Why dont you have a job?

why dont you have a job?

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I don't really want one I lasted about two weeks in a full time job before going back to being a NEET life is just indefinitely better this way.

Millennials are lazy.

because I just worked since last August, have enough money and want to go to Uni this autumn anyways

>that 20 year old NEET boomer

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I'm changing uni courses but my uni is shit and i need to move to Brisbane so im putting it off until next year because im broken and can't move without notice in a few weeks and my dad now thinks i don't want to do it because i don't have initiative and is super disapointed in me now and is probably gonig to tell his entire boomer family AAAAAAAAAA fuck you dad

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Because I suffer from crippling anxiety and depression.

I'm a high school teacher.

Man I don't think I could do it all those insecure 15 year old girls I'd surely be in jail for life.

Millennials are working more hours for less relative pay than both the Boomers and Gen X.

I got my job through nepotism

isolation makes it worse

It's the 7th graders you have to worry about.

Glad you're not a teacher then. But you might be amazed at how non-sexual the students are, at least for me, because they're so horrendously teenage.

Don't make throwaway statements about mental illness you don't understand.

This is how everyone can now tell you aren't a high school teacher.

They're literally in their puberty with 1000% increased desirability in sex, how would they be so non-sexual?

I am a teacher m8.

I mean they're non-sexual to me because I have no attraction to them, because of their terrible teenage attitudes and problems etc. I like my students but I'm not attracted to them, I see them kind of like idiotic teenage cousins who need guidance (and protection when on excursions).

I have an interview friday where I’m gonna demand €20 per hour so they can either give me a lot of money or hopefully not hire me so I can be on welfare.
t. 23 year old with only highschool degree and no experience

Im not going to get a shitty minimum wage job at FedEx ruining my joints and mental health when roasties are gonna make 5x as much from a single night bartending

I'm foreign and can't speak the local language. Feels bad man.

Why would I have one dad? You know I can overpower you and kill you if you dont pay for my shit.

I did this with my last interview, the dogs offered me $15 an hour but i said i wasnt working for less than minimum

Indian fag didnt accept, pretty based i can send him to jail now due to new laws