I love this country sometimes

I love this country sometimes.

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Aren't there prison guards in Australia? Is it a state of jail anarchy like Central America?

Knowing what I know about MtFs I have to believe he enjoyed it.

Just like my Mongolian pornographic embroidery.

>Aren't there prison guards in Australia?
They stay in britain.

Hope he got some nasty STDs the little freak


I'd have thought after the first thousand they'd tell a guard.

God I wish that were me.

Just like my doujins

Fag probably became a tranny afterwards

Wondering hier gaping anal would looks like.

That sounds great.
I want to go to Aus. Fcking feminists.

The counting is based on what ? Per day ? 2000 days in prison in Australia is for what crime generally ?


hello pierre

slutty bitchboy loved it


At least it knows it is going to hell.


>Put a trans with other criminals
You are the best aussies!

Also, since when is Australia an all-male prison?

since this country was created

>2000 times

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That explains why some people decided to fuck abos.


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I bet that boipussi is completely destroyed now.

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Were they Wellington Prisons?
The private prisons there are nasty.

"man raped in prison"

How is this news? It is literally a joke used by stand-ups all over the world. But because this one calls itself a woman, suddenly it's not funny anymore?

>Transgender woman raped 2000 times in all-male prison

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He liked it, obviously. Disgusting fag.

2000 times sperg

Right, and?

I really don't see how someone changing sexes affects any of you in any way whatsoever. Why you gotta be so autisticlly Jow Forums about it?


Himself. Just because he's mentally ill doesn't mean he's not human.

So were they so desperate they'd fuck anything remotely looking like a woman or was the tranny passable?

Pretending you're a woman is perhaps not the smartest idea if you're locked up with hundreds of violent men who haven't seen a real woman in years.

Trannies aren't human.

Whoa, they have reddit in your country? Usually I'd tell you to go back but sit sit tell us what's new. This is off the hook!

How long she's on jail?

Back to plebbit, faggot

If that was an all-male prison it means the trans is considered 100% male. Since he probably larped as a woman he was rightfully raped. Based Aussies.

details pls
asking for a friend
he is a doujin artist


This wouldn't happen if he was a woman enough to be in all-female prison.


Now they all have AIDS


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They can choose which bathroom to use but not which prison? Fucking priorities man.

They don't call it "prison gay" for nothing, they'd fuck a dude once they're desperate enough and as long as he's not as big as they are. Having someone insist you refer to them as the only female you'll see in a very long time isn't going to help him not get raped.

yeah he would have been hanged
butch prisons are way worse

i don't mind a lad saying he's a woman
fair play, no skin off my nose
but don't force me to play along with it or be arrested for a hate crime
don't expect to walk into the little girls bathroom or locker room and get your knob out without consequences
don't start demanding everyone learn your pronouns or face mob justice
and don't start flashing your hairy arse at little kids in your "pride" parade
simple as

i feel bad for this lad who got raped but why is it any worse than the millions of rapes that happen to normal lads in prison?
once again, expecting special treatment
that's what i object to, not someone acting weird on their own time

why don't incels turn gay?
is it not the same thing?

Some of them do, it's an increasing phenomena. Do you think the trap fetish just exploded in recent years because of sexually active, functional people?

i just thought it was the jews haha
but seriously, doesn't this demonstrate that at least some gay/trans people choose their condition?
and surely straight lads going gay out of desperation wouldn't be into half man half woman people, they'd be into lads who were as female as possible
it's an interesting phenomenon
i've gone years and years without sex and never felt like going gay

Your face looks a lil puffy

2000 is abnormally high

>what are traps


Daily reminder that Australians are literal descendants of criminals