
virgin freaks fuck off edition

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Any Leb men in?

Rather be a virgin than a Fraser

*storms the thread*

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am a virgin lads

need to buy toothpaste

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The Libertines removed all of its good songs from its "Wish you were here" playlist


hopefully that bradleyposter virgin freak stays in the last thread. don't need him wasting posting space with his bizarre spastic posts about the irish again.

We live in a society where... give me the pity sex I deserve

Gamers rise up

why isn't janny banning the virgins?
don't you have to be 18+ to post here?

Army, Royal Navy or Royal Airforce?

The Irish were so mad at the British trying to civilise them that they'd murder their own children and claim they were being persecuted.

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Many major divorce cases have had pre-nups where the woman is still awarded half the shit mate, it's not a meme

Not to mention she'll wring you dry for child support either way if there is kids involved

the morning routine:
>wake up
>make coffee
>have a wee
>sit down at computer
>join /brit/
>eat breakfast
>drink coffee until i need to poo
>do a poo
>brush teeth
>get ready for uni
>funpost some more
>leave for uni

Normies love to virtue signal and hand out empty platitudes. They think they are virtuous. They are not. They are arsonist dressed up as firefighters. The forest is on fire because they refused to water the plants knowing the hottest summer on record was coming. You cant claim heroship for stopping something you caused. Do they really think showers, haircuts, clothes, better attitude, etc will make men desirable?

They cant admit that some men were fucked from the start no matter what they did. If they admit this, their whole reality would come crashing down. Everything they were taught would have been a lie. Imagine being deluded for 60 years and then coming to the realization that no matter how good someone is, they wont get the affection they are looking for. If men knew that no amount of work would get them companionship, they would start dropping out in record numbers. And we, can have that. The machine needs all hands on deck.

They think they are right but they aren't. They just have more numbers. Everytime their argument falls over they have a wave of people to hold it up. Our arguments are flattened by their numbers so they cant be seen.

They want us silenced so we dont inspire others like us. They dont want other men to say hold on, maybe they're right. History is rife with examples of oppressors trying to silence a minority group through the use of force and subversion. It always works. Until it doesnt.

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Me too

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British army is the worst. The other two are kushty

back to ireland seamus

about how long does it take to grow shoulder length hair

oh ffs the autist is back

how can i watch this deano island

Currently doing a poo

Having a hard time squeezing it out but I'm managing

Some months, it depends on how fast your hair is growing

Ah yes the ol' "I'm destined to be this way so it's not my fault for not trying to improve myself" cope

Did you here about the constipated mathematician?
He worked it out with a pencil ;)

which one is best for killing aryans?

What makes you say that?

>I don't watch Love Island

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/brit/ really is dire

The Irish still think the Moon is made of potato

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I'm not putting a pencil up my arse mate...

how about you suck on these primo nips?

cue the music:

Guy I wen to school with knocked up two different women. He's only 23 an he's having to pay child support to both on a minimum wage job. Absoulute state of some runts.

>watching reality tv

britain cries out for it's own rodrigo "rowdy roddy" duterte

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Watch out lads Dave’s feeling extra today

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is bing malfunctional?

This makes me feel better about my life

The "blame game" outlook is common.

Poo nigger

>wake up
>eat dinner at 10am
>go back to bed for the rest of the day

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abortion should be mandatory

Have 3 mates that are in 3 except for the one in the royal navy he left ages ago

British army mate tells me how shit it is all the time. The other 2 didnt

There's one leader Britain cries out for, and it's not Duterte sweetie xx

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Imagine having sex using a condom, then the girl takes it and pours the cum inside her

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Remember a girl on Jow Forums did that back in the day, think she was called tomboychan or sharpiechan, pretty funny, hey if you do end up pencilling it in take pics alri

Found him

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Watched an hour of the island of love last night to see what the hype is about.
Will never get that time back...

>outside the toilet
bit homoerotic haha

got bad anxiety

would love to have a pint in there
bet there are some right lads knocking about

People will look back on nation states with the same disdain/nostalgia that we look back on tribes/kingdoms

wish we had guns so i could form a paramilitary to sort out the dealers from london invading my little town

Business idea: the man has as much "reproductive freedom" as the woman. he can request an abortion and she isn't allowed a say in it. he can also just walk away from the child without any responsibility towards it, just like women can.

Don't understand?
Thanks for the insight.

My body, my choice you literal virgin freak

yeah search engines are shit for broadcasting

*lends you some*

When this situation we are in happens, women that have unbridled sexual freedom, historically it leads to an extreme patriarchy being re-instituted. This may not be a collapse in a traditional sense, but it will be in Women's minds, which is why they try to hang on to feminism so hard.
First there's a backlash (like MGTOW), and then it morphs into societal changes, feel free to go study cultures with sexual freedom throughout history and see what they ultimately become. Slut shaming was borne out of these changes, and things like that being re-instituted will help men.

This is not a 'what-if' scenario it's already happening.

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sorry wrong pic haha xx

>my body. my choice
>I should be able to cut the fingers off the fetus

ah yes, libmong logic

but then they'd just have guns as well you LARPing little virgin

That's why you pour it into her mouth after.
Same thing really.

was at mum's with the telly on (i think it was england nigeria) and an advert for love island came on
didn't know where to look so i just stared at the telly for the duration of the advert
did they have to say it was a "spanking new" show?
not very subtle is it?

Based accidental anarchist poster

*chooses to use my body to punt you right in the gut*

My body, my choice sweetie

is this pic kino?

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you aight irish boy

an hour of pure banter every night, what's not to like?

>feel free to go study cultures with sexual freedom throughout history
such as?

The Irish thought a gay poo nigger as Taoiseach was a good idea

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>my body
Does the umbilical cord count?

fight it every day lad
keep pushing yourself
within a few months you'll be on top of the world

they already have guns now

what did she mean by this

>spanking new

hasn't it been going for well over 10 years? remember something similar back then

it's someone else's body growing inside you
their body, their choice

god they're so tryhard
bet it's pronounced choo-sick as well

any pasty virgin freak man in

no they don't, this is the yank delusion
(and if they do just call the police)

The ancient Wakandans where hung Zulu warriors pranced about with their BBCs hanging

The fall of Sparta and Athens and many would argue Rome as well

my mind's telling me no
but my BODY
my BODY'S telling me noooo nooo noooo

>he watches love island instead of ice poseidon's RV stream

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the neighbor is a 24yo single mum and she wants me to be her baby daddy lads

>hear her

hmm yes women are truly the most oppressed people in this country. women aren't allowed a voice, I am so glad the BBC is giving them that

If it doesn't have a fully grown brain I can abort it whenever I want

fuck off Nadav


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>tfw my dad is caucasian (from the caucasus)
look polish for some reason though

have you tried just listening for once

Any virgin freaks in?

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ngl I have no idea what that is

>i decide who is human based on what is convenient for me
just like the nazis did