guys were professional LGBT activists who targeted this bakery on purpose. There was no other reason for it. If they sincerely wanted a fag wedding cake, I'm sure the Castro has a dozen fine bakeries that will be willing to serve them.

I'm explaining it in my last post. I'm liberal but just being realistic regarding business. This can be a zero sum game that could hurt other businesses, especially self employed ones. Can you guarantee that they like the ones running a small business are always safe from such a law and being sued for not being tolerant to gays or the other gender.

>Because theres a law in Colorado that you can't discriminate service based on race, gender, orientation etc.
>Since he said that he wouldn't serve them because they're gay he would legally be in the wrong

Nobody was denying them service purely because they were gay though. If a gay man went into a bakery and, say, just bought a batch of cookies like anyone would, then it wouldn't be an issue. He'd get served like any other customer. However, a specific request like a fag wedding cake might violate the owner's personal/religious beliefs and so he was within his rights to not honor such a request.

In short, the law states that you cannot deny someone service simply for being gay, but you can deny them service for requesting something that goes against their religion or personal morals.

If there is gay bars and gay saunas, why isn't there gay bakers or bakers for gays?

t. SJW history major retard

So if I went to a bakery in the Castro and asked for a cake with LEVITICUS 18:22 written on it, they'd have to serve me, right?


MasyaAllah. Exemplary muslim soul in the skin of non-muslim. Better than some faggot thread made by b*sniak


lmao US is communist as fuck

I think the issue is that he refused to depict a gay couple on the cake. I think he was happy to sell them a normal cake (correct me if I'm wrong) so this goes into the issue of artistic expression as well. Can you force a drawfag to draw a pony fucking the dead Pope when the guy is a Catholic?

Its about power. They could easily go to a bakery that wants their money, but they need to show this guy that they can MAKE him do what they want.

You gotta live in LA or San Fran to find those

What I don't understand is why they INSIST on giving their money to a buisness they feel is homophobic. The logical reaction should be this
>he we want a cake for our gay wedding
>no way fag
>>ok, we'll go to your competitor, and tell every pro-gay person we know to boycott you

Suing him just turns him into.a martyr for freedom of religion

It's the retard lawsuit culture over here. Everyone turns molehills into Mount Vesuvius because they think they can get $10 million because a waiter spat on them for being black or gay or poor or an autist. Lawyers feed this because they get paid no matter the result.